Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Duel between Nikola Zrinski and Mehmed Sokolovic 1554 (Croatian)

Vienac: Zabavi i Pouci, book XXV
Editor, Josip Pasaric, 1893, Zagreb

О dvoboju izmedju bana Nikole Zrinjskoga
i bosanskoga paše Mehmeda 1554.

by Ferdo Sisic

O ovoj zanimljivoj epizodi iz života sigetskoga junaka tek je nešto pribilježio Matija Mesić (Život Nikole Zrinjskoga, sigetskoga junaka. Zagreb 1866. str. 140—141), no svu je gradju crpao iz Hammera (Gesch. d. Osmanen III. 354 i 738) i Istvánfija (Hist. r. hung. str. 234). Pred nama je tridesetak listina (prepisa) iz tajnog carskog arkiva i ratnog ministarstva, po kojima cijeli dogadjaj podajemo u drugoj slici. Listine priopćit će se na drugom mjestu.

Monday, January 29, 2018

Battle of Gorjani from perspective of Ludwig Lodron (German)

Leben und Heldentod des Grafen Ludwig von Lodron. K.k. Feldhauptmanns

Alois Moriggl, 1863

 XVII. Abschnitt,

Ludwig Graf von Lodron, Anführer der Tiroler im Feld zuge nach Slavonien; sein Durchmarsch durch Brixen; Hanns Katzianer, Oberbefehlshaber des kaiserlichen Heeres; Aufbruch und Marsch desselben nach Valpó; Anstalten der Türken zum Empfang der Kaiserlichen; Ankunft derselben bei Essek; Marsch des Heeres weiter gegen Süden; Erstürmung von Erdöd und Herman; Ueber setzung der Vuka; Rückzug nach Valpó; Ludwig Graf von Lodron, Führer der Avantgarde; Unzufriedenheit und schreck liche Noth im kaiserlichen Heere; Flucht des Oberbefehlshabers Katzianer; Graf Ludwig, zum Oberbefehlshaber erwählt; seine Anrede; Kampf auf Leben und Tod; Graf Ludwigs Fall und Tod; sein Monument.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Suleiman at Siget - by Rudolf Horvat 1902



56. Sulejman pred Sigetom.

Maksimilijan je godine 1565. svršio rat s Turcima. Uzalud je pokušao, da sa Sulejmanom sklopi mir. Sultan baci u tamnicu poslanika Maksimilijanova, te 31. siječnja 1566. navijesti Maksimilijanu novi rat.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Szigethvár ostroma 1566-ban - Hungarian poem/story 1857

Szigethvár ostroma 1566-ban, vagy: Zrínyi Miklós halála.
Írta Tatár Péter. Pesten, Nyomtatja s kiadja Bucsánszky Alajos, 1857. O
SZK Plakát- és Kisnyomtatványtár.

Szigethvár ostroma 1566-ban,
vagy: Zrínyi Miklós halála című ponyvát.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Karaman'dan Sigetvar'a: Bir Eyalet


This is the source - book
 This is posted solely for ease of translation.



The historians express different reasons for the Kanuni's last expedition. These have
to be studied in two groups; cease-fire violation of the Austrians which was done for 8 years between the Ottomans and Austria in 1562, again within the context of this agreement the avoiding of paying the annual-tax to the Ottoman State, Maximiliam's attack to the Ottoman protectorate Erdel after his father Ferdinand's death in 1564, that they could not hinder the border violation, that solid fortresses like as Eğri and Sigetvar developed into bandit bases and these bandits tyrannized the people in Ottoman citizenship and their frequently attacks to Ottoman garrisons. Besides these external reasons, internal factors like as that the sultan did not lead his army in expedition for 13 years, and the aim to slip the Malta flop (1565) from the memory, the problem the prince lights (1559) caused to the sultan, the death of the expedition-opponent Sadrazam Semiz Ali Pasha and the succession of Sokullu Mehmed Pasha who supported the expedition were important. But it is without no doubt the most important reason was the goal to ensure the security of the Ottoman areas behind the Danube, which began in 1526 and then frequently expanded.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Ottoman archives 1566 p1


(973 / 1565–1566)

9 Cemaziyelahir 973 (1 Ocak 1566)


Şam beylerbeyi ile Şam ve Sermin kadılarına

İmâret-i Âmire Evkâfı'na bağlı Zeydanî köyü halkından Hacı Ali'nin Kefer-âm

köyünde katledilip para ve eşyalarının çalınması olayında kâtil oldukları iddia edilen şahısların mutlaka yakalanıp teftiş olunmaları ve suçları sâbit olursa, sipâhi iseler hapsedilip durumlarının arzedilmesi, değil iseler gereken cezalarının verilmesi.

