Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Letter from Zrinski - April 19, 1566

Letter from Zrinski
To Orsolya Nadasdy 
April 19, 1566

Can anyone translate this for me?
Does anyone have a copy of the original in Latin?

Monday, July 17, 2017

Siget – Histoire Universelle de Jacques Auguste - 1564-1570

Siget – Histoire Universelle de Jacques Auguste - 1564-1570

Note: There are probably OCR errors that I can't catch since I am not a French speaker.  This is a translation of a book written in 1620 in Latin.  Also this is in a 1734 version of French.  There appears to be an English translation but I can't find online the volume that contains 1566.

Friday, July 14, 2017

Boj za Siget iz Zivot Nikole Zrinjskoga, Matija Mesić, 1866

Zivot Nikole Zrinjskoga, sigetskoga junaka
By Matija Mesić, Croatia, 1866

XII.  Boj za Siget

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Play: Niklas Zrini, in German from 1790

Niklas Zrini
Oder die Belagerung von Sigeth,
- Ein historisches Trauerspiel
in drey Aufzügen.

Friedrich August Clemens Werthes.

Wien, bey Johann Paul Krauß

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Szigetvar - A compendious history of the Turks

A compendious history of the Turks:
containing an exact account of the originall of that people; the rise of the Othoman family; and the valiant undertakings of the Christians against them: with their various events.

Author: Moore, Andrew, Gent
London: Printed by John Streater, 1660

Newes from Vienna the 5 day of August 1566

Newes from Vienna the 5. day of August. 1566. of the strong towne and castell of Tula in Hungary xl myles beyond the riuer Danubius, which was cruelly assaulted by the great Turke, but nowe by Gods mighty working relieued, the sayd Turks marueilouslye discomfited and ouerthrowen.

Friday, July 7, 2017

Szigetvar - A Magyarok Történetéből

A Magyarok Történetéből

Author: Miklós Istvánffy
Editor: Székely György
Translator: László Juhász

Szigetvar - Magyarol Dolgairol Irt Historiaja

Magyarol Dolgairol Irt Historiaja
Istvanffy Miklos

Tallyai Pal XVII Szazadi Forditasaban

Mind az egész hadnak penig somma szerént való száma, mely különbféle részekben és táborban valának, ha mind együvé vitettek vol na, huszonötezer vagy több lovas és nyolcvanezer gyalog nép számát könnyen meghaladni ítéltetik vala. Az ellenséghez sokaknak Íléictiböl hasonló hadi rend (azkiknél az had az sokaságnak hírével inkább hogysemmint igaz számmal állani és erejével) meglenni mondatik, hí; az császár az ő tanácsositól és Svendytől el nem hitettetvén az hadako. zásnak inkább eltűrésének, hogysemmint annak indításának gondop kodásit és tanácsit elővenni akarta volna.

Letter from Nikola Zrinski to Orsolyá Kanizsai (April 1566)

Nikola Zrinski sent this letter April 19th 1566 to Orsolya Kanizsai, the widow of his late commander Tamás Nádasdy.  In the letter Nikola explains his plans and asks for Orsolya's support.


This is an interesting letter showing the character and mindset of Nikola Zrinski. It seems that Zrinski truly had a love for his nation and was willing to fight for it and if required become a martyr.

Opera - Nikola Subic Zrinski

Nikola Subic Zrinski – Opera



U Boj, U Boj - To Battle, Into Battle

There is a great song about Nikola Zrinski' final charge against the Ottoman besiegers of the Fortress of Szigetvar.  From the Croatian opera "Nikola Subic Zrinski.  There are a few translations into English but none of the translations are very good - that is communicate the heart of the message in an eloquent way.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Szigetvar by "Pannóniai Istvánfi Miklós magyari dolgokról való históriáinak ..."

Pannóniai Istvánfi Miklós magyari dolgokról való históriáinak huszonharmadik könyve. [...]
Tállyay István fordításában
Sziget szállása

What Nikola Zrinski said to his troops before the Ottomans arrived (in Latin)

What Nikola Zrinski said to his troops before the Ottomans arrived
In Latin with my poor translation

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Magyarország Történelme irta Mihály Horváth, 1861




A Mohacsi Utkozettol a Linczi Bekekotesig
Pesten, 1861.
Heckenast Gustav Tulajdona

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Szigetvar in "History of the Turkish Wars"

History of the Turkish Wars
In Hungary, Transylvania, Austria, Silesia
Printed by J. Cottrel, 1664

1539: The death of Johann Katzianer

  Informal translation from: “ Povijest Hrvata od najstarijih vremena do svršetka XIX stoljeća”, volume 3, part 1, by Vjekoslav Klaić, 1911...