In Latin with my poor translation
Historiae de rebus Hungaricis
Miklos Istvanffy
Trying to translate from Latin
Interea Zrinius, qui jam antes commeatus
vim ingentem et res quaecunque tolerandae obsidioni necessariae forent,
abunde curaverat, tormenta in moenibus idoneis in locis constituerat, corbes
terra oppletos per omnes stationes ordine disposuerat, propugnacula et moenia
suis quibusque praefectis custodienda distribuerat, viso hostilium,
exercituum adventu, omnes praefectis et milites in arcis interioris aream
convenire jussit, cumque ad eos descendisset, pro concione in hunc disseruit.
inexpectatum neque improvisum fortune casum, fed quod diu antea forti pectore
expectatis, bellurn jam videtis, commilitones, Turcarum nempe Principem
magnis copiis undique ex Asia atque Europa contractis, omnes vires fuas,
adverfus nos atque hanc arcem perdomandam adduxisse, eamque nobis
necessitudinem impendere, ut pro patria, pro libertate, pro vita certandum
fit, et locus hic maximi ad tutandam patriam momenti, in dextris virtuteque
nostra, et efficacibus armis positus, ante omnia nostram industriam,
fidelemque et constantem operam exposcere videtur.
enim cum, juxta Dei immortalis opem, ab excidio quod hostes minantur
conservabimus, omnia nobis tuta erunt, divitiae, honores, opes, decus, gloria
abunde suppetent; praeterea libertas, salus, pax, incolumitas patriae, cum
aris, focis, conjugibus, liberis non nostris folum, fed omnium, quotquot
nomine Pannonico, imo Christiano censentur, cum immortali nominis nostri
gloria una salva erunt. Sin metu aut ignavia cesserimus, quod de fortissimis
et exercitatissimis militibus, quales vos esse facto faepius periculo
compertum habeo, minime libet ominari, omnia adversa sient, et quem arma et
virtus non texerint, neque aliud quiequam teget, aut tuebitur.
opus eft, commilitones, belli gloria et virtute sua quemque fretos ire in
aciem, atque non tantum magnificum adhortatorem, et verbis tantum ferocem, et
interim operum militarium expertem; fed qui et ipse tela tractare, procedere
ante signa, versari media in mole pugnae sciat, vadentem in hostes, et divini
numinis ope consisum, fortiter et impigre sequi. Non tantum verba mea exequi,
vos milites, fed etiam facta imitari volo, nec disciplinam modo, fed etiam
exemplum a me petere. Aspera quidem res toleratu obsidio erit, fed vos ut
fortissimos et expertissimos omnium humanorum casuum viros, timere eam aut
horrescere minime decet, neque inertia aut mollitia animi labefieri. Aderit
Deus Opt. Max. fortiter pro patria pugnantibus, et qui nosin multis et magnis
fæpe periculis servavit, nunc quoque, fi socordiae atque ignaviae nullum
locum dederimus, ex hostium faucibus atque ensibus minimo negotio eripiet,
dummodo ejus protectionem vigilando, agendo, bene consulendo, nec quicquam
hostibus cedendo, nuncupatis votis imploremus. Quod itaque instat periculum,
commilitones, armis fortiter avertendum est, et virtus ac decus ob oculos
statuendum; ita ut aut libertas salusque omnium vindicanda, aut si fors ita
tulerit, honestissima mors pro patria oppetenda fit quam; aeternae laudis
nunquam intermoritura memoria in terris, apud superos vero certa et perpetua
animorum felicitas consequutura est.
postulo a vobis, ut ficuti ego vobis et huic loco tuendis me side obstrictum
in vestigio reddere cupio, ita vos
fidei, quam Caesari debetis, et dignitatis meae, ossiciique vestri memores, vicissim Caesari, postea mihi, et
loco huic ad extremum spiritum tuendo,
mutuum sacramentum praestetis; ea conditione, ut Ii me de urbe hostibus
tradenda, quod procul absit, pessimum aliquod facinus forte amplecti
animadvertetis, minime pareatis, quin eo momento vos sacramento exsolvo:
contra si quem ego vestrum cujuscunque is fuerit ordinis, meditati infamis
ejusmodi slagitii rerum deprehendero, mea et legum militarium usus
auctoritate, extremo supplicio statim afficiam.
Stationes et excubias quilibet vestrum
diligenter obeat, milites Centurionibus, Centuriones tribunis obtemperent,
nec insciis praefectis, aut eorum injussu quifquam loco se subducat. Nemo cum
hoste colloquatur, nemo hostium literas recipiat; aut si illas, ut sieri solet,
in arcem fagittis aut telis missilibus
injectis receperit ad tribunum, is vero ad me perferat, igni tradendas.
