Thursday, September 14, 2017

Nikola Subic Zrinski or the Fall of Siget - Translation to English

A play by Stjepan Marjanovic, 1840

Stat sua cuique dies; breve et irreparabile tempus.
Оmnibus est vitae: sed faman extendere factis, hoc virtutis opus.
 - Virgilius.

Each man has his appointed day: short and irreparable in the brief life of all,
 but to extend our fame by our deeds, this is the work of mankind.
 - Virgil




A Tragic Play
In 5 Acts

Based on the German author
Theodor Korner

Stjepan Marjanovic

Translated into the Illyrian (Croatian) language
and given to the world.

In Pecs
Printed by: Bishop’s Printer

Note: yes there are typos.
Sorry - I have become dyslexic to them


Suleiman the Great, Turkish sultan
Mehmed Sokolović, Grand Vizier (Croatian Potur or convert)
Ibrahim, Governor from Anatolia
Ali-Portuk, commander of the artillery
Mustafa, Bosnian pasha
Levi, Suleiman’s doctor.
Hudzu Arapina, Suleiman’s official
One Aga
One Messenger
Many Turks

Nikola Šubić Zrinski, viceroy of Croatia, Slavonia and Dalmatia,
Commander of the Siget Fortress
Еva, born countess Roszemberk, Nikola’s second wife
Helena, their daughter

Kaspar (Gašpar) Alapić
Wulf (Vuk) Paprutović
Lorenz (Lovro) Juranić
Petar Bačetić

Francis (Franjo) Šerengović (Črnko), Nikola’s chamberlain
One peasant
One messenger
Many soldiers

Time: The year by the birth of Christ, of this bloody battle, is 1566
Location: The first half of the first act is in Belgrade and then at the fortress of Siget.


Dvorana Sulejmanova u Bělgradu.

Prizor 1.

Mehmed Sokolović i Levi,
(hodaju po sobi.)

Ja neznam, alleh mi! i velikog proroka moga Muhameda! što je nasěm mnogomožnom caru Sulejmanu. Istom odsědosmo, i umah, kao od kaplje pogodjen, zamukne. — Baš malo prile bih kod njega, i najdoh ga pri stolu zamišljena sěditi.

Da se nij zbilja razbolio? --Tako, tako sva prilika; ovamo starost, onamo opet toliki bojevi i dugački put, — věndar čudo mi je, da po me nepošlje! — -

Prizor 2.

Predjašni i Hudžu

(unidje i nakloniv se po istočnom hadetu, govori)
Levi, na zapověd velikog sultana, k njemu!

Jesam li kazao, da je bolestan- - Moram hititi. (odidu obadva)

Prizor 3.

Mehmed sam.

Dakle sam mu ja iz volje izišao? - Levia zove, a mene šutkavicom odbija? O samo, da mu nijsam ništa napoměno od. - Ipak, ipak, nije baš tako, kako ti misliš Sokoloviću! 

(udara se po čelu) 
Ta ja nisam lěkar, nijsam vrač. 


Prizог 4.

(Narešena velika soba.)

(šedi pri stolu zamišljen)

(unidje i poklvniv se caru, govori.)
Njihovo mnogomožno carsko veličanstvo - po mene su poslali? — — Dostojali ste mene zvati, veliki Sulejmane? — — kob stoji pripravam na magnutje onoga, u čiji mu je rukuh život i smrt! — — (za se.) Još nikakvog odgovora? – (glasnije) Oprostite, veliki care! Moju mi smělost za zlo neprimite! Možebit ste bolestni? —Jest, gospodine, vi ste bolestni! -

Sve da sam, — ti mi nepomožeš.

Ipak, ipak, mnogomožni gospodine! — Věrujte starcu vašemu Leviu. Ako tko može, ja mogu. Il vas nijsam puno osvědočio, koliko od vjernosti, toliko i od umětnosti moje? Već jurve četerdeseta godina teče, odkako se za zdravje skupoga vašega života skerbim. Što prie od velikih umětnikah naučih, i što mi poslě věžbanje saznati dade, na vama sam već sve srěčno upotrěbljavao, i srěćno ću s pomoćju Jehove kako mislim upotrěbljavati do konca života moga. Ja, věrujte mi, dobro poznam unutarnja těla vašega, i duševne vaše vlastitosti. Kažite samo, i svaka ću činiti, vaše bo je zdravje život naš. Jedan vitez i car skupa, toliko vrědi, koliko čel narod čověčanski.

Ja tebe verlo dobro poznam s stari slugo, i poznam tvoju vjernost. Već višјеputah oćutih ja na sebi srěćne poslědke tvoje umětnosti, zato sam te i potražio. Каži mi ali samo istinito: koliko mi još godimah života moga obećaješ? Budi, kakov si i dosad bio , i kako se vjernom slugi pristoji, iskren, budi istinit! Koliko ću još godinah živěti? — Ja hoću istinu!

Gospodine! na to pitanje može samo onaj, onamo gor, odgovoriti. Kod ovog pitanja mora moja umětnost mučati.

O sperdnje od čověčanskoga znanja! Unutarnja těla, hoćete da saznaděte; otajne duševne vlastitosti da preměrite, a neznate, dokle će sva ova uredno postupati, neznate, kad će se u terku svojem pomesti.

Mnogomožni care i gospodine! nešvanjite ovu plemenitu umětnost. — Tko je ikada nebeski věćnik bio, da bi znati mogao, što je Allah zaključio? Gdě je onaj čověk, koi je još unutarnja naravi odkriti mogao? . Mi samo, care moj i gospodine! kano lěkari, ali zajedno i ljudi něšto malo polag našega věžbanja saznajemo, ali sva znati, sva pogoditi, umu čověčanskomu dano nije. Medjutim věndar sěgurati vas mogu, gledeć na vaš stas, na vitežko – vatreni vaš pogled i na vlasti tosti duha vašega, da ćete još nekoliko go dinah poživeti.

Još nekoliko godinah? Je li tako, Levi?

Tako, gospodine! ako se samo uz buděte čuvali, ako kreposti vaše hotomce po izpraznih brigah razsipali nebuděte, onda vam mogu još deset godinah obećati. Vami je dano, što rědko kom Bog daje, tja do starosti, krepost, slavu , sreću i predobitja uživati, a tada lovoriku na srebrobojno glavi vašoj nositi. — Sada mnogomožni care! malo se razaberite odpočinite od srěćnih i slavnih bojevah vaših! Ono vrěme, koje je još Bog vašemu skupomu životu nadodao probavljajte u miru! Vami je nebo višje dalo, nego život čověčanski. Vi ste već věkověčno živěli.

Muči, starče, muči! Višje nijsam tražio? Deset godinah obećaje mi tvoja umětnost, kad bi u miru sedio? – Ja sam na boj naučan. Valjda ću vojujuć moć još jednu godinu danah iztrajati. Ja višje netražim. Idji, pa mi zovi Mehmeda.

(poklonio se ode.)

Prizor 5.


Da se čuvam? Da iskru onu kreposti i snage, koja još u vitežkom tělu ovom sědi, u bezposlenom životu obumerati gledam? — Kad sam se rodio, svět je derhtao, nek i sada derhtje, kad prolazit budem morao u věkověčnost. To hoće vitez, to hoće car Sulejman.

Cerv se rodi, i malo posle nogama se gazi, niti se znade, da je kada živ bio , ali sa mnom to biti neće. Ja hoću ime, hoću slavu po smrti mojoj. Što je Aleksandre, što Rimljane, — što Cezare, — što Hanibale glasovite učinilo? — Вој, — rat. — Zato te još zadnjiput pozivam, kućo austrijska, na boj! Odvijaj stege tvoje! Vitez Sulejman hoće, da kano slavodobitnik s ovoga světa polazi. Na tvojih porušenih zidinah, Beču, osvetiti, ću ti se! — Pripravljaj se! Sakupljaj tvoje vitežke bojnike! Past moraš. Nek svět znade da lav umira. A Beč nek mi slobodno tada smrtnu baklju zapali, nemarim.

Prizor 6.

Sulejmam, Mehmed.

Moj gospodin i car traži slugu svoga?
Evo stojim pred tobom na sva pripravan!

Podaj zapověd na polazak; vrěme je skupo, a odluka je zrěla. Idji i navěsti to mojim junakom!

Zar tako rano, mnogomožni care?

Je li se kad rano k predobitju došlo?
— Tko je već s jednom nogom u grobu, onaj znade srěčne ure cěniti, koje ga, dok je světa pripovědale budu.

Pravo veliš, veliki Sulejmane!

Moja je zelja Beč razoriti. Zovi mi ovamo vojske moje vodje, da se š njimi malo razgovorim. Kasniti neću.

Vani su, i čekaju na tvoju zapověd.

A tko sve?

Mustafa, Ali-Portuk i Ibrahim.

Pošlji ih k meni. To su junaci. Te dobro poznam.


Prizor 7.

Sulejman sam.

Bojna voljo, kreposti, vrěmenu, nezapustite me!  Budite mi vjerni! i je li to, ne marim tada umrijeti.

Prizor 8.

Sulejmam, Mehmed, Ali-Portuk,
Mustafa, Ibrahim.

Dobro mi došli, podpori mojega carstva! Dobro mi došli, svědoci mojih predobijah!

Mnogomožni gospodine i care! Tvoj nam je častni veliki vezir najavio, da si sjutra zorom polazit zapovědio. Mi smo pripravni, veliki viteže! Pripravni smo za te, i za poštenje velikog našeg proroka Muhameda s veseljem k smerti ići.

K predobitju ići ćete, a ne k smrti — — — Vami je dobro poznato, kako mi austrijski Maksimilian, koi se rimskim carem piše, već dve godine harač davat prestade, i kako Tokajske dvore zaderža. Sad pako zaklinjam se pred Allahom, i svetcem Muhamedom, na ovom ću se kaurinu porad te – meni učinjene krivice i sramote osvetiti. Izkorenit ću to psečje pokolenje, koje velikog našeg proroka tlači. Polumesec nek na zemlji vlada. Zato ću rat.

Moji su vitezi pripravni.

Care i gospodine! za bojni živéž tvoje vojske dobri stoje vodje njejne.

Tako je, možni viteže!

cěla žedja za kervju kaurskom.

Istina je. Ja te kaure dobro poznam. Vitezi su, momci su tako da kažem nepredobitni; ali, čim ih težje bude predobiti, tim će predobitje slavnie biti.

Predobitje će doduše težko, ali věndar sěgurno biti; jer je naša bojna rěč: „Sulejman vojuje! Sulejman vojuje"!

Zato te pozdravljam, nesporedljivi care! strahovitom bo se silom podižeš sada. Još nikad nije većja vojska u austrijske deržave ulazila. Dve stotine hiljadah broji tvoja vojska. Hamza-Beg stoji već sa svojom silom na Dravi, da ti most preko nje gradi; a Mehmed-Beg već okol Sikloša predobitja čini. Noćju preko rěke ove predje spoměnuti veliki bojnik u Ugarsku, da ti put prokerči.

Vitežtvo njegovo slědila predobitja! Sad, vodje! sad je došlo vrěme! — Il uzmimo put žurnim korakom uprav pram pervostolnomu austrijskomu gradu, i ostavimo Siget; ili pako hajdemo u suprot vojsci, koju Maksimilian kod Beča sakupiti kani. — Sto misliš, Sokoloviću?

Moj care i gospodine ! ako na meni stoji, ja velim , da udarimo najprě na Siget. Nikola knez Zrinjski, glasoviti i strahoviti onaj vitez, sad je u Beču, kakono moj glasonoša najavljuje, verlo lahko možemo ga osvojiti. Onda hajdemo uprav pod zidine Bečke, pa ondě neka kervavi boj predobitje razpravi.

Te sam misli i ja, ali s ovim věndar domětkom, ako je Nikola knez Zrinjski daleko. Ako to bude, tako mi svetca . Muhameda, pervim ga jurišem uzeo budem; — ipak, ako je on tamo, — ја gа dobro poznam , — onda ćemo sěgurno nekoliko měsecih glave na Sigetskih zidinah bez ikakve polze razbijati.

Zar se ti baš toliko bojiš toga jedinoga čověka, da na njega udariti nesměš.

Zar ga i ti isti nepoznaš, veliki gospodine? Zar si već na njegova slavna junačtva zaboravio? Zar neznaš, da je prot nami kod Beča, još kano dětčak vojevao, i tako se hrabreno deržao, da je od cara Dragutina veliku čast zadobio. A sad je čověk. – Tvoji ljudi, istina je, iz vjernosti prama tebi, neboje se smrti, ali věndar strah ih popada, kad zastave njegove spazе.

I ja mislim, veliki Sulejmane! da idemo na Siget, ako je Nikola daleko; jer věruj mi, mnogomožni care! da ću nam inače ljudi padati kao snopovi.

Mudro i pametno veliš. Ibrahime! — I ja sam tvoje misli.

Idjite bez traga s vašim Nikolom. Valjda i ja imam junakah, kao što je i on. — Bio blizu, bio daleko; baš nećemo na Siget, nego uprav na Beč. To je moja volja. Jeste li me razuměli?

Prizor 9.

Predjasnji, jedan aga.

(šapće Mehmedu.)

Allah ! Velika mu hvala na toj poruki.


Što novog, vezire?

Sandžak — Hallah poručuje, da se je Nikola knez Zrinjski već odavno sa svojimi iz Beča u Siget povratio; kano da bi zbilja našu odluku razuměo.

Nekasni, veliki care! to je isti Allah htěo. Vodi nas pod Beč; a Siget nek zasad u miru ostane i Vodi nas pod Beč, ondě, čemo se žestoko ogledati!

Mehmed, Mustafa, Ibrahim
Vodi nas pod Beč, ondě ćemo se žestoko ogledati!

Što? Ta jeste li vi ljudi? — Zar su to moji junaci, kojim jednog samo praznog imena jeka strah zadaje? — Ја skoro pol světa predobih i osvojih, pa nigde nijsam se naměrio na takvog, koi bi vam toliko derhtavice u tělo utisnuo , koliko ovaj kukavni kaurin. Sram vas bilo! – Sad je dokončano. Na Siget ćemo udariti! Ja bi rada onoga poznavati , koi je mojim najboljim junakom strah utěrao.

Promislite dobro , što činite, gospodine!

Ni rěči, ako ti je glava skupa. Na Siget ćemo jurišem udariti. — Vezire! zapověd ćeš dati: zorom na polazak. Мој је carski gnjev Aziu predobio, a ovaj kukavni horvatski knez, da mi strah zadade? No, platit će on već zato, platit. Na razvalinah Sigetskih, glavu ću mu na kolac nataknuti.

Prizor 10.

Predjašnji, aga, glasonoša.

Jedan glasonoša, gospodine i care! od Hamza-Bega poslan traži dopuščenje za jednu rěč.

Nek dojde.


Blagoslov Allahin sverh tebe mnogomožni care!

Govori, što je novoga?

Tvoj je rob Hamza-beg, koi me šilje. Triput kuša neprestrašljivo preko Drave most sagraditi; ali badava, hitrina njejna uništoži svu muku njegovu. Mnogi tvojih robovah u dubljinah njezinih smrt najdoše. Neprispodobljiva je visina njezina. Tako je narasla, tako dere, da nije moguće zasad most uzdignuti. Zato te moli, da bi se sterpio, dok malo opine.