Ottoman archives 1565


(973 / 1565–1566)

Gurre-i Muharrem 973 (29 Temmuz 1565)

Çorlu kadısına
Ereğli Limanı'nda batan gemiyi çıkartmakla görevlendirilen Hâssa reislerinden
Hüseyin Reis ile beraberindeki diğer reislere kolaylık gösterilmesi ve ihtiyaç duyduğunda yeteri kadar adam gönderilerek geminin çıkartılmasına yardımcı olunması.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Sas. Vegyes tárgyu iratok az olvasni és tudni méltó minden ágaiból 11.

Sas. Vegyes tárgyu iratok az olvasni és tudni méltó minden ágaiból 11.
(Pest, 1832)

Magyar Leonidas.
ZRÍNYI! édes Hazánk* tzímeres fajzása!
Nyugodgy1! térjedgyen r’ád az Egek’ áldása.
Majd, ha a’ trombita’ rettentő hangjára Mindegygyikünk testét felvészi magára, —
Elődbe sietünk; ’s ölelünk tégedet;
Meghálállyuk akkor nemes esetedet.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

August 26 - First major assault

Scene - First major assault on outer fortress

August 26
South of Outer Citadel, bastions and walls

Before sunrise Ali Portuk sent the command to move the giant siege platform into position.  Hundreds of rayah and Ottoman workers pushed the ramp against the wall of the citadel.  The platform was both a raised platform for the artillery and Janissaries with muskets to fire at the defenders and it was a ramp and bridge to help soldiers cross the mud and get them to the top of the bastion (wall).

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Letter from Chantone September 22 - translation

Győr camp. 1566 sept. 22
Excerpts from Chantone's report to his king about the fall of Szigetvár.

Siget still stands and the sultan will not move from there ul he takes it even if he has to lose Buda, Esxtergom and Székesfehérvár.

Soon we came to the conclusion that the Turks had failed in 15 assaults and the walls were so destroyed by cannons that the insides of the fortress could be seen.  A mountain was made from which they could fire into the fortress.  There can't be more than 500 or 600 people. 

Letter from Chantone September 2 - translation

Komárom camp, 1566. sept. 2.
Excerts from Spanish ambassador Chantone to his King about the siege of Siget.

(Note: probably information before the assault of Aug 19, see last paragraph where Zrinski sends two people to emperor)

Letter from Chantone August 10 - translation

I have tried to translate this letter
Maybe someone can help improve it

Vienna, August 1566 10th
Extracts from the Spanish envoy Chantone's report to the Spanish King Philip II from the siege of Szigetvár.

Friday, January 5, 2018

August 29 - Suleiman's most unlucky day

August 29

Sunrise was at about 6:05 am

Suleiman awoke early on his lucky day in anticipation of the great assault and a glorious victory that would be spoken of for many generations.  He thought of the three weeks that he has spent here at Siget and was bewildered by how a small handful of soldiers defied his force, the army of the most powerful ruler in the world, and the great sacrifices with which every assault was paid.  He could not understand how Zrinski was able to refuse his offer of all of Croatia if he surrendered. If surrender did not come from his generous offers then by a mighty conquest the fortress will be his.  He also thought of how happy he will be to leave.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

How Gaspar Alapic got away

Interesting discovery that I stumbled up.
I have not seen this mentioned anywhere before.
Most accounts just say that Alapic was ransomed by Juraj Zrinski.
This is the type of detail that makes the story interesting.

I did the best I could at transcribing the Latin.
Translate as you can.

Georgius (Juraj) Rattkay, Memoria regum et banorum regnorum Dalmatiae, Croatiae et Sclavoniae, Vienna, 1652, page 137-38 (source)

1539: The death of Johann Katzianer

  Informal translation from: “ Povijest Hrvata od najstarijih vremena do svršetka XIX stoljeća”, volume 3, part 1, by Vjekoslav Klaić, 1911...