Postremo si quid mihi humanitus contigerit, ut rerum humanarum diversissimi
casus, ac incredibilis inconstantia est, Gaspari Alapino, sororis meae filio,
quem hic praesentem cernitis, vos
obtemperare volo, et in praesens
Google translate
In the meantime, Zrinius, who have
already finished rows supplies a vast quantity of, and is composed of
everything relieving the necessities of the siege are necessary they would
be, 'tis more over his, and their artillery on the walls of the city suitable
places to over, namely, baskets of the land is filled with mistaken in all
the stations in the order he appointed, minding, and its battlements and its
walls, through their own governors, to be guarded by distributed and given
away, having seen the enemy' s, of armies, the coming of the, all the
overseers, and to the floor of the interior in the coffers of the soldiers to
come together: for he commanded it, when you come to them, went down, he
spoke also on behalf of an assembly of the into this.
" It is not unexpected nor an
unforeseen fortune from the case, but that a long time before a brave heart,
then waited for the war already, you see, comrades, it is the Turks, that is
to say the prince of the large number of troops from all parts of the
province of Asia and all Europe with the design, all the forces, be less
true, against the good man of us, and this citadel complete the conquest of
with bringing up and, holding it to us, which compelled the make use of, to
fight for their country, for freedom, we have to fight for the life of the
case, to the welfare of his country, and the place of the greatest importance
here, in the right hand of the power of our sins, and efficacious for the
force of arms, this child, our industry, before all things, and faithful, and
the continuing work to require that we should be made.
For if, when, according to the immortal
God, the aid of, for the destruction that threaten the enemy, maintain, all
will be safe; we shall, riches, honors, wealth, and honor, and glory in
abundance on hand; In addition, the freedom of, man's salvation, peace, and
security of the country, with a hearths, hearths, wives, children not on our
own alone, but of all things, as many as the name of the Pannonico, the
bottom of the Christian world are considered to be, for an immortal one of
our name is the glory of the one will be safe. But if the fear or
indifference, yield a little, that he was of the most valiant of the
soldiers, and they are well-trained, as ye are, faepius the risk of the thing
made say for certain, least of all just happy to have divined all harm and
tanned, and him whom his arms, and power there is not to be pleaded for, and
the only thing that anything will cover, or will guard us.
Now the task it is, comrades, how by his
own courage and the power, and the glory of war, to go into the field, and
with the adhortatorem not only magnificent, and in the wild only in his words,
and in the meantime of a soldier's destitute of it but who also himself to
handle weapons, to advance before the standards, should know how to play his
part in the melee of battle, charging in person against the enemy, and the
gods, the divine help of the Consist, firmness, and his utmost to follow them
up. To carry out, not only by these words of mine, you, the soldiers, but of
the wish to imitate has also been made, not only for, but also give an
example from me, to ask the. As the rough and this thing is all to be
endured, there will be a siege, but so that you, of all the heroes, and they
expertissimos of human fortunes, the men go, certainly ought not to be afraid
of it, or be struck with horror, nor the uniform level, or want of spirit,
labefieri. May God Bless. Max. bravely for their country and they fought with
him, and those who are up for the many and great faepiùs the dangers of this
essential reason, now, too, if it resigned to sloth and laziness not in
place, we have given, from the jaws of, and sword in hand a very small
business that also deliver us, as long as his protection of their wakeful
hours, doing so, as well, by way of counsel, and there was nothing to the
enemy a series of withdrawals, vows call. Accordingly, what is of imminent danger,
comrades, it is strongly guarded against the arms is to say, on account of
the honor and the power, and the eyes of the point to be settled; or their
freedom and safety of all, so that the claim, or, if chance would have
carried it off, it becomes as an honorable one to death for their country and
oppetenda; in the lands of eternal praise to the memory of intermoritura will
never be, will attain the happiness of souls in the world above, however, it
is a sure and perpetual.
For this reason, desire a request of you,
that fit to the skin, I will be to you and for this place, in the defense of
me, side, bound to them in their tracks; to render to I want to, so may you
be of faith, than to Caesar; you ought, and of my dignity, ossiciique of you,
being mindful of, in turn, to Caesar, but was told afterwards, and in place
of this, at the end the spirit of defense of people's borrow mystery
praestetis; but with the condition, In order that those me out of the city to
the enemy to be handed over, it was far, far, the greatest evil shall commit
any great chance to embrace notice what was, least of all to obey the, Her
passion for him a moment of you, the sacrament of the paid while on the
contrary, if I, whom I have of you, no matter what he was the one of the order,
have meditated infamous in the eye of this kind slagitii of things, he shall,
with my own used by military and law, were immediately put in charge.
He stationed garrisons of carefully
exercise of personal initiative, and the charge of each one of you, the
soldiers, the centurions, the centurions comply faithfully with the captains
of thousands, and not unknown to themselves, the prefects and the quifquam,
or in place of him to withdraw from their permission. No one who saw the
enemy, and have converse with, none of the enemy might receive his letters;
or, if them, so as accustomed to accustomed to, they receive it to the
commander of the citadel of the injected fagittis with missiles or darts, by,
but it came to me, he will suffer the fire that is transmitted to another.
Finally, if any to which human nature it happens that the most diverse cases
of human affairs, and the incredulous to his inconstancy belong to, Gaspari
Alapino, my sister's son, whom I, here present, you see, I want to obey you,
and at the present time to set up. "
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