Što? da čekan? Što nije moguće? — Оn to meni smě poručivati? – Sto nije moguće. Kad veliki sultan hoće? — Mahom se hiti na hata, pa mu kaži, da ću se tamo sjutra s mojom cělom vojskom podići, i nenajdem li preko nje, sve nek je velika, most, pored nje věsio bude. Ja ću mu pokazati, što je kod mene moguće. Odlazi, odlazi! ako za njegov život što mariš, odlazi! – Na polazak veliki vezire! — Jurišom na Siget. — (оdidoše svi.)

Prizor 11.

(Dvorana u tverdji Sigetskoj.
Oda trag dva polokružna prozora.)

Eva, Jelica.
(unidju na vrata s lěve strane.)

(terči prestražena k prozorim, pa dol gleda.)

Što je tebi, draga kćeri! Ti si kano izvan sebe.

Zlo, majko, zlo! To nij dobro znamenje! Ja sama neznam što mi je! Čini mi se, da se nepogoda viš nas spravlja. - Pogledajte samo malo dol, i viděti ćete, da je sad naša tverdja sasvim drugčia. Na svakom uglu, ima topskog zernjah a ljudi su kano pobunjeni. Vodje sad ovamo, sad onamo žurnim korakom prolaze. Bože! što će iz toga izleći?

Utěši se, moje děte! Mala jedna bitva, dalje ništa, zaisto. Mi smo se već tomu priučili.

Nij, draga majko! nij; to će što višje biti! - Lovru sasvim uznojena najdoh u palači, pokle bi se žurno po stepenih popeo. Vi znate dobro, draga majko, kako je on dosad sa mnom govorio, a sad projde pored mene, da, me jedva pozdravi; i kad bi ga ja pitala: „Juraniću, što je tebi” ništa mi drugo neodgovori, nego: „Oprosti mi! služba mi nedopuštja zasad s tobom věćati. Oprosti mi, serdce je tvoje, al vrěme moram na dobro mojega cara upotrěbiti." Zatim odoh k otcu u sobu. I dok kroz prozor gledah, vidih ga na konja uzjašiti, i munjohitro iz tverdje izjezditi.

Pa zar te to uznemirljuje? Jelice, ded pogledaj me! — Ti si medj halabukom odrasla, pa nijsi nikad takva bila, kao sad. Što ti je? Ti se, kako mi se čini, stidiš?

(baci se u njezino naručje).
Ah, dobra, draga majko!

Děte! nemoraš se stiditi. Ljubav prama jednom vitežkom mladiću , počitava děvojku.

Vi ste veoma dobrostivi.

A zašto nebi bila. Ti neznaš, moja Jelice, koju ja radost i veselje ćutim, kad več davno zaboravljene godine moga děvovanja na tebi motrim. Ah, ovu radost matere samo onda sětjaju, kada kćerce svoje hrabrim i visokodušnim mladićim za zaručnice izručiti mogu.

Znade li što otac od toga?

Da kako da znade.

Pa je li se ljutio?

Da se je ljutio, bi li ja mogla s tobom tako slobodno govoriti, ljubljeno děte moje? On mi rekne onomadne; za zeta, moram jednoga ili drugoga od moji djedjernih Horvatah imati. A Juranića, znas sama, da ima verlo rada.

Ah, majko, majko! danas srěćnu,
danas blaženu učiniste kćercu vašu!

Evo ide otac.

Hvala Bogu! I to vedrim licem.

A jesi li ga kad drugčeg vidila?

Prizor 12.

Predjašnji i Nikola.
(još neoboružan)

Nešto će se novog naskoro u našoj tverdji pripetiti. Ipak nesmutjujte se moja dětco! još će do toga dosta vrěmena projti. Čuje se, da se je Turčin podigao, da sultan sam u osobi vojsku vodi, al mi to još nije najavljeno. Nesmutjujte se, ako bi morda prasak kakov ili zvektanje oružjah ovih danah čuli.

Jesam li kazala, majko! Vidite, ja se mijsam prevarila.

Što misliš, Niko! hoće. I na naš grad udariti? .

Ženo, mani se toga! Tko bi to još misliti mogao?

Niko! ti me dobro poznaš. Kaži mi istinu! Kaži mi, idju i na Siget? — О, nemoj baš tako sramotno — od žene misliti, koja je već višјеputah neprestrašljivo pogibelj gledala. Zar ti još dvoumiš? Misliš li morda, da će me umah smrtni strah popasti? – Kaži mi, ali istinito: hoće li na Siget udariti?

Ako je Sulejman s vojskom, ni najmanje od toga nedvoumim.

Ah, majko! majko!

Uteši se, Jelice! Otac žive, i njěgovi priatelji živu.
Vitežka devojčica, mora viteza vrědna biti.

Prizor 13.

Predjašnji, Alapić,

Gospodine! nosim vam novine.

Kakove, kaži glasno; morat će ipak jedanput i ženskadia za nji znati, prie poslě, svejedno je. Šutkavica samo većji strah poradja. — Što je dakle govori!

Baš malo prie dojde jedan glasonoša iz Petčuha, koi veli, da je istina, da se Turčin prot nami s velikom vojskom diže. Ovo Petčuhski varoš razumě od nekih begunacah.

Ako je tako, nije kasniti. Na njega se nečeka dugo. Ja ga dobro poznam, onog starog lava. — Glej, evo i Paprutovića. I on nam znam zaisto, něšto novoga nosi.

Prizor 14.

Predjašnji, Paprutović,
(takojer oboružan) jedan tergovac iz Zagreba.

Vitežki gospodine! za ćordom se mašajte. Istina je, što se pogovara. Veliki sultan, već je kroz Bělgrad prošao. Ovdě je tergovac jedan iz Zagreba, on nam věrojatni glas nosi. On ga je isti kroz Bělgrad projti vidio.

A ti kaži, kako se stvar imade?

Onomadne imadoh malo posla u Bělgradu, i kad ga u red postavih, hotěh se na konja baciti, i kući hititi, al evo izmenada digne se buna po cělom varošu: „Sultan idje! Sultan idje"! izkliknu jednokupno svi stanovnici. Malo i veliko jatomce na ulice sernja, i tako mi put pretvoren biaše, nemogah nikud, neg moradoh ostati, i svědok sprovoda ovoga velikolěpnoga biti. Najprě vidih do pet hiljadah janitčarah, topžiah sve krasno hoděvene i oboružane, lěpe licem i uzrastne stasom. Njih slědiše pěšaci i konjanici, nezna im se niti broja. Stezi se po zraku vějaše, a poluměsec se na njih sjaše, da milina pogdedat biaše.

Za njimi jašahu sultan na gizdavom arapskom hatu. Ćordu djundjem obloženu imadjah pripasanu nuz bokove svoje. Z desne strane nuz konja idjah Ferhad-aga, a z lěve tri službenici u grimizu zlatom i srebrom vezenom hoděveni. Za njimi opet pěšaci i konjanici postupaše, okolo dvě stotine hiljadah. Najposlě sprovod overšiše dvě stotine děvah blagom natovarenih. Ovo sam, gospodine kneže, baš s vlastitima mojima očima gledao. - Zatim, kad bi se narod već kasne u noći na mir dao, izajdoh srěćno, i na putu u Budim, k vami sam se navratio, da vam kažen, kako se stvar imade.

Hvala ti, domorodče! Iz serdca ti hvala:
Idji k Šerengoviću, pa neka i dvori. —


Dětco istina je.
— Moram Juranića čekati.

Evo ga. Baš sad u dvorišće njezdi.

(plače u naručju matere svoje.)

Taj nam šegurno opet štogod novoga nosi. — Ženo, těši to děte. Što ću joj ja; drugče nije; tako mora biti u onoj deržavi, gdě se vojska derži. Ja mislim, da se naskoro tomu priučila bude. — Neplači, Jelice!

Kako, dragi čako? Mogu li ja to?–

Šuti već jedanput.

Ah, majko, gledajte! Evo ga idje i zao glas, kako mi se čini, nosi nam. To mu je na čelu štiti, sve nek su mu oči bistrog vatrenog pogleda.

Prizor 15.

Predjašnji, Juranić,

Koje dobro, Juraniću?

Vrěme je pripraviti se. Već je Mehmed-beg prešo preko Drave, i okol Sikloša mori, sěće i pali. Dajte mi stěg , da se idjem malo š njim ogledati. Želja me mori; dajte mi, nekasnite! Ja ću njemu pokazat što je horvatski junak. Težko njemu!

Bože! — Juraniću !

O, nemoj suziti, Jelice! sad je došao onaj čas, kad te zaslužiti mogu. Izajde li mi moja odluka za rukom, onda mogu pred otca tvoga s tverdom nadějom stupiti. Onda mogu moju ljubav i želju radostno pred njim očitovati.

Tako je, stari viteže! Ja ljubim vašu kćer. Istina je, drugo ništa neimam, okrom ove vjerne ćorde, i ono něšto malo slave, štono sam još od pradědovah mojih za děo otačbine primio; al ju mogu i ja sam zadobiti. Nek něki junaci slobodno za krunom hlepte. — Na bojnoj volji, na živežu neima kod mene manjkanja. Dopustite mi slavu moju potverditi, koja se u mojem serdcu glasno javlja.

Kod mene višje vredi vitez, nego kruna. Nego na tvoju se mladost sasvim osloniti nemogu, a osobito u ovom slučaju, od koga dobro domovine věsi. — Alapiću! uzmi si hiljadu junakah pěšačkih, a na jedno pet stotinah konjaničkih: Juranić i Paprutović nek te sprovode; druge vodje možes si sam po volji izbirati. Uprav idjite na Mehmed-bega! Vašemu malenomu broju junačkomu može samo hrabrenost srěčnu sverhu i predobitje pridonesti. Činite tako, nek turski psi vide, da neće babe, nego junake u Sigetu najti, koji se sile neboje. Pojdite sad s Bogom, i povratite se kano slavodobitnici. — Tebi, Juraniću, po boju ću već odgovoriti.

Uzdajte se u me, i u vaše vjerne bojnike. Hajdemo, bratjo! nekasnimo! Sjutra zorom gdedajmo da se natrag s bogatim plenom povratimo. - S Bogom , milostivna knjegino!

Pošli s Bogom! Ja ću nebo za srěču vašu moliti.

S Bogom , dobrostiva gospojo! – S Bogom Jelice! Ded i ti koju rěč u nebeske dvore pošlji. Na predobitje ljubavi budi molitva tvoja naminjena , i srěčno ću obstati.

Ah, ta ti k smrti ideš!

Ne! to ne! Smrt nesme na ljubav nasertati.

Nesme? — O, kamo sreće da nesmě.

Věruj mi tverdo, da nesmě! Kano slep s ovom věrom na njih ću udariti; (izruče svoju ćordu, i drugi stotnici izvukoše,) sve kreposti moje na to naminuti ću, skupo bo je, što dobiti, želim! (ode s Alapićem i Paprutovićem.)

(pada u nesvěst)
Moj Lovro! Lovro!

Bože! ona pada!

(ju priderži)
Jelice! — — —

(Zastor pade.)


Suleiman's courtyard in Belgrade

Scene 1

Mehmed Sokolović and Levi
(walking in the hall)

Mehmed (grand vizier)
By Allah and the great prophet Mohammed! I don't know what's wrong with the mighty sultan Suleiman. I was with him a while ago and he was at his table sitting deep in thought and then it seemed like he was hit by some inner attack - then he fell silent.

Levi (doctor)
Maybe he has fallen ill? It might be due to his old age, the long march and now all these battles. It is no surprise since he does not listen to me.

Scene 2

Previous and Hudzu

Hudzu (official)
(enters and leans in the Eastern style and speaks)
Levi, by order of the great sultan, go to him.

Didn't I say that he is ill? I must go.

(both exit)

Scene 3

Mehmed alone.

Have I fallen out of favor? He calls Levi but pushes me away with his silence. If only I had not spoken about …  But still, maybe it's not what you think Sokolović

(hitting himself on his forehead)

I am not a doctor nor a sorcerer (fortune-teller).


Scene 4

(A large furnished room.)

Suleiman (Ottoman/Turkish sultan)
(Sitting at a table, in thought)

(enters and bows to the sultan, speaks)
Your almighty imperial majesty, you summoned me? You deigned to call me Great Suleiman? Your slave stands ready at the will of the one who holds in his hands my life and death.

(to self) Still no answer?

(louder) Forgive me, great sultan! Do not take my boldness for insolence! Might it be that you are ill? My master, are you ill?

Everything that I am - you do not help with.

However, almighty master. Believe this old man, your Levi. If anyone can, I can. Maybe I have not explained well enough my skill and my fidelity? For forty years now I have been taking care of your precious health. What I learned previously from great doctors and what I have learned through practice I have successfully used and, by the will of Allah, will use successfully to the end of my life.  Believe me, I understand well the inner workings of your body and your spirit. Just ask and I will do everything because your health is our health. A knight and sultan together is worth as much as all of mankind.

I know you very well my old servant, and I know your loyalty. Already, during many times of illness and anguish I have felt the results of your art and that is why I have asked for you. Tell me, but only the truth, how many more years of life do you promise me? Be as you have until now, act as a faithful servant would act, trustworthy, honest! How many years will I live? I want the truth!

Sire! To that question only the one above may give an answer.
To this question my art must stay silent.

Of no use[1] is man's knowledge. The inner workings of the body you seek to understand, the secrets of each spirit you want to measure but you do not know how long the whole will function, you don't know when it will stop running.

Almighty sultan and master! Do not criticize this noble art. Who has ever been a heavenly emissary that knows the will of God? Where is the man able to uncover all the inner workings? My sultan and master, we as doctors, as all people, know little even after all our study but to know all and understand all that was not given to the mind of mankind. However, I can assure you that by looking at your physique, into your strong, passionate eyes and gauging your spirit, that you will live for a few more years.

A few more years? Is that so, Levi?

That is so, sire! If you just take care of yourself. If you live virtuously without too much anxiety you will not squander your vitality and then I can promise you ten years. To you was given what God rarely gives; age, vitality, happiness and enjoying the glory of conquests now crowned by the silver laurels you wear on your head. Now my almighty sultan take a small break from your fortunate and celebrated battles! This time, which God himself has given to your precious life, live it in peace! You have already lived a life worth eternity,

Quite, old man, quite! I did not ask for more. Ten years your art promises me if I sit in peace? I am accustomed to battle. I wish to be able to fight for one more year. I do not ask for more. Go now, call for Mehmed to come.

(bows and exits)

Scene 5


To stay safe? To waste what part of vitality and strength I have left in this knightly body sitting, not doing anything, lonely, watching life? On the day I was born the world shook, let it shake once more on the day when I pass on to eternity. That is what this knight wants, that is what sultan Suleiman wants.

The worm is born and a little while later trampled by feet, never known to have even lived but with me that will not be. I want a name! I want glory after my death. What did Alexander, the Romans, the Caesars, what did Hannibal do to become famous? Battles, war! That is why I call on you once again, House of Austria, into war. Prepare your tribes! Suleiman the Great wants to leave this world as a glorious conqueror. On the destroyed walls of Vienna I will get my glory. Be prepared! Gather your knightly soldiers! You must fall. Let the world know that the lion is dying. Vienna can freely light a death torch, I do not care.

Scene 6

Suleiman, Mehmed.

My master and sultan calls for his servant?
Here, I stand before you ready for anything.

Give the order for departure; time is precious, and my resolve is ripe. Go and give the command to my heroes.

So soon, almighty sultan?

Have we ever arrived too early for conquest? A person with one foot in the grave knows how to value his lucky hours, hours which will be talked about for as long as the world exists.

You speak the truth, great Suleiman!

My desire is to destroy Vienna. Call my army commanders to com here so that I may talk to them for a while. I will not be late.

They are outside, ready and waiting for your orders.

Who all?

Mustafa, Ali-Portuk and Ibrahim.

Send them to me. They are my heroes. I know them well.


Scene 7

Suleiman alone.

My passion for battle, vitality, and time do not abandon me!
Be true to me! And then I will not worry about dying.

Scene 8

Suleiman, Mehmed, Ali-Portuk,
Mustafa, Ibrahim.

Welcome, supporters of my empire!
Welcome, witness to my conquests!

Ali-Portuk (artillery commander)
Almighty sultan and master! Your honorable grand vizier has announced that you have given the order that we depart tomorrow at dawn. We are prepared for you, and for the respect of our great prophet Mohammed, to go with happiness to our death.

To the conquest you will go but not to death. You are well aware that the Austrian king Maximilian, who calls himself the Holy Roman Emperor, has not paid his tribute for two years and he keeps the castles at Tokay. Now I swear before Allah, and his prophet Mohammed, that for his wrongdoing, insults and shame I will make him pay[2]. The crescent moon will rule the world. Therefore I want war!

Mustafa (Bosnian pasha and army leader)
My soldiers are prepared.

Sultan and master! Your army lives for battle and your captains are well prepared.

That is how it is my mighty knight!

The whole army is thirsty for kafir[3] blood!

That is the truth. I know well those kafirs. They are knights, men who are, so I may say, unconquerable; but the more challenging the conquest the more glorious is the conquest.[4]

The victory will certainly be difficult, but will undoubtedly be ours: because our war-cry is "Suleiman to war! Suleiman to war!"

I salute you for that, unmatched sultan! With a fearsome force you now rise. A larger army has never before marched into Austria. Two hundred thousand is the number of your army. Hamza-bey, with his forces, already stands at the Drava, to build you a bridge across the river. Mehmed-bey is already near Siklos starting the victories. This night, across that river, a great warrior will enter into Hungary to blaze a path for you.

His bravery brought many victories! Now, leaders! The time has come! We either take the quickest route to Austria's capital city and forget about Siget or we go against the army that Maximilian mobilizes near Vienna. What do you think Sokolović?

My sultan and master! If the decision was mine I would say that we first hit Siget. Nikola Zrinski, a well-known and great knight, is now in Vienna as my messengers tell me and therefore we should be able to conquer that fort easily. Then we can go to the walls of Vienna and there the color of blood will indicate our conquest.

I was thinking the same thing but only under the condition that Nikola Zrinski is far from the fort. If he is not there, by the prophet Mohammed, on the first assault I will take the fort.  But, if he is there, I know him well, then we will surely waste a few months and many heads on the Siget walls without any success in destroying them.

Are you genuinely that afraid of Zrinski that you will not attack him?

Do you truly not know him, great master? Have you forgotten already his glorious heroic deeds? Do you not know that he fought against us in Vienna, where he went to war as a child, and fought so bravely that he received great honors from Emperor Charles V. Now he is a man. Your soldiers, it is the truth, in all loyalty to you, are not afraid of death but fear strikes them when they see his flag.

Ibrahim (governor of Anatolia and army leader)
I also think, great Suleiman, we go to Siget, if Nikola is far away. Believe me almighty sultan, if he is there then our soldiers will fall like sheaves of wheat.

You speak wisely and correctly Abraham!
I share your thoughts.

Go without a trace of your Nikola. I too must have a hero such as him - be he near or far.   We will not advance on Siget but march directly to Vienna. That is my wish. Do you understand me?

Scene 9

The previous, an aga.

(whispering to Mehmed)

By Allah! Many thanks to you for that message.


Is there something new vizier?

Sanjak-bey Hallah says that Nikola Zrinski, with his troops, has long since returned to Siget from Vienna; almost as if he knew of our plans.

Do not be late, great sultan! Allah wants the same. Lead us to Vienna; let Siget for now remain in peace.
Lead us to Vienna and there we will fight fiercely.

Mehmed, Mustafa, Ibrahim
Lead us to Vienna and there we will fight fiercely.

What kind of men are you? Are you my heroes? Heroes in whom an empty name strikes such fear? I have conquered and taken half the world and I have never, anywhere, come across such a man that makes your bodies tremble as much as this kafir does. Shame on you! - Everything is decided. We'll hit Siget! I would know the man who creates such fear in my heroes.

Think well of what you do, master!

Not another word, if you value your head. Siget we will attack! Vizier! you will give the order: we depart in the morning. My Imperial wrath has conquered Asia, and you think this wretched Croat prince will make me afraid? No, he will pay for that, pay. On the ruins of devastated Siget, I will put his head on my spear.

Scene 10

Previous, Aga, a messenger.

A messenger, master and sultan! Sent from Hamza-bey. He asks permission for a word.

Let him enter.


Allah's blessings to you, almighty sultan.

Speak, what's news do you have?

Your slave, Hamza-bey, sends me. Three times he tried, with great effort, to build a bridge across the Drava but all for nothing because the force of the swelled river destroys all his efforts. Many of your slaves found their death in the river. Unprecedented is the height of the river. It has risen high, so powerful, that at this time a bridge can't be built. For that reason he begs you, to be patient, until the waters subside.

What? That I wait? What is not possible? How can he say that to me? What is not possible when the great sultan wants it? At my command work gets done. Tell him that tomorrow I will arrive with my entire army, and if I do not find a bridge across the river, even if the river is high, he will hang on its bank. I will show him what is possible for me. Go, go! If you care anything for his life, go! To our departure grand vizier! We assault Siget!

(all exit)

Scene 11

(Hall in the citadel of Siget
by two high arched windows.)

Eva, Helena
(enter by the door from the left)

Helena (Zrinski’s daughter)
(runs anxious to the window and looks out)

Eva (Zrinski's wife)
What is it, dear daughter? You're not yourself.

Evil, mother, evil! There's a bad omen! I do not know what is wrong with me! It seems to me that misfortune is coming for us. Just take a quick look down there, look at the troops - our fortress is quite different. At each corner, there are cannon balls and people are anxious. The captains go from here to there, with hurried steps. Oh, God! What will come from all of this?

Calm yourself, my child! A small battle, nothing else, truly.
We are already accustomed to that.

No, dear mother! It isn't and there will be more. Lorenz comes into the citadel completely sweaty and then rushes quickly up the stairs. You know well, my dear mother, how he has talked to me so far, and now he rushes past me, without even greeting me. When I asked him "Lorenz, what has happened?", he does not reply but says only, "Forgive me! My duty does not allow me to talk with you now. Forgive me, my heart is yours but my time I must use for the good of the emperor." Then he goes to father's quarters. Later, when I look out the window, I see him mount his horse and then race from the citadel.

So this upsets you? Helena, look at me! You grew up in chaos and turmoil and you never acted like this. What's the matter? You seem to be hiding something[5] from me?

(throws herself into her mother's arms).
Oh, good, dear mother!

My child! You do not need to be embarrassed. Falling in love with a knightly young man suits a young woman.

You are very kind.

And why would I not be. You do not know, my Helena, what pride and joy I feel when I see in you now the long passed years of my maidenhood. Oh, a mother remembers her own joys when her daughter, with her brave and noble-minded beloved, ask for permission to be betrothed[6].

Does father know anything of this?

He senses it?

Was he angry?

Had he been angry, would I be able to speak so freely with you, my beloved child? He tells me; for a son-in-law we must have one or another of our brethren Croats. And Lorenz, you already know, your father likes and respects a lot.

Oh, mother, mother! Today I am happy!
Today you have made your daughter truly happy!

Here's your father.

Thank God! To see you face-to-face.

And have you ever seen him in any other way?

Scene 12

Previous and Zrinski.
(still unarmed)

Zrinski (commander of the Siget fortress)
There will soon be new preparations in our fortress. Do not be concerned my child! There will be much time for that. It is heard that the Turks have mobilized, and the sultan himself leads the army, but what has not yet been reported to me is where he will attack. Do not panic if you see dust or hear noise of weapons in the following days.

Didn't I tell you, Mother?
You see, I wasn't imagining these things.

What do you think, Nikola? Will he hit our city?

Wife, don't think of that! Who could know that now?

Nikola! You know me well. Tell me the truth! Tell me, do they come to Siget? - Oh, do not so disgracefully think of your wife, who has already witnessed many horrific battles. Are you still in doubt? Do you think maybe some great fear will strike me dead? - Tell me, but true! Will they attack Siget?

If Suleiman is with the army, I have no doubt.

Oh, mother! Mother!

Calm yourself, Helena! Your father lives and his comrades live. The daughter of a knight must act in a way worthy of a knight.

Scene 13

The previous, Kaspar,

Sir! I bring you reports.

What news, speak clearly. Eventually the women will need to know, sooner or later, it is all the same. Silence creates greater fear. Therefore whatever it is, speak.

Just a while ago a messenger came from Pecs, and he says that it is true the Turks come against us with a great army they have mobilized. The Pecs fort has learned this from Turkish deserters.

If so, there is no time to waste. No one waits long for him. I know him well, the old lion. Look, here comes Wulf. He too brings us something.

Scene 14.

The previous, Wulf (also armed),
a merchant from Zagreb.

Knightly sir! Prepare your sword. It is true what is spoken of. The great sultan has already crossed through Belgrade. This merchant from Zagreb brings us news. He saw him cross through Belgrade.

Tell me, what is the situation?

Over the last few days I had business in Belgrade and after my tasks were finished I wanted to get on my horse and return home but suddenly a great tumult arose across the whole city. "The sultan comes, the sultan comes!" the residents all cried. Crowds flooded the streets and my path was closed, I could not go anywhere and had to stay, where I witnessed the magnificent arrival parade.

First I saw five thousand Janissaries, artillerymen with beautiful faces and great stature wonderfully dressed and armed. Following them were the infantry and cavalry, I don't even know their number. All over the sky were flags and on them the crescent moon shines - it was a wonder to behold.

After them rode the sultan on a magnificent Arabian mare. A beautiful jewel adorned sword hung from his waist. On the right side on a horse rode Ferhad-aga and on the left three officials dressed in robes adorned with silver and gold thread. Following them more infantry and cavalry, around two hundred thousand. At the end of the parade were two hundred camels loaded with treasure. This, my knight and lord, I saw with my own eyes. Later at night, when the crowds returned to their homes and there was peace, I successfully departed. On my way to Buda I came to you so that I tell you what is happening.
Thank you, countryman! From my heart I thank you.
Go to Francis and he will serve you.


My child it is true.
I must wait for Lorenz.

Here he is.
At this moment he enters the courtyard.

(crying in her mother's arms)

He must certainly be bringing more news. Wife, console our child. What can I do? That is the way it must be in the country manned by armies. I think soon she will get accustomed to this. Don't cry Helena.

How dear father?
How could I become accustomed to this?

Silence now.

Oh, mother, look! Here he is with grim news for us.  I can see it written on his brow and the way his eyes have a brave fiery look. 

Scene 15

The previous, Lorenz

Anything good, Lorenz?

It is time to prepare. Mehmed-bey has already crossed the Drava and is camped near Siklos. He is plundering and burning. Give me permission to go and visit him. My desire is great, please do not hesitate! I want to show him what a Croatian hero is. Woe to him!

My God! Lorenz!

Oh, do not cry, Helena! Now has come the time when I can earn you. My decision has been made, I must win glory by my hand and then I can stand before your father in great confidence. There I will be able tell him about my love for you and hope for our happiness.

(To Zrinski)
That is how it is, noble knight! I love your daughter. It is true that I do not have anything but this trusty sword and a little bit of glory that I received from my ancestors for their struggle for the Homeland but I can earn my own glory. Let some heroes freely try to catch her eye with their crowns. Neither in courage, strength nor passion for battle do I lack. Allow me to prove myself and earn the glory that from my heart loudly calls.

I value a knight more than a crown. But, on your youth I cannot completely rely and especially under these circumstances on which the welfare of the Homeland depends. Kaspar, take one thousand heroic infantry and five hundred cavalry. Lorenz and Wulf will accompany you. You can choose, as you wish, your other captains.

Immediately go to Mehmed-bey! For your heroic small number only courage will bring you success in battle and victory. Fight well, let the Turkish dogs see, that they will not fight old women at Siget they will fight heroes - heroes that do not fear their might. For you Lorenz, after the battle, I will give you my answer.

Put your faith in me and into your faithful soldiers. Let's go brothers! We do not want to be late! Tomorrow morning we will return with great treasures. Go with God, my gracious countess.

Go with God! I will pray to the Heavens for your success.

Go with God, honorable lady! Go with God Helena! May you also send a few words to the Heavenly Courts. For the victory of love may your prayers be and successful I will be.

Oh, you who are going to face death!

No! Not that! Death can't attack love.

It can't? Oh, what happiness that it can't.

Believe me strongly, it can't! Strong in this belief I will attack them. (pulls out his sword and other captains draw theirs) For all my virtue that will be my goal, for precious is what I hope to win!
(exits with Kaspar and Wulf)

My Lorenz! Lorenz!

Oh my lord, she has fainted!

(holds her)

(Curtain falls)

[1] no clue what the word sperdnje means
[2] or "take my revenge"
[3] kaurin = infidel, unbeliver, non-Mulsim, Christian
[4] Similar to quote by Thomas Paine, "The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly; it is dearness only that gives everything its value. I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress and grow brave by reflection. 'Tis the business of little minds to shrink; but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death." - US patriot & political philosopher, [The Crisis. No. I. 1776.]
[5] or embarrassed, shy, ashamed of something
[6] permission to become engaged to marry.

[1] no clue what the word sperdnje means
[2] kaurin = infidel, unbeliver, non-Mulsim, Christian
[3] Similar to quote by Thomas Paine, "The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly; it is dearness only that gives everything its value. I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress and grow brave by reflection. 'Tis the business of little minds to shrink; but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death." - US patriot & political philosopher, [The Crisis. No. I. 1776.]
[4] or embarassed, shy, ashamed of something


(Ista soba, koja bi i u drugoj polovini pervoga čina.)

Prizor 1.

Eva i Jelica.

Kako ti je, poljubljena kćeri?

Malo bolje!

Jelica, verlo si nas smutila. Isti otac onaj drugče prisebni muž malo da nepade, kad bi te onesvěstitu u naručju svojem prideržao. – Hvala Bogu, opet rumena boја, boji obraznjače tvoje s opet se krěpe žilice u tělu tvojem. Jedna samo kratkoterpna žalost, vidim, da te je obalila.

Kako ne, draga majko! kad iz nožnice svoje britku ćordu izvukav, reče: „Skupo bo je što dobiti želim."

Al ti moraš to tvoje mehkano serdce zauzdat znati, ako kano junakinja, junačka zaručnica biti želiš.

Ah, majko i oprostite jednoj děvojčici! – (baci se u materino naručje)

Prizor 2.

Predjašnji, i Nikola.

Baš sam dobro došao. Kćer u krilu materinskom najdoh. O, primite takojer i mene u družtvo vaše. Serdce mi je mehkano, i jur vidite kako mi se biserne suže po mužkih očiuh metu. Suprugo moja! Jelico moja!


Dragi supruže! još te nikad takvoga vidila nijsam. Što ti je, Niko! Ti se sasvim preobrazio. Što ti je? kaži mi!

Projdi me se, draga Evo! Věruj mi, da mi je medj vami tako, kano da sam u nebesih, i zato nijsam u stanju bio unutarnjem serdca moga zabraniti, da me negane. O ljudi! ljudi! mudro vrěme upotrěbite. Nedopustite nijednu uru projti, gdě kazati nebi mogli: „Moja je — bila"! Njejno veselje već sam kušao, i oćutio višјеputah. Vrěme hitrim korakom postupa , i tko ga jedanput utaman projti pusti, taj ga višje nestiže, sve neka munjohitro za njim terči.

Još nikakvog glasa?

Nikakvog, dobra děvojčice! Al nije ni moguće: ta istom tako da kažem odidoše. – Sterpi se još malo, děte!

A imaš li kakvu zapověd? Nemoj ništa, Niko, preda mnom kriti; meni je svejedno, bilo zlo, bilo dobro. Ako je zlo, a ti mi kaži, da se ranie priučim na glas nesrěčni; da nebi morda slaboj ženi koja nenadna nesreća žalost kakvu porodila.

Još se neimaš na ništo priučavati. Ili misliš, da bi te ja u Sigetu ostavio? Zar bi ja tako budalasto činio, da bi ono, što mi je sverh svega najskuplje, slěpoj kocki izručiti htěo? –

Poklisara sam poslao k caru, da mu najavi pogibelj ugarske zemlje koja će ju segurno pohoditi. Već je Hamza-beg preko Drave most uzdigao, premako je triput utaman trud svoj trošio. Svaki čas, čeka se na velikog Sulejmana. Mehmed Sokolović sa šestnaest hiljadah, Мustafa i Ibrahim, već su za boj pripravljeni, preko Drave prešli, i velikomu svojemu caru put po Ugarskoj kerče. Ako ukratko naših junakah nebude, najti će ga već pod Sigetom.

Prizor 3.

Predjašnji, Šerengović.

Baš sada ću se glas našeg izviditelja na turnu: „Veliki se prah diže na putu pram Sigetu", sva prilika da se naši vitežki bojnici, kano predobitnici s turskim plěnom doma vratjaju.

(gleda kroz prozor.)

Hvala ti, dobri starče, na tom umiriteljnom glasu! Hvala ti stoputah! — Kaži mi, jesi li ga vidio žive li? Ide li natrag?

Tko, mladjana gospodično?

Děte! kud ti misliš? Izviditelj vidi da se praši, i scěni samo da su naši.

Scěni samo? O, da sam ja samo gorě bila, izdaleka bi ga poznala; ali —

Što? Zar ćeš opet plakati?

Oni su — oni su – Evo ih već blizu, oni su! —

Eva i Jelica
Gdě? Gdě?

Uprav pram gradu idju, Hrabri junak Juranić jezdi pred svojimi naprěd konjski rep velja mu se u ruci.

Ah, majko! majko! deržte me! pasti ću! Bol je serdca vrělo očiuh mojih osušilo. Za radost ovu neimam suzah

Utěši se, děte, tvog Juranića opet imaš.

Zar nečujete bojne pesme njihove oriti? Zar nečujete bubnjeve zvoniti. – Evo ih već u dvorišću i Odsědaju! (kroz prozor) Dobro mi došli hrabreni vitezi! Dobro mi došli! Bog, i domovina nek vam trud naplate! – Franjo! idi dolě, pa otvori moj podrum i jěstnice; njima je pokrěpa potrěbna.


Prizor 4.

Predjašnji, Alapić, Juranić,
(s konjskim repom u ruci,) višje stotnikah.




Vi ste predobitnici?

Samo s Bogom , milostivna gospojio! Četiri je tisućah Turakah palo, i neopisljiv je plěn naš.

(metjuć rep konjski pod Nikoline noge) Gospodine! ja sam rěč moju deržao. Baš iz polovine gusto stojećih Turakah iztergoh jednom njihovom velikašu velikom silom, podapert od neprestrašljive bojne volje moje, ovaj rep. Da je tako, a ne drugče, Alapić će svědočiti.

Kaži nam dakle, Alapiću! kako je bilo?

Mehmed-beg, bi malo obbusian pred Siklošom i nemisleći ništa od nas, pošlje svojih nekoliko tisućah, da bližnja sela pale; medjutim mi razdělismo našu vojsku na tri, skoro jednaka dela. Lěvo krilo vodi Paprutović, ja polovinje, a desno prědadoh Juraniću; i tad po otajnih putih hodeć, obkolismo iznenada nepriatelja, i na njega hrabreno sa sviuh stranah udarismo. Strah popade njegovu vojsku, da su se samo nekoliko protiv nami sročili, ali ukratko biše razbijeni; drugi pako ili od britkog našeg mača mertvi padoše, ili běžeć, u ritovih smrt najdoše. Isti vodja Mehmed-beg u njimi pogibe. Njegovog sina, i višje plemićah turskih uhvatismo. Osam děvah, suhim zlatom težko natovarenih; nekoliko konjskih repovah, zastavah i mnoga druga odtesmo. Još takovi plěn, odkad na njih udaramo, dobili nijsmo – Izmedj naših hrabrenih bojnikah, moram Juraniću slavno ovo svědočanstvo dati, da se je mužki deržao. Ovo je moje, ovo je sviuh skupne bratje svědočanstvo. Jeli, bratjo! da je tako? Kažite sami to našemu hrabrenomu knezu!

Juranić se je osobito junački deržao!

O sladki moj junače! ti me danas uzvisi.

Ti si to učinila, i tvoja ljubav.

Pristupi k meni, mladjani junače! Hodi, da te obgerlim! Takov plemenit list, kog si danas dobio, nijti kadar nijedan car napisati. Taj tvoj list neće se po tvojih potomcih uništožiti; – navek će, dok je světa, u ustih tvojega slavnoga naroda živěti. — Sada, dragi moj sinko! ono, što si želio, prini! Uzmi Jelicu za tvoju zaručnicu! Blagoslov moj, sverhu vas!

Drugi ćako! — Bože: — Jelice

O draga majko! kažite mi, je li zbilja istina, ili samo sanjam?

Ne, drago moje děte!
Istina je; sad ti je sunce izišlo; sad ti se je želja izpunila.

Dajte nam i vi blagoslov vaš, sladka majko!

Blagoslov moj sverhu vas, dobri mladići.

Štedite tu radost i veselje za druge mirne dneve. Sadašnje vrěme drugo što od nas čeka. – Još vam jedanput hvala, hrabreni moji bojnici! Dobro ste se deržali! Dobro ste se vladali. Turčin će si, dobro, to znam sěgurro, ime vaše zapamtiti. Sad, vjerni moji subojnici, sad je vrěme, da za velikim delom ruke naše pružimo. Sultan se žuri u Siget. Još danas naveče mislim, da će ovdě biti. Zato, moji dragi! —

 (čuje se trublja.) 

Ha, što to znamenuje? — Glas možebit kakvi od nepriatelja, ili od cara Maksimilama. Što je, Paprutoviću, ded vidi!

(gleda kroz prozor.)
Petar Bačetić i još nekoliko š njim ujezdiše u tverdju.

Taj idje od cara, Paprutoviću! idji pred njega, i dovedi ga ovamo!


I on je dobar junak.
Već je svedočanstvo od junačstva svog položio. — Evo ga!

Prizor 5.

Predjašnji, Paprutović s Ваčеtićem.

Dobro mi došli! Dobro mi došli, Bačetiću!
Što nam novoga vi nosite?

Evo ovaj list od cara, i ako hoćete, sebe.

Željni mladiću! Junak jedan vrědi mnogo sadanje vrěme. Dvojstruko vas dakle pozdravljam: Dobro mi došli!! — Kažite mi, kad ste pošli iz Beča?

U ponedeljak zorom.

To ste se vi dobro žurili.

Na rěč carevu i od vlastite volje odidjoh; i kad službu domovina traži, onda, visokodušni kneže! znam višje nego žuriti se.

Turci su već hrabrenost vašu ćutili. Ja mislim, Bačetiću, da se vi sa svom pravicom medj perve naše junake, brojiti možete.

Što sam ja činio, ono se, kad se s vašimi děli usporedi, kao dim u zraku gubi. Vas sav narod naziva spasiteljem i braniteljem domovine.

Ja sam vojevao za Boga, za donovinu, i za mojeg cara, ono – štono bi svaki činio. — Каžite mi, kako je u Beču? Čujem, da je mnogo stranskih bojnikah tamo došlo.

Tako je, njihovo gospodstvo! Čuli bo su, da se Turčin proti kerštjanluku diže, zato ne samo, da bi pomoć od keršćenih vladarah nedobili, nego još i druga za vojsku neobhodno potrěbna, primismo.

A jeste li što od mog sina čuli?

Vaš je sin Gjuragj kod garde. On bi se bio rad sa mnom proměnio. Věndar kako mi reče, nada se i on maskoro kojoj regimenti za vojevanje stupiti. Veliki pozdrav imam vam od njega izručiti.

Hvala vam, Bačetiću, na otom glasu. Želite li vi kod nas ostati?

S vašim dozvoljenjen, gospodine kneže! rad sam pod zastavom vašom vojevati. Ja sam rad ondě, gdě se ozbilja radi. I moram li za domovinu pasti, vi znate, da Ilir na strani Ilira, koi hrabrene svoje protiv nepriatelju vodi, rado umira.

Vi mi se dopadate. Hvala vam! Moj stotnik Blaž Drašković leži i onako na groznici bolestan. Vami ću njegovu četu izručiti. Gledajte, da se naskoro s ljudmi upoznaděte.

Rěčju vam nemogu sada, nego ću vam pošle dělom zahvaliti.

Sad priatelju, sad ću cara moga list otvoriti. Paprutoviću! daj propitat, je li svaki uhod u grad tverdo zatvoren; jesu li topovi već na bedene uzveženi. Sve uredi, kako znaš najbolje. I mahom mi javi; ja ću ovde biti.
(Paprutović ode.)

Prizor 6.

Predjašnji bez Paprutovića.

(ide na stranu, pa čita.)

Z boja natrag vratiste se?

Tako, Bačetiću. Mehmed-bega kod Sikloša nadvladasmo, i vojsku mu pomorismo. On se isti s mnogimi běžeć u ritovih udavi. Četiri hiljade mertvih padoše, a na tri stotine zarobismo.

To vam je zaisto srećno za rukom izišlo.

Jesi li sad srěčan, Lovro.

Jesam li srěćan, još me pitaš? О věruj mi, da mi je tako, kano da bi u nebu bio. Sad sam srěćan, sad sam bogat jer te nijsam samo kakogod dobio, nego ćordom zaslužio.

Neponosi se tako, molim te, Juraniću! Zar se moja ljubav kupuje, ili zaslužuje? Zar ljubav moja nije poklon?

Moj je Nikola verlo zamišljen. Bi li ga ostavili.

Meni se čini, da je taj list zao glas doněo.

Priatelju! kamo naše srěće, da ovdě ženah nebi bilo
(odidju dalje od Nikole.)

(stupa na srěd sobe i vorori za se.)
Da se deržim, da na pomoć nečekam? Da se vi težki do poslednjega čověka borim? Još mu je vojska slaba, i nemože mi zasad nikakove pomoći poslati! Pod Gjurom obbusian, izčekava velikog Sulejmana? On me pozna, i moje momke? Nij se bojati, nego za domovinu pasti? Velika rěči! — Ti me poznaš, Mak similiane? Zahvaljujem ti na tvom carskom prama meni pouzdanju! Ti poznaš Nikolu Kneza Zrinjskoga? Ti se nevaraš? Većje platje i nagrade za moju vjernost netražim, nego za moj puk, za domovinu, za mog Boga i věru umrijeti!

— Ipak, stani malo, Nikola, kud misliš? Zar ćeš na suprugu tvoju, i kćer zaboraviti? One moraju oditi, — moraju? Moraju oditi taki u Beč k caru.

– Ne, to neće biti, jerbo bi bojnici voljom pali kad bi vodju svoga na srěčnoj sverhi sdvojiti upazili. Već su dvaput Turci ovamo na grad nasertali, pa supruga i kći u gradu biše. Tverdja je jaka, a bojnici su hrabreni; u stražnjoj pogibelji, najti će se još otajnih putovah. — Bilo kako mu drago, za dobro domovine moraju se svaka žertvotati. Za podněti vitežku smrt, nije ni žena slaba. Tako, ovdě će ostati! — Care Maksimilane u ovom ću boju moju vjernost izkazati. Sve moje imanje, moje največje dobro, i isti život položit ću; nij bo ništa skupo uzporedjeno s domovinom.

Prizor 7.

Predjašnji, Puprutović.

Sve je uredjeno, kakogod ste zapovědili. Bedemi su gusto s topovi nakitjeni, a uhodi gradski tverdo i umětno zabravljeni. I da je vrěme u boj ići, stražanin sa turna javlja, veleć, da se već nebrojeni Turci prama Sigetu stupati vide. Pet je selah, već u plamemu, koje janitčari, koji su već blizu nas zapališe. Dalje veli, da jedan běgunac iz Petčuha dojde, i najavi, da je Ibrahim naprěd, i da će još danas na nas udariti.

A ono svi, nek na glas moj pripravni čekaju. Idi sad dol na prostorišće tverdjavsko, i zovi sve, što oružje nosi, i nositi može. Ondě ću vam kazati, što je carska volja, i što sam se ja činit odvažio.


A zar nećete milostivnu knjeginu gospodičnu, dok još prepreke nije na putu, k caru u Beč poslati? Ja nahodim da ovdě nije pristojno město za utljivi ženski spol.

Tako i ja mislim.

Nemoj to, molim te, Niko, činiti! Ostavi me kod sebe! Pokaži světu, da od mene kao od preproste osobe nemisliš! Ja čitam na tvojem čelu, i poznam ti na očima, da se o našoj glavi radi. Věndar, Niko! neodbaci me! Žena kod svoga supruga mora biti. Ostavi me kod sebe!

Ali vaša kći, milostivna knjegino!

Moja kći? Nek pokaže, da ljubi.

Tako ćako! tako! Neodbijte nas.

Siget je tverd, a mi smo hvala Bogu ljudi, – čeg bi se bojali.

Ničega: ljudi bo smo ; – ali ženskadia.



Gospodine! Hrabrenie ćemo se boriti ako one u sěgurnosti budu.

Idji molim te, nesanjaj!

Jesam li gdě sěgurnia, nego nuzate?

Nebrinite se ništa; ostati ćete!

Hvala ti, Niko!

Sad na posao. Čekajte na me, i na zapověd moju na prostorišću tverdjavskomu. Idite, dok se ja obučem i oboružam. Umah sam kod vas.

Mi slušamo vašu zapověd!

Srećno pošli! (odidu).

Hodi sad, draga Evo! i obuci me!

Prizor 8.

Jelica sama.

Dakle me ostavi? O slučaju čemerni i Bože! Nuz njega něgda setjah svaku slast života, svaku radost i veselje; a sad sam zaostavljena, — sad sam zapuštjana! Kud ode? Kud zajde zvězda moja? – Juraniću! Juraniću! zar baš toliko vrědi tvoja zaručnica, da ju ostavljaš? — Al, što rekoh: da me ostavljaš? Il, nije li za domovinu sve jevtino? Tako je, tako! Idi! Budi ti Bog i Svi—Svetci u pomoći! (ode.)

Prizor 9.

(Prostorišće u Sigetu.)

Alapić, Bačetić, Paprutović, Juranić,
višje stotnikah i bojnikah.

Na moje poštenje! još kneza tako preobražena nijsam nikad vidio, premda sam višjeputah š njim u boju bilo. Ta vatra mu iz očiuh ferca. Ja neznam što mu je. Neznam, što bi od njega misliti mogao?

Takvi mora svaki junak biti, kad za boj oboružana nepriatelja pred sobom vidi. I meni nije inače.

Tomu je, věruj, priatelju! mladost tvoja uzrok. Ali tako se neima stvar s našim knezom. Kad je on tako ganjen, kad njegove oči vatrene iskre siplju, onda znaj da što višje uzrok tomu mora biti, nego samo bojna volja.

Tako , tako , Paprutoviću! ti dobro govoriš.

Evo ga ide!

Blagoslov našem vitezu, našem dobrom Nikoli!!!

Prizor 10.

Predjašnji, Nikola,

Hvala vam, bratjo! Iz serdca vam hvala!
Jeste li svi ovde, kakono sam zapovědio?

Svi smo, gospodine kneže!

Dobro dakle. Sad slišajte glas vašega vodje: S nebrojenom vojskom idje Sulejman na Siget, za nas sve skupa š njim uništožiti, zato, bratjo! deržmo se junački! Car Maksimilian stupa k Gjuru, da vojsku svoju ondě obbusija, i buduć verlo slab, za budalastu stvar nahodi na nepriatelja na odpertom polju udariti, dvojeć lovor predobiti, zato nemože nam nikakove pomoći poslati nego se uzda u našu tverdju, i u nas; – da se kano junaci vojujuć za Boga i domovinu i sveti věrozakon, smrti bojati nećemo.

Nebojmo se dakle, pače mislimo, da i jedna jedina samo tverda klisura nasertanje morskih vodah odbiti može. Nebojte se njihove množine, sve nek sto njihovih bojnikah na jednoga naših junakah udara: Bog je s nami i njegovi Svetci. Cěl kerštjanluk oslanja se na nas, —na nas jednu šaku ljudih. –Gdě god se kerst zakonoše našega u berdu, na drumu i polju uzvisuje, malo, srědnje i veliko prosterto leži, i moli k svamogućemu Bogu za našu srěću, za predobitje. I kakogod se oni na nas, i na našu hrabrenost oslanjaju, tako i mi stupimo živežno k boju, neprestrašljivo k smrti.

Tad, ako se meni što čověčanskoga pripeti, t. j. ako prie pasti budem morao nego vi, onda budi ti, stari moj subojniče, Alapiću! Sigetske tverdje zapovědnik, i vodja vojske na město mene. Njega slušajte, kakogod i mene! –

 Još čujte, što vam kažem: Koi svoga predpostavljenoga slušao nebude, od čorde će poginuti. Koi od svoje straže korak samo odstupi, bez ikakvog suda umrijeti će morati. Koi list kakvi od Turakah primi, umret ima kano izdajica. Štogod od nepriatelja dojde, nečitano u vatru se baciti ima. Koi prestrašeni otajno medju sobom većali i šaptali budu, věsiti će. Koi to vidi, a javio nebude, jer mu je priatelj, š njim će zajedno věsiti; umarli bi smo ljudi, i neimamo nikakve otajnosti jedan pred drugim; neimamo uzroka, zašto bi to činili. Tako će bit, věrujte! a ne inače.

Janitičarski onaj stotinik, koi se je prot Bogu i našemu svetom věrozakonu rugati odvažio , umreti imade. Takojer i ono tri stotine turskih pasah zarobljenih, umoriti zapovědam, i glave njihove na bedenih za strah celoj turskoj vojsci, uzvisiti. Nek naplate pogor selah, i život nevino umorene bratje naše.

Veliki se kerst ima odělati, cervenom bojom obojiti, i viš poglavnoga ulazka u tverdju, usaditi, da turskim pasom na znanje dade, kako, i zašto Keršćenik vojuje i umire. I kakogod se ja sad pervi, vaš vodja pred Bogom na kolěna prostiram za zakletvu učiniti, tako i vi činite, i na mojoj ćordi zakunite se.

(idje napervo prostira se na kolěna i gorori)

Ја Nikola knez Zrinjski, zaklinjam se pred Svamogućim Bogom, da ću caru i domovini věran tja do smrti ostati; i da vas nikad u nijednoj pogibelji ostaviti neću! Nebo neka me u stražnjoj uri života mojega ostavi, ako ja vas ikad ostavio budem; ako bratinski neuzbudem htěo s vami predobitje i smrt děliti!


 Čini za mnom to, junački moj puče!


(metnu svoju ćordu na Nikolinu)

Alapić i Bačetić
Tako isto i mi se zaklinjamo: da ćemo Bogu, caru i domovini vjerni tja do smrti; — tja do poslědnjega čověka ostati!

Do smrti;-do poslědnjega čověka!

Paprutorić i Juranić
Mi vam obećajemo vitežki kneže! svaki posluh i pokornost tja do smrti, tja do poslednjega čověka!

Do smrti; — do poslednjega čověka!

(Zastor pade.)


(Same room as the second half of the first act.)

Scene 1

Eva and Helena

How are you my beloved daughter?

A little bit better!

Helena, you frightened us. The same father that is otherwise calm and collected sank into despair when he held you unconscious in his arms. Thank God, your cheeks are again rosy colored[1], strength returns to your body and spirit. It must have been a passing anguish that caught you.

How could I not, dear mother! When he drew his sharp mighty sword from the scabbard and said, "for precious is what I hope to win!"

You must learn to conquer your weak heart, if you wish, as a heroine, to be the betrothed (fiancée) of a hero.

Oh mother, forgive this young maiden.

Scene 2

The previous and Zrinski

I arrived at the right time. Finding my daughter in her mother's arms. Oh, take me also into your embrace. My heart is weak and you can see how the pearls of tears fall from my manly eyes.
My wife! My daughter!


My dear husband! I have never seen you like this before. What is it Nikola? You have changed totally. What is it? Tell me!

Leave me, my dear Eva! Believe me, it is a joy for me to be with you, and for that reason I cannot control the emotions that stir in my heart even though I have tasted sweet happiness and bitter sadness many times. Oh mortals! Oh mortals! Seize your life and use your time wisely. Do not let even one hour pass for which you could not say, "It was mine!"[2].  Time walks with hurried steps and whoever allows time walk past him he can never catch up with it again even if he runs like lightning.

No word yet?

Nothing, my good daughter! But it is not even possible.
 - Yhey just left. Be patient a while longer, my child.

Do you have some orders? Nikola, don't hide anything from me; be it good or bad, tell me all. If there is bad news, tell me now so that I can prepare.  You would not want to see dread misfortune find a weak woman unprepared.

There is nothing yet that you must prepare for. Do you think that I would leave you in Siget? Do you think I would do something so stupid, that I would leave what is most precious to me to the dice of chance[3].

I have send messengers to the emperor to inform him of the impending attack on Hungarian lands over which he will surely march. Hamza-bey has already built a bridge over the Drava even though he had to move and try three times. They wait for Great Suleiman. Mehmed Sokolović with sixteen thousand Janissaries, as well as Mustafa and Ibrahim are already prepared and crossed the Drava preparing the way through Hungary for the sultan. If our heroes do not hurry they will soon find the sultan at Siget.

Scene 3

The previous and Francis

Francis (Zrinski's chamberlain)
My noble lord, right now the watchman on the tower calls, "There is a great cloud of dust on the road to Siget". It is most likely our heroic soldiers, who return home with great Turkish treasure."

(looking out the window)

Thank your, good man, for that comforting news. Thank you one hundred times. Tell me, have you seen him alive? Has he returned?

Who, young countess?

Daughter; what are you thinking?
The lookouts see only dust and assume that it is our soldiers.

Only assume? Oh, if only I was up there.
I would recognize him from afar. But...

What? Will you start to cry again?

It's them! It's them!
They are now close! It is them!

Eva and Helena
Where? Where?

They are riding to the fort. Courageous Lorenz is in front of everyone with a horsetail[4] waving in his hand.

Oh, mother! Mother! Hold me! I will fall! The pain in my heart and the tears in my eyes come to an end. These new tears are for joy.

Control yourself, child, you have your Lorenz once again.

Do you not hear their war-songs resound? Do you not hear their drums beating? Here! They are already in the courtyard and they dismount (through the window). Welcome my brave knights. A great welcome! May God and the Homeland reward you for your efforts. Francis, go downstairs and open my cellars - they need food and drink.


Scene 4

The previous, Kaspar and Lorenz
(with horsetail in hand), other captains

My comrades!



You are the victors!

Only by God's good grace; my honorable countess. Four thousand Turks fell and an unbelievable treasure is ours.

(putting the horsetail at Zrinski's feet)
Sire! I have fulfilled my promise. Right from the middle of a thick group of Turks I grabbed, with great strength and battle courage, this horsetail from one of their nobles. That is how it was and no other, Kaspar will confirm.

Tell us now, Kaspar! How was it?

Mehmed-bey was encamped in front of Siklos and not thinking anything of us, with his many thousands, burning and plundering the nearby villages.

We divided our forces into three almost equal parts. Wulf led the force on the left, I was in the center and the right was given to Lorenz. Across hidden secret paths we approached, we surrounded them and then surprised the enemy. We bravely attacked from all sides. Panic fell over their army and only a few could fight back but even they were quickly beaten. Our swords slew most of them quickly - there were dead all over. Others fled into the woods while some tried to hide in the moat where they drowned. Their leader Mehmed-bey too drowned in the moat. We captured Mehmed-bey's son and some of their nobles. Eight camels, heavily laden with pure gold; a number of horsetails and flags as well as many other things. We have never taken such a treasure in all the years that we have raided them.

Among our brave soldiers I much especially congratulate Lorenz who fought like a man[5]. This is my testimony, along with our band of brothers. Brothers, was it like that? Tell yourselves that to our brave knight!

All captains
Lorenz fought with exceptional heroism!

Oh, my dear hero! How proud you make me!

You and your love were my inspiration.

Come to me, young hero! Come here so I may embrace you. The true nobility that you won today no monarch can confer. Your nobility will never fade in the hearts of our descendants. For as long as the world exists on the lips of our people your name will live. Now my dear son! That which you hoped for, accept! Take Helena as your fiancée (betrothed). My blessing to both of you!

Dear Father! - Dear God! - Dear Helena!

Oh, dear mother! Please tell me, is this reality or am I dreaming?

No, my dear child! It is real, the sun has now risen
and your wish is fulfilled. Your new day starts.

Dear mother, give us your blessing also!

You have my blessing my dear young couple.

Save your joy and celebrations for more tranquil days. Today something else waits for us. Once again, thank you my brave soldiers. You held yourselves well. You fought well. The Turks will, I am certain, long remember your names. Now, my loyal captains, is the time for great work for our hands. The sultan hurries to Siget. I think that he might be here as early as tonight. Therefore, my good men...

(the sound of horns is heard)

- What? What does that sound mean? The horn could be from the enemy or from emperor Maximilian. What is it Wulf, go and see.

(looking through the window)
Petar Bačetić and a few others
with him enter the citadel.

He comes from the emperor, Wulf! Go to him and bring him here.


He too is a good hero.
He has already earned his badge of honor[6]. Here he is!

Scene 5

The previous, Wulf and Petar

Welcome! Welcome! Petar!
What news do you bring here?

Here, a letter from the emperor, and if you want, myself also.

A worthy man! A hero worth much in these times. Doubly I welcome you - you are most welcome! Tell me, when did you leave Vienna?

Monday, at dawn.

You rode very quickly.

On the word of the emperor and by my own desire. When duty to the Homeland requires, my noble knight, I know how to hurry!

The Turks have already felt your bravery. I think, Petar, that you, with your skill, can count yourself among the best of our heroes.

What I have done, compared to your accomplishments, is lost like smoke in the air. Our people all call you the defender and saviour of our Homeland.

I fought for God, our Homeland and my Emperor - that which all would do. Tell me, how is it in Vienna? I hear that many foreign soldiers arrived there.

That is how it is! They have heard that the Turks have mobilized and are moving against Christendom and for that reason aid arrived not only from Christian rulers near here but also from afar. We need all the aid we can get.

Did you hear anything about my son?

Your son George is in the Guard. He wanted to come in my place. As he tells me he is hoping to be soon placed into a regiment so that he can go into the war. I have many greetings to pass on to you from him.

Thank you Petar on that news. Do you wish to remain with us?

With your permission, my prince! I would like to fight under your banner. I look forward to being in a place where serious work is done. If I need to fall for the Homeland, you know, that a Croat standing beside a Croat, who fight heroically against the enemy, gladly dies.

I like you. Thank you! My captain Blaz Draskovic now lies in bed sick with fever. I will give you his unit. Make sure that you quickly meet and get to know your troops.

I will not thank you with words now.
I will show you my thanks through my actions later.

Now my friend, I will open the letter from the emperor. Wulf! Go and find out if all the entrances into the town are firmly closed; are the cannons mounted on the bastions? Make all the preparations as you know best. With a wave let me know; I will be here.

(Wulf exits)

Scene 6

The previous without Wulf

(goes to the side and reads)

(to Kaspar)
You have returned from a battle?

Yes. We defeated Mehmed-bey at Siklos. The general is dead and his army destroyed. As Mehmed-bey was trying to escape he, along with others, drowned in the moat. Four thousand fell and we took three hundred as prisoners.

You were quite fortunate.

Are you fortunate now, Lorenz?

Am I fortunate, do you have to ask me? Oh, believe me, the way that I am, is like I am in Heaven. Now I am happy, now I am wealthy, and I did not just receive you but I earned you with my sword.

Do not act that way, I beg you, Lorenz!
Is my love bought, or earned? Isn't my love a gift?

My Nikola is deep in thought.
Let's leave him alone.

I seems to me that letter brought bad news.

(to Kaspar)
Friend! Where would be our happiness, and good fortune,
if our wives were not here with us.

(moves further from Zrinski)

(moves to the center of the room, talking to himself.)
I must hold, that I not expect help?
That we fight to the last man?
That his army is weak and can't at this time send any help?
He in encamped at Gyor waiting for the great sultan?
He knows me and my soldiers?
Don't be afraid to sacrifice for the Homeland?

Big words! You know me, Maximilian! I thank you my emperor for your confidence in me! You know Nikola Zrinski? You are not mistaken? I do not ask for more pay or awards for my fidelity but I ask for my soldiers. For the Homeland, for my God and my faith I am ready to die!

But, hold on Nikola, what are you thinking? Will you forget about your wife and daughter? They must leave - mustn’t they?
They must go to Vienna to the emperor.

No, that will not be, because the morale of the soldiers will fall if they notice their commander in despair. Twice already the Turks attacked this fortress while our wives and daughters were here. The citadel is strong and the soldiers are brave. During the battle, if need be, we will find secret paths. No matter how dear, for the wellbeing of the Homeland, everyone must sacrifice. To endure a heroic death not even women are weak. Here they will stay! To emperor Maximilian I will prove my fidelity in this battle. All my estates, all my precious goods, and my life I put forward - nothing is more precious than the Homeland.

Scene 7

The previous, Wulf

Everything is prepared, all that you ordered. The bastions are heavy with cannons and the gates into the fortress are strongly sealed and guarded. When it is time to go into battle the watchman from the tower will call. He reports that an uncountable number of Turks march toward Siget. Five villages are seen burning, set ablaze by the Janissaries[7] that come first. We hear more from a deserter from Pecs who tells us that Ibrahim is in front and that he will today start the attack on us.

Let everyone wait ready for the sound of my voice. Go to the courtyard of the citadel and call everyone that carries weapons, and can carry weapons. There I will tell you what the emperor wants and what I have decided to do.


Will you not send the gracious countess and your daughter, while there are no obstacles on the road, to the emperor in Vienna? I recommend that this is not a proper place for tender women.

Likewise, I agree.

Don't do that, I beg you, Nikola! Leave me with you! Show the world that you do not think of me so basely - that I am weak. I can read it in your brow, I recognize the look in your eye, that we are here because of us. Nikola, do not send us away! A wife must be by her husband. Let me stay by your side!

But your daughter, gracious countess!

My daughter? She will show her love.

Like that, my father, like that!
Do not send us away.

Siget is solid, and we are, thanks to God, brave strong men.
  -  What is there to be afraid of?

Nothing: we are strong men; - but the women.



Sire! We will fight more freely and bravely if we know they are safe.

More freely, we may, but not more bravely.

Nikola, am I safer anywhere other than by your side?

Do not worry yourselves; you will stay!

Thank you, Nikola!

Now to work. Wait for me, and at my command go to the citadel courtyard. Go on, while I get dressed and armed. I'll be there soon.

We follow your command!

Be well!

Come now, dear Eva! Help me get dressed.

(They exit.)

Scene 8

Helena alone.

Why does he leave me alone? In this dark time, oh God! Beside him I experience every pleasure of life, every joy and merriment and now I am left alone - now I am neglected!

Where does he go? Where has my star hidden? Lorenz! Lorenz! Is that how precious your betrothed is to you, that you abandon her?

But what did he say about leaving me? Sacrifice for the Homeland is not cheap. That is how it is, like that.
May God and all the saints help you!


Scene 9

(Courtyard in the citadel.)

Kaspar, Petar, Wulf, Lorenz,
other captains and soldiers.

On my honor! I have never seen Zrinski so serious even though I have been in battle many times with him. Fire sparks out of his eyes. I do not know what is in him. I do not know what to think of him.

Every hero must be like that when you see an armed enemy advance on you for battle. I feel no different.

That my friend, believe me, is the passion of youth. That is not what is inside of our prince. When he is so disturbed, when fiery sparks shoot from his eyes then know that there must be a greater cause than just a call to battle.

Like that, like that, Wulf!
You speak well.

Here he goes!

Blessings to our knight, our good Nikola!

Scene 10

The previous, Zrinski

Thank you my brothers! Thank you from my heart!
Are all my captains and troops here as I ordered?

All of us, noble lord!

Good. Now listen to the words of your commander. With an uncountable army Suleiman advances on Siget with a desire to destroy Siget and all of us in it and therefore we, brothers, must make a heroic stand! Emperor Maximilian goes to Gyor, his army is to be encamped there. Because they are still weak it would be foolish to march against the enemy in the open fields to attempt to win doubtful victories and therefore he can't sent us any assistance but he has confidence in this fort and in us.  He has faith in us - that we will fight like heroes for God, our sacred faith and our Homeland, not afraid of death.

We will not be afraid, we know that the entire sea breaks when it hits one strong rock. Do not be afraid of their numbers - let them bring one hundred of their soldiers to attack one of ours. God and his saints are with us. The entirety of Christendom depends on us - a small handful of people.  Wherever the cross is planted on our heights, in the valleys or plains no matter where it is we will fall to our knees and pray to Eternal God for our good luck and victory in our cause. Because they depend on us and our bravery we must go into battle strong and bold and not afraid of death.

If, by any chance something unfortunate should happen to me, if I fall before you do, then you my old brother in arms Kaspar will be the commander of Siget and leader of the army in my place. Soldiers, obey him as you would obey me!

Hear further my commands (martial law);
Whoever disobeys his superior will die by the sword.
Whoever leaves his post, even for a moment without orders will die without trial.
He who receives and reads a letter from the Turks will die as a traitor. Whatever comes from the enemy will be thrown unread into the fire. Anyone afraid and whisper their doubts or conspiring secretly amongst themselves will be hung. Whoever witnesses such whispers but does not report then, because their friends are involved, will hang with them. We must live and die as men. We have no secrets from one another and we have no reason to act as cowards. That is the way it will be and no other.

The Janissary captain, who spoke against our God and mocking our sacred faith will die for his blasphemy. Also, I order the execution of the three hundred Turks we took prisoner and their heads will be placed on the bastions to strike fear into the entire Turkish army. Let them pay for the burning of our villages and the murder of our innocent countrymen.

A large cross must be made and painted in red color. The cross should be placed at the main entrance to the fortress so that the Turkish dogs know how and for what the Christians fight and die.

Now I, your leader, will be the first to go down on my knee before God to swear an oath. Following me you will do the same, swearing your vow on my sword.

(He goes down on his knees and speaks)

I, Nikola Prince Zrinski, swear before Almighty God, that I will be faithful to the emperor and the Homeland to my death. I will never, in any danger, abandon you! Heaven may forsake me in the last hours of my life if I desert you in any way. If I do not act like a true brother I do not deserve to share in the victory and deal death.

(He stands)

Follow my oath, my heroic soldiers!


(place their swords on Zrinski's sword)

Kaspar and Petar
Likewise we also swear: that we will be faithful to the God, the Homeland unto our death[8] - to the last man standing.

Unto our death - to the last man standing!

Wulf and Lorenz
We swear to you, noble prince, submission and obedience
unto our death, to the last man!

Unto our death - to the last man standing.

(The curtain falls)

[1] Your color returns
[2] About Carpe Diem
[3] or roll of the dice, blind fate, luck
[4] "Tugh" or "Tuğs" is a horsetail standard used by Ottoman armies rather than flags to designate rank.  The horsetail, usually dyed a bright color, was attached to an ornately decorated lance.  A sanjak-bey had one tail, beyler-bey had two, viziers had three, the grand vizier had five and the sultan had seven.  The appearance of a horsetail standard meant that this was an important unit and not just a low level raid.
[5] To fight like a man means with courage and strength, pushing forward and not retreating.
[6] or "hero certificate"
[7] It was actually the vanguard of the eastern horde that approaches first that set the villages on fire.
[8] or "until our death", "up to our death"



(Šator Sulejmanov pod Sigetom.)

Prizor 1.

Mustafa, Ali-Portuk.

Nijsam li kazao? Tako mi Muhameda, nećemo moć lahkim ove kaurine nadvladati. Znam ja dobro, tko je Nikola knez Zrinjski.

Negovori toga dvaput Sulejmanu. Stari onaj lav, nekako gnjevno gleda. Ibrahim je već njegovu serditost oćutio. На, ovi psi, nemogu ni vrěme dočekati, ta oni sernjaju kao slěpi, i gone nas sad ovamo, sad onamo, po bojišću. Sramota velika. Šaka jedna ljudih! Sramota! Dvě hiljade naših već zakopasmo. Ta tu čověk mora poběsniti.

Dobro sam ja govorio. Sad bi već bili na putu u Beč, ali ne, nego se slabimo na ovih zidinah. Dotle će car Maksimilian sa svih stranah europejskih vladarah vojsku sakupiti, i kad nas ovdě omalimo, s kojom ćemo revnostju i žestinom moć tada na krepoga i još neumorenoga nepriatelja navaliti? — О, budalaštine! Neopisljive budalaštine!

Priatelju! Priatelju! Tvoja glava.

Stoji li morda tvoja čverštje i sěgurnie na vratu, što na te budalaštine mučiš? Ako nam sjutra stvar za rukom neizidje, věruj mi, da ćemo njegovo bezumno odvaženje životom platiti, tako da će se u kervi svojih bojnikah zadušit morati.

Prizor 2.

Predjašnji, Mehmed.

(iz vana)
Nek se od juriša prestane, pa natrag. To je sve badavao samo se kerv proleva bez polze. (unidje) Kako ste kazali, tako se je, – i još gorje dogodilo.

Dobro veliš, Sokoloviću! Ali što to sve prudi, kad Sulejman neće pametno veće da sluša. - Kaži, je li nas skupo današnji juriš stao?

Tri hiljade od naših najboljih ostade mertvih. Zar nijste vidili, kako su Zrinjani naše bojnike, od kojih već mislismo, da su u tverdji, sa stermih bedenah navratce na tla turali? Tako su jedan za drugim nepreterzljivo kroz cělu jednu uru padali.

Al su se naši janitčari dobro deržali.

Ej, idi! Što se hasni dobro deržati prot onom narodu, koi veselo i radostno za Boga i za svoju věru k smrti, kao u svagove idje? Verujte mi; — ја Nikolu i njegove verlo dobro poznam.

Jeste li već s velikim vašim sultanom bili?

Nijsmo, negoga evo ovdě čekamo, mislimo bo, da će nas skoro zvati.

Pst! Čini mi se, da idje. Nebesa! dopustite, da mojemu glasu posluh dade.

Ali- Portuk
Idje zbilja.

Pomozite mi. Govorite i vi po meni, vama bo mnogo věruje.

Prizor 3.

Predjašnji, Sulejman.

Kako je, vezire?

Dao sam od juriša prestati.

Ej, kuga te umorila! A tko je dao zapověd?

Buduć, da sam jatomce janitčare bez koristi padati gledao, to učinih, vojsku tvoju za drugi srěćni dan čuvajući. Zidine Sigetske već dugo ionako našem zernju protiviti se nemogu, skoro se moraju razoriti, tad će preko njih kano slavodobitnici junaci tvoji u Siget unići, i na verhovih njegovih poluměsec uzdignuti.

Da Siget past mora, to ja znam, niti trebam sverh toga razlaganja; dali znaj, da ću svaku uru na to upotrěbiti, makar ga s milionom životah kupiti morao. Ti znaš dobro, da ja ljude nikad štedio nijsam, pa sad, da u starih mojih godinah to učim. Mehmede! Mehmede! boj se moga gnjeva! Na te tovarim moju volju; i je li ti taj tovar za slabačko tělo težak? čuvaj se, da te neuništoži.

Ako sam zaišao, možni gospodine i care! iz dobre je sverhe čim taj izvěrao.

Slugino je slušati, a gospodarovo zapovědati. Upamti si to dobro. Što ti imaš zapovedati? Što odredjivati: Ja hoću juriš! Juriš hoću! Ako neće s dobrim ići, a ti pse draži, i pikaj na njih , da k zidu idu. Juriš, juriš ja hoću; jesi li me razuměo?

Veliki moj gospodine i care! nezaměri mi! što ću tvojoj mudrosti ponizno predložiti.

A što napriměr?

Nemoj višje danas na Siget udarati. Ja ću dojduće noći dati sa svih stramah na tverdju i varoš pucati. Dugo se neće moć deržat, věruj mi! Daj medjutim zarobljenog omog kaurina preda se dovesti, nek izpovědi, kako je u Sigetu. Neotimlji umorenoj tvojoj vojsci potrebni pokoj. Pametna odvlaka višje učiniti može, nego boj. Predobitje nemože se siliti.

Ja ću ga pako siliti. Ja ću pokazati, da ga siliti uměm.

Spoměni se od Malte.

Ah, svi te vrazi tergali! Ali, neponavljaj mi toga, ako ti je glava draga; ionaka bo višje od tebe terpim, nego što bi kano sultan terpiti morao.

Moj život i smrt u tvojih je rukuh.

Jer ti to znadeš, pa pokraj toga věndar volju tvoju neprestrašljivo očituješ, opraštjam ti. Ja ljubim istinu, koja se smrti neboji. Za znak moje carske milosti, tvoj ću, savět poslušati, i neću danas na Siget udarati. — Dovedi preda me zarobljenoga onoga kaurina!

Mahom; već sam ga dao zvati.

Veliki vam je to junak, mnogonožni care! Živog ga. uhiti nebi mogli, da mu nij jedan naših hrabrenih janitčarah smrtno čelo izsěkao, štono ga napol mertva na tla obali, i istom pomoćju naših umětnih lekarah k sebi dojde. Evo ga idje!

Prizor 4.

Predjašnji, Bačetić.

(svezanom glavom, vodjen od jednoga age, pred Sulejmanu stuplja.)

Vatreni pogled, hod junački. Ja i na momu nepriatelju to počitavam. - Tko si ti, mladiću, kaži mi?

Ja sam tvoj nepriatelj, i Keršćenik, dakle iz dvojstrukoga sam ti uzroka merzak.

To ti samo tako misliš ponosni Zrinjanine! – Valuj! kako je u Sigetu?

Kušaj tvoju sreću! Udri na njega, i videti ćeš, kako je!

Jadni robe! Zar se tako velikom sultanu odgovara?

Budi ti hudi izmetku tvojega naroda njegov rob, ja nijsam. Ja kano Zrinjanim klanjam se samo Bogu na nebu, a kralja moga počitavam na zemlji.

Ti mi se dopadaš, kaurine! Nego mi kaži: kako je tamo kod vas u Sigetu. Ja znam, da ste vi hrabreni bojnici. Il bi morda toliko težio za vašom Ugarskom, da nebi njejne stanovnike puno poznavao. Ja voljim sve da i nijsam lav, da me medved sluša, nego i da me pas i mačka kraljem na zivaju.

O ti lave, čuvaj se tvojih medvedah. Pravi medved neboji se tvoje prětnje.

A ono nek moje šapalje oćuti. Sad kaurine, kaži mi: kako je u vašem Sigetu, i hoću li skoro moć moje zastave u njega uněti. Ako pri tvojoj mučkavici tverdokorno ostaneš, znaj, da ću ti tvoj němi jezik podrezati. Govori dakle!

Žalibože, moj sultane za te tvoje rěči koje po vetru prosipaš od mene ništa drugo čuti nećeš, nego samo: Idji tamo, i videti ćeš kako je. Zrinjani neće běžati. Oni tomu nijsu naučni. Idji tamo! oni će te, věruj mi, dočekati, i kazati kako je.

Ja sam toliki svět predobio, zakone sam mu predpisao , a ti misliš, da je šaka tvojih Zrinjanah tvrda pećina. Dvěsta hiljadah vojske ja imadem, kadra na cělu Europu udariti, pa će joj jedna kukavna zidina odoliti moći?

Množina, s hrabrenostju uzporedjene, nestaje. Oni tamo u Sigetu znaju višje, nego ti, i tvojih dvěsta hiljadah turskih pasah. Oni znaju umrijeti za pravu věru mirno i dragovoljno, a ne ludasto i slěpo kao ti s tvojom ćoravom vojskom.

I umerěti će, Allah mi! Zar nije to isto onakova budalaština, kano kad bi brodar brod prot vodi, koja preko pećine dol u dubljine rulja, těrao? Zar se neće brod skupa sa svojimi upravitelji u dubljini vodah utopiti? Zar mu neće imena ukratko nestati?

Ne, Sulejmane, ne! njegovo će ime vazda živěti: svi će ga narodi, dok je světa i ljudih hvaliti i slaviti. Ali tebe, ne vjerniče, tebe smetu čovečanstva, tebe će ružiti, i pogerdnim imenom okrutnika nazivati, to ti ja kažem! Glej, kako mu robovi derhtju, što ova bez straha u oči njihovom velikom sultanu, i mnogomožnom caru kazatisměm. -- Moj sam život s ovimi rěčmi na paučinu oběsio. Čini sad iz mene, što hoćeš. Ja sam ti kazao, što ti još do sada nitko kazao nije.

Kaurine! ja ti život poklanjam. – Zar može što psina měsecu nahuditi, kad na njega laje? — Ja ti Muhameda mi! malo poklanjam; život bo je samo velikim ljudem skup. Po prahu puzati, i onako neće već živeti.

Po to neću da živim. Ako ćeš mi što pokloniti, ako ćeš me počitati, ti me daj umoriti.

Ljude počitavati, već sam davno zaboravio.

A ti se uči na meni. Ja od nepriatelja mojega věrozakona, i dušmanima moje domovine! nikakve milosti netražim 

(dere sa sebe obvitke.) 
Teci kervi, il ovdě il u boju, svejedno je. Za moga kralja i domovinu, věndar umiram! – Proklestvo sverhu tebe, Sulejmane! a blagoslov sverhu mog velikoga cara! 
(pade onesvečštjen na zemlju.)

Budalasti kaurine! — Ako car Maksimilian mnogo takvih imade, može se bogatušem nazvati! Nosite ga na dvor i ako mu se još pomoći može, nastojte; umah po Levia pošaljite!
(odneu ga.)

Prizor 5.


(okrom Bačetića.)

(za se)
Kaurine kaurine! Ti si me mnogo razjědio.
Mnogo si mi koješta izgovorio.

Čini mi se, da se je naš veliki car na onoga kaurskog psa razljutio. Čini mi se, da ga je njegova oštra rěč, razjědila.

Meni ga je žao.

Danas rano najdoh Levia kod njega u šatoru, i pitah ga, što mu je? On kretjuć s rameni, dade mi razuměti, da ga je današnji nesrěćni boj sasvim uznemirio i pobunio.

Tako će i bit, jer, da je on pri sebi, da je pri svojoj staroj pameti, nevěrujem, da bi onom zarobljenom Zrinjaninu oprostio.

Odstupimo malo od njega, čini mi se, da će něšto razlagati. Gledajte samo, kako mu se čelo vora. Hajdemo malo na stranu! Ostavimo ga! (odidu)

Pripoznaj, stara sěda čelo, da na ova hrabrena nasertanja Zrinjaninah nijsi niti mislila! Nijsi si, nijsi drugu Maltu izsnila. Još ima ljudih za imenom i slavom žednih. Misle li tako svi Zrinjani, kao onaj, koi malo prě preda mnom bi, onda će zaisto nasertanje moje izprazno biti, na ovoj šaki kaurinah, koji za izgubiti što drugo, okrom svog života, ništa neimaju. — Ipak, past jedanput moraju. Past moraju sve neka najdublje jamurine tverdjavske s mertvimi tělesi janitčarah mojih ravnat budem morao, past moraju!

Ali vrěme, vrěme to je ono, što mi se nedopada. Zar sam se ja podigao, da samo Siget osvojim? Zar moja odluka ne biaše dilje ići, neg ovdě kod několiko pedljih zemlje ostati? Zar se ja nijsam za cělu Europu pripravio? Zar nijsam nauměo iz predobivenog Beča celoj Němačkoj zakone predpisivati, pa ležim ovdě s vojskom mojom, razbijajuć šedu moju ludu čolku o zidine Sigetske, razmišljajuć kako bi moguće bilo ovo nekoliko Zrinjaninah iz njihove sěgurnosti protěrati, i uništožiti. Poběsnio bi i poludio, kad bi htěo moj slavni život ova ko kukavno overšiti i moje poslednje kreposti u ovako malovršinom boju razsipati. Ne, ne, svetca mi mog Muhameda! to ja neću. Ja sětjam, da su kratki dnevi mog života, unutarnji nekoli gnjev ruje serdce moje. Zato je odlučeno: Siget se mora predati, pa idjem tada prot Maksimilianu.

Koi svět nadvladati može, onaj može i jedno kraljestvo kano milostinju pokloniti. Siget mora moj biti; — kako? — to je meni svejedno, – moj mora biti. Blagu i bogatstvu nepraštjam, kad mi što serdce poželi. 


Gospodine i care!

Idji berzo u Siget! Traži ugovor s Nikolom knezom Zrinjskim. Nek mi se bez oproverženja prědade. Reci mu , da je njegov jogunluk běsnost, i budalaština gledeć na množinu naše vojske. Reci mu, da se nepristoji sa tom ludostju udarati jednomu junaku, kano što je on. 

Ponudi ga od moje strane s horvatskim kraljestvom, koje će takojer i na potomke njegove prelaziti; i drugo, štogod hoće od blaga. Kaži mu, da sam mu pripravan svaka dati, samo nek mi Siget predade. Kaži mu, da ću ga kano moga priatelja i uveznika vazda poznavati i počitavati nek se samo predade. Kaži mu, jesi li razuměo: Horvatsku kano baštinsko kraljestvo. 

Govori mu k serdcu, i ako to opraviš, biti ćeš nadaren, kako još nigdě nijedan car ne nadari, samo neka se prědade.

Gospodine i care! koliko ja Nikolu kneza Zrinjskoga poznadem; — věrujte mi, da sve ništa pruditi neće.

Al neka prudi; ja hoću, da prudi. Kaži mu, ako se neprědade, da ću sve, niti dětčicu u materinskih utrobah neiznimljujuć, moriti, suprugu pako i kćer za ruglo cělom kerštjanluku mojim robom žertvovati. Stani malo ! — Nije li se govorilo, da je juče njegov sin zarobljen?

To se je samo govorilo; al nije istina.

Svejedno. Kaži samo, da imamo njegovoga sina, i ako tverdju neprědade, kaži mu, da ću ga tako mučiti, da isti pakao nad njim plakao bude. Predloži mu, što volji: il krunu na glavi imati, il svoga sina mertva gledati. 


Prizor 6.

(Dvorana u Sigetu.)

Nikola, Alapić, Paprutović, Juranić,
Višje stotnikah.

Što vam se vidi, bratjo? Bi li novi varoš dulje terpio? Mogu li se još na njegove zidine pouzdati, da drugi juriš čekam, ili ću ga zapaliti, da ono vlastitom našom rukom razorimo, što našim mačem obraniti kadri mijsmo.

Nemojte to činiti, sladki ćako! Ostavi mo mi to, ako je Bog sudio, za janitčare. Zar da naši gradjani, koji su sve svoje dobro obrani našoj izručili, ufajuć se u nas, onamo baklju letit gledaju, gdě sěgurno město najti misliše? Beden je još dosti tverd, a narod hrabren i věran. Čekajmo slobodno drugi juriš, eda ih naša bojna volja preplaši, i tada ćemo caru varoš, a vjernim gradjanom dobro njihovo osloboditi.

Misao ta tvoja, do neba te uzvisuje, dragi moj Juraniću! To je verlo lěpo od tebe, da si se tako za dobro čověčanstva poprimio. Tko je lavu u boju priličan, onaj nesmě na lavsku visokodušnost zaboraviti. Ti si najmladji ovdě medj nami, i premako se na hrabrenosti s mnogimi měriti možeš, věndar u ovom slučaju: t.j. štose ovdě odlučuje, manjka ti bojno věžbanje. - Govori ti, Alapiću, što ti misliš?

Što Lovro čověkoljubno sovětovaše, nahodim za dobro; jer sam i sam rada kukavni varoš čuvati; medjutim, naših je, kakono znamo verlo malo, a bedem prostran za malu jednu herpu ljudih. Mi nemožemo svagde množtvu janitičarah odoliti. A ionako je već danas varoš od Ali-Portuka u sasvim skoro ropucan i razvaljen. Turni su porušeni, niti ćemo s pervim jurišem noć sigurni biti. Gradjani nek berzo sva svoja gibljiva dobra ovamo u stari varoš unesu, tad se slobodno bez dalješnjega iztraživanja — baklja goruća na njega hititi može, bolje bo je da do temelja izgori, nego da se Ali-Portuk onda obbusije, i tako sěgurnie na stari varoš, puca.

Tako i ja mislim, Alapiću!

Meni je nedokučljivo, i možebit, da ću se kom i zaměriti; — meni je nedokučljivo, kad razborno razmišljavati pojdem, da se je car Maksimilian sa osamdeset hiljadah pod Gjurom utaborio, pa i nemisli, da nam pomoć pošlje. Zar on nemari za svoje ljude za svoju tverdju? Zar nemari za skupi život Nikole Zrinjskoga? Ta ono je zbilja za poluditi, kada čověk promisli, gde se ono bezumno smrti žertvuje što bi se sačuvati, i za bolja srećnia vrěměna štediti moglo, i moralo. Nek dokuči to tko može, ja dokučiti nemogu.

Nemoj tako sumnjit od našega dobroga cara. On ima dosta nevoljah, tugah, brigah, i mukah. Ja dobro znam, da mu serdce proplakuje, da mu je ne samo nas, nego i drugih bojnikah žao; al što ćemo de, tako bit mora. Žao mu je, znaj sěgurno, što je mene i vas smrti žertvovao. - Na njegovoj odluki, i odredjenju, neima mahne, ja ga visoko cěnim. Mi ovdě možemo mnogo pruditi, i opraviti. Mi ćemo još koiput s Turčinom boj biti, ovamo oslabiti ćemo ga, onamo opet Maksimilian, če dobiti vrěme svoju ostalu vojsku sakupiti, i tako ćemo dvojstruko koristiti. O priatelju, budi uvěren, da je mudro i pametno, tko tako čini. On žertvuje smrti hiljade, da milione sačuvati može.

Prizor 7.

Predjašnji, (jedan stotnik.)

Eno jedan turski vodja pred vrati čeka, kako veli u ime svoga cara, s vami ugovarati se. Nego bez svědokah želi věćati.

Bi li ga upustio?

Škoditi neće. Věndar sam novoželjan; rad sam znati, što nam novoga nosi.

Dovedi ga k meni. A vi drugi budite u predsobi, i pazite dobro na me. Što se novog varoša tiče, još ću razmišljavati, medjutim věndar dajte zapověd, da gradjani dobra svoja iznašaju. Pripravite takojer i baklje, da zajedno na sedam stranah goriti može. - Kad vam dadem znamenje, unidjite. — Nek taj Turčin dojde. (odidju svi, samo Nikola ostane)

Prizor 8.

Nikola sam

(Idje k prozoru, i gledajuč dole mu varoš -)

Evo ga, ovdě leži, kukavni varoš! - Još neki sladki pokoj trepti viš krovovah njegovih, topovi su umučali, dugački boj priatelja je i nepriatelja uznojio. Svud je na ulicah mirno, kano da nigda boja nebi niti bilo: svako idje rěvno za svojim poslom. - Glej, kaple od svojih kućah zatvaraju, a i nemisle, da više jutra neće biti, koje će ih otvoriti. Oni i nemisle, da već strahoviti blěsk, koi će sav taj mir utamaniti, na vedrom nebu u pripravi stoji, čekajuć samo ruku, koja će ga dole hititi.

Pa ovu srěću ja bunim? Ja ovaj pokoj podkapam? Bog mi izruči dobro tolikih vjernih gradjanah а ја gа gubim? Směm i ja to činiti - Směm li tudj život tražiti? Moj mogu, moje supruge, mojega děteta, mojih priateljah, — kad je dobro obćinsko u pogibelji, sami bo su se nenatěrani meni podvergli. Oni moraju, premda nevini sa mnom k smrti ići. Ali ove sirotinje, ove? Směm li ja to učiniti? Směm li ja rušiti ono, što gradio nijsam? — Směš li ti to Nikola? — – Ah, te na što mi se razžali? Sto te suze znamenuju, stari viteže!? – Domovina tvoja išće od tebe tvoje serdce, tvoju hrabrenost, - nepitaj: směm li ja to? —

Prizor 9.

Nikola, jedan stotnik, i Mehmed

Turski vodja, gospodine!

Nek dojde; ja sam sam.



Kako? Ti si tu, Sokoloviću? – Dobro mi došao, kakvi mu drago glas nos'o. Sva prilika, da car što važno sa mnom imade, dok je svoga najuglednlega poslao.

Moj gospodin car Sulejman prima te u carsku visoku svoju milost, i pozivate s bratjom tvojom, da mu razmišljav slabu vojsku tvoju, tverdju Sigetsku prědadeš. Car slavi i počitava djedjerno serdce tvoje, i žao bi mu bilo da se još koiput s tobom, kano s nepriateljom ogleda. Pripravan ti je svaka dati, kojagod se njegovom carskomu veličanstvu pristoje, ako se danas još prědadeš, ako pako ne a on će sve bez obzira moriti. Tako je, to je on obećao.

Više mi neimaš ništa kazati? Sa tim si mogao kod kuće ostati. Kvar za ono vrěme, koje si na putu k meni badava potrošlo. Ja sam Nikola, knez Zrinjski, to je moj odgovor. Ako me Sulejman, kakono veliš kano viteza počitava, s kojim licem može od mene izdajstvo iskati?

Da si ti samo vitez, onda bi što drugo bilo, ali su i suprug i otac. Čuj, Nikola! Sultanov gnjev neće niti ženskadii praštati. On se je zakleo, da će ih svoim robovim žertvovati ako se neprědadeš. Ti možeš u boju kano junak pasti, ali spomeni se tvoje supruge tvoje kćeri! Nikola! Nikola! mene ternci prolaze, kad samo na to pomislim. One utljive ženske glave, okrutničkim proštakom žertvovati?

Baš si pogodio.

O primi moj savět, Nikola!

Kukavni poturico! Ti moju suprugu nepoznaš, nepoznaš njejnu visokodušnost, koja se u utljivom njezinom serdcu širi. Kaži tvojim robovim, da se uzdaju, al nek se nenadaju. Моја је supruga, i moje je děte; i jedna i druga za krěpost, kad vreme bude, znati će umrijeti.

Al on netraži tvoje tverdje badava. Ona mu je baš omila i rad bi ju imati, to možeš zaključati iz velike cěne, koju ti daje. Horvatsku, kano baštinsko kraljestvo dobit ćes, i štogod još od blaga i bogatstva želiš. Kano priatelja i zaveznika svoga, vazda će te on, i potomci njegovi počitavati.

Fuj! – Zar me směš još so tom sramotom nuditi. – Kaži tvojemu Sulejmanu, da je Nikoli skuplje poštenje, nego kruna i blago. Kaži mu, kaži, da mene može i cělu moju vojsku uništožiti, ali mi poštenje nemože. Idji, pa mu tako kaži!

Dobro dakle, ti tverdokorni čověče, kad te to ganuti nemože, a ti poslušaj, što ću ti još prě, nego odem, kazati, i derhtji! Tvoj je sin kod nas zarobljem; i nepredaš li se, obećao je Sultan, da će ga tako dati mučiti, da će isti pakao verh njega cviliti. Na tvomu će sinu tverdokornost. I bezumnost tvoju osvetiti.

Moj sin, Gjuragj? Ah, Sinko! Sinko! Bože, ruka je tvoja težka!

Domisli se! - Okrutnici su već pripravljeni.

Kod mene tudě domišlavanje města neima. Nikola je Knez Zrinjski na tvoje svake predstave gluh, jesi li me razuměo? Mučite ga, kinite ga, merovarite ga, tergajte mu od trupa s najajnimi klešći ude njegove; Gjuragj je moj bio, moj sin, nek junački umre.

(na vrati.)

Paprutoviću, baklju na novi varoš! – To je ono to, štono sam vazda želio: nek umre, nek vrědan svoga otca bude, i evo to sam sad dočekao, svejedno je, mar i od vaših mukah, za domovinu věndar umire.

Baklju na novi varoš, nek gori! – Pitajte ga u njegovoj muci, bi li htěo život svoj s otčinom sramotom odkupiti, i ćut čete ga gdě viče: „Neću", i rado umrijeti će.

Zaisto, ja se sverh te visokodušnosti čuditi moram.

O, nemoj misliti, Sokoloviću! da sam ja samo takov. Pitaj, moje od pervoga do poslědnjega, i svi će ti to isto kazati, što sam ti ja već razborno kazao; svi će ti kazati, da će radostno umrijeti za Boga, cara i domovinu. I ista još moja ženska obitelj. Iz njihovih ćeš ustah mahom to svedočanstvo čuti.


Evo! Jelice! Juraniću! Alapiću! Ноdite svi ovamo!

Prizor 10.

Predašnji, Eva, Jelica, Juranić,
Alapić, Paprutović, višje stotnikah.

Evo nas, što ćeš, dragi Niko? Ta ti si sasvim preobražen.

Što je to, gospodne? Što se tvoje oči tako sjaju?

 No, Sokoloviću! sad ih poslušaj!


Kažite ovomu sumnjivcu ovdě: niste li se zakleli za domovinu u boj i k smrti ići.

Jesmo, i to nenatěrani.

Kažite mu i vi žene, jer neveruje: nije li vaše serdce pripravno mač dragovoljno dočekati, kad se o omačenju vašeg poštenja radi?

Tebe ću slědit, dragi moj Nikola, s veseljem, k smrti!

A junakinja će rado s junakon umrijeti!

(razkrilio ruke svoje)
0, рristupite k men, da vas obgerlim! Bože! Bože, pa srěćam nijsam ja?

(vidi se kroz prozore vatra.)

Već su baklje hitjene, već novi varoš na sedam stranah gori.

Меhmede Sokoloviću, sad možeš ić. Idi, pa mu kaži, tvojemu caru, kakvog si Nikola našao. Kaži mu, da kako god on misli da i cěla njegove vojska onako misli. Najavi mu da već novi varoš gori. Kaži mu dа је mоja zbiljna volja još jedanput š njim se ogledati. Kaži mu, da Nikola Knez Zrinjski višje cěni poštenje, nego krunu. Kaži mu, da mu je donovima skuplja, nego život sina svoga. Kaži mu, da je pripravan umrijeti, i da vas radostno čeka. Dojdite, evo nas, i udarite na juriš: nego znajte da živogu nijednoga nećete dobiti; Sigetske će nas zidine pokriti.

(Zastor pade.)


(Suleiman's tent at Siget.)

Scene 1

Mustafa, Ali-Portuk.

Did I not forewarn this? Even with Mohammad's help, we will not be able to easily conquer this kafir. I know well who Nikola Zrinski is.

Do not speak of that a second time to Suleiman. The old lion has an angry look. Ibrahim already felt his wrath. These dogs attack before we even properly invite them to the field, they push us here and there, a big embarrassment. A small handful of people! Embarrassment! Two thousand of ours already buried.
This is madness.

Well I counseled. We could have already been on our way to Vienna, but no, we grow weak at these walls. While emperor Maximilian is gathering soldiers from all over Europe, we grow fewer here. With what zeal and strength will we be able to attack the strong and indefatigable enemy. Oh foolishness! Incredible foolishness.
Friend, Friend! Your head.

Does yours stand more solidly and securely on your neck because you do not criticize the foolishness? If we are not successful in tomorrow's assault, believe me, for his rash daring we will pay with our lives, drowning in the blood of our slaves.

Scene 2

The previous, Mehmed.

(from outside)
Stop the attack and retreat. It is all for nothing, we just spill blood without benefit. (enters) As you foretold, that is what happened - and even worse.

You are correct, Sokolović! But what does that all mean when Suleiman does not want to listen wisely. Tell me, how costly was today's assault?

Three thousand of our best are dead. Did you not see how Zrinski's men fought our soldiers, of whom we already spoke? Our soldiers charged up the walls headlong into the fight on the bastions but one by one over the course of an hour they fell from the high bastions.

But our Janissaries stood strong.

Come on, let's go! What does it mean to stand strong against a people, who willingly and joyfully rush into death for their God and religion as if going into a celebration? Believe me - I know Nikola and his men very well.

Have you met with the great sultan yet?

We haven't, we are waiting here, anticipating that he will call for us soon.

Psst! I think I hear him coming.
Heavens! I hope that he listens to what we have to say.

Ali- Portuk
Truly, he comes..

Help me. You also speak well on my behalf, he trusts you.

Scene 3
August 26

The previous, Suleiman.

How is it, my vizier?

I called off the assault.

Oh, may the plague kill you!
And who gave the order?

Since I saw the Janissaries falling without purpose, I called off the attack, to preserve your soldiers for another more fortunate day. The walls of Siget have withstood our cannonballs for quite some time, we must destroy them so that our glorious heroes can enter Siget and on top place the crescent.

Siget must fall, that I know, I do not need to think about it further. You should know that every hour is precious, I must save each hour even if I must buy it with a million lives. You know well that I never worried about the cost in lives in the past and I will not start to spare them in my old age. Mehmed! Mehmed! Fear my wrath! On you I place my wishes; is that responsibility too heavy for your weak body?
Be careful so that you do not perish.

If I overstepped my authority, mighty master and sultan,
I did it with good intentions.

The servant listens, the master gives commands. Remember that well. What orders do you have to give? What do you decide? I want an attack! An attack I will get! What do you need to think? If it does not go well, you make the dogs go, make them go to walls. Attack, an attack I want. Do you understand me?

My great master and sultan! Do not resent me for what I will humbly recommend for your consideration (wisdom).

What do you have to say?

Do not attack any more on Siget today. I will spend the night firing the cannons on the fortress from all sides. It will not be able to stand long, believe me! In the meantime bring the kafir in front of you, let him confess how it is in Siget. Do not deprive your tired army of much needed rest. A wise time of rest can accomplish more than battle. Victory here cannot be forced.

I want to force it. I'll show how I will force it.

Remember Malta.

Ah, may all the devils tear you apart! Do not remind me of that if your head is dear to you; already I suffer you more than any sultan should have to endure.

My life and death are in your hands.

Because you know that and because I do truly respect your expertise, I forgive you. I love the truth that is not afraid of death. As a sign of my mercy I will listen to your advice and I will not further assault Siget today. Bring to me the kafir prisoner!

 I have already summoned him.

He is one of your great heroes, mighty sultan! We could not have captured him alive had not one of our brave Janissaries hit him hard. He fell from his horse to the ground half dead and his forehead slashed.  We took him to our doctor and now we wait until he regains consciousness. Here he comes!

Scene 4

The previous, Petar.

(head wrapped in bandages, led by an aga,
comes before Suleiman.)

A fiery gaze the hero has. I can see that in my enemy.
Who are you young man? Tell me!

I am your enemy, and a Christian, and for those two reasons twofold I am the cause of your hate.

You only think so, proud follower of Zrinski!
- Speak! How is it in Siget?

Try your luck! Attack it, and you will see how it is!

Mad slave! Is that how the great sultan is addressed?

You may be, as a sad example of your people his slave, but I am not. I as Zrinski's man bow only to God in Heaven and to my king on Earth.

I find you interesting[1], kafir! Now tell me, how is it there in Siget. I know that you are brave soldiers. If I had not known your people so well I could not have taken so much of your Hungary. I prefer that even if I was not a lion that the bear listens to me rather than have cats and dogs call me their king.

O you lion be careful of your bears.
A true bear does not fear your threats.

Then they may feel my talons. Now kafir, tell me; how is it in your Siget, will I soon be able to place my flags inside of it? If you persist in your stubborn silence then know that I will have your tongue cut out. Speak now!

Alas, my sultan, for those words that you throw at me through the wind from me you will not hear anything else except only: "Go there, and you will see how it is."

 Zrinski's men will not flee. They are not accustomed to that. Go there! They will, believe me, await you and tell you how it is.

I have conquered so much of the world, given it my laws, and you think that a small handful of your Zrinski-men is a solid mountain? Two hundred thousand soldiers I have in my army, ready to strike all of Europe, what can one wretched set of walls do to stop my might?

A multitude, when facing courage, falls. Those in Siget know more than you and your two hundred thousand dogs. They know how to die for the true faith, freely and happily not madly and blindly like you and your blind army.

And die they will, by Allah! Is not the same foolishness as a boatman putting his boat into waters that fall over a cliff into a deep roiling abyss? Will not the ship together with its crew sink into the depths to drown? Will not the boatman's name be soon forgotten?

No, Suleiman, no! His name shall live forever: all the nations, while the Earth and people live, will thank him and praise him. But you, unbeliever, curse of mankind, you they will revile, and call you by cruel names, that is what I tell you! Look at how your slaves tremble because this man without fear speaks straight into the eye of their great sultan and speak directly to the mighty sultan. With these words I have ended my life (I have been caught in a spider's web). Do with me now what you will. I have told you what no one has ever told you.

Kafir! I gift you your life. - What can a dog do to harm the moon when he barks at it? By Mohammad, I give you little when I gift you your life. Life is precious only for great people. Crawling in the dust, as you do, is not living.

At such a price, to be in your debt, I do not want to live. If you want to give me something, if you want to honor me, then have me executed.

Honoring people, I forgot that long ago.

Then learn on me. From the one that hates my religion and is the enemy of my Homeland I do not want any mercy!

(tearing off his bandages).
Flow my blood, either here or in battle, it is all the same to me. For my king, my Homeland I am ready to die! Curses on you, Suleiman! Blessing onto my great emperor!

(falls unconscious on the ground)

Foolish kafir! - If emperor Maximilian has many like this, then he can consider himself a fortunate man! Carry him into the quarters and if it is possible to save him, do it. Immediately send for Levi!

(they carry Petar away)

Scene 5.

The previous

(without Petar.)

(to himself)
Kafir, kafir! You have made me quite angry.
You said a lot of things to me - infidel.

It seems to me that our great sultan is angry with the Christian.
It seems to me that his sharp words eat away at the sultan.

I pity him.

Early today Levi came to see him in the tent. I asked him what was with the sultan? He moving his shoulders, spoke and made me understand, that today's misfortunes in battle were quite upsetting and caused him to become agitated.

That is how it is, because if he was himself, with his usual mindset and mood, I do not believe, that he would have forgiven the Zrinski prisoner.

Let's step away from him. It seems to me that wants to think about something. Just look at how his brow furls and frowns. Let's step to the side! We leave him.

(moving away)

Recognize, old grey forehead, that about this brave group of Zrinski's men you did not even think about! You did not think of another Malta. There are still people who thirst for honor and glory. If all of Zrinski's men think like the one that spoke to me earlier then truly my endeavor, on this handful of kafirs who have nothing to lose but their lives, will be for nothing. Alas, they must eventually fall. They must fall even if I must fill all the moats around the citadel with the dead bodies of my Janissaries. Fall, Siget must fall!

But time, time is what I am lacking. Did I mobilize only to take Siget? My desire was to go much farther than this place with a few square meters of land. Wasn't I preparing for all of Europe? Wasn't I thinking about taking Vienna and then from there giving my laws to all of Germany? But I lie here with my army, destroying my force against Siget's walls, trying to figure out how to get these few Zrinski-men out from the protection of the walls, make them flee and destroy them. I will go crazy, go mad if my life would end so foolishly and all my virtue and honor fall apart at the hands of such a small troop. No, no, by the prophet Mohammed that will not happen. I know that the days of my life are short, an angst boils about my heart. That is why it is decided: Siget must be taken and then I will go to meet Maximilian.

The one that can conquer the world, he can also give as a gift a small kingdom. Siget must be mine - but how? It is all the same to me but it must be mine. Treasure and wealth do not matter to me when my heart wants something.


My master and sultan!

Go quickly to Siget! Ask for an agreement with Prince Nikola Zrinski. Let him surrender without delay and resistance. Tell him that it is madness and foolishness looking to fight my multitude. Tell him this madness is unworthy of a hero such as him.

Offer to him, from me, the Croatian crown, to make him king, which will be passed on to his descendants; and also whatever treasure he desires. Tell him I am prepared to give him anything he desires as long as he surrenders Siget to me. Tell him that I will treat him as my friend and recognize him as a firm ally as long as he surrenders. Tell him, do you understand: Croatia as a hereditary monarchy.

Speak to his heart ad if you are successful you will be rewarded as no sultan has ever rewarded someone - but only if he surrenders.

Master and sultan! How well I know Nikola Zrinski - believe me - nothing will move him.

Move him it must: I want that he is moved. Tell him that if he does not surrender; that I will kill everyone, not even the babies in their mother's wombs will be spared, his wife, his daughter to be shamed in front of all Christendom as my slaves and sacrifices. What a bit! Was it not mentioned that yesterday his son was taken captive?

Yes it was spoken but it is not true.

Whatever. Tell him that we have his son and tell him that if he does not surrender Siget we will torture his son and the same hell awaits him. Ask him which he prefers : either the crown on his head or have his dead son to look at.

(they exit)

Scene 6

(Hall in Siget.)

Zrinski, Kaspar, Wulf, Lorenz,
with many captains

What do you think, brothers? Can New Town hold out much longer? Can we still depend on its walls, to await the next assault, or should we burn it so that by our own hand we destroy what we are not able to defend with our swords.

Do not do that, dear father! Let us leave this, if God wills it, for the Janissaries. What about the town residents who have entrusted the protection of all they have to us? What happens when they see the torches fly from our hand? Where do you think they will find a secure place? The bastion is still solid and the people are still strong and brave. Let us wait freely the next assault and then let our battle-will strike fear into them. We will save the emperor's bastion and save the goods of the residents.

Your thoughts, to the heavens lift you, my dear Lorenz! That is very nice of you that you care about human welfare. The man that is a lion in battle must not forget the lion's nobility[2]. You are the youngest among us and while your courage is the equal of many but in this situation, what is being decided on here, you as yet lack in battle expertise. Kaspar, speak, what do you think?

What Lorenz, with his love of humanity, recommends I praise as good because I too am in favor of protecting this sorrowful town but as we know there are very few of us and the bastion is big enough for only a small group of people.  We can't repel the Janissary multitude everywhere. As of today, by Ali-Portuk, the walls have been damaged and almost breached. The towers have been knocked down and I do not know if they can withstand one assault. The residents should quickly gather their movable goods and take them to the Old Town and that way when need be the torches can be thrown into it without worry. Better that it burns to the ground than that Ali-Portuk use the buildings for his camp and then safely fire from there onto Old Town.

That is how I think also Kaspar!

It is unfathomable to me and maybe I will run afoul of some here - but it is unfathomable when I think reasonably that the emperor has encamped with eighty thousand solders at Gyor and he does not even take into consideration to send help to us. Does he not care about his people and his fortress? Does he not care about the precious life of Nikola Zrinski? It is enough to drive a person crazy when a man thinks that he is ready to willingly sacrifice his noble subjects who can be, and should be, saved for more fortunate times. Maybe someone can understand but I can't understand.

Do not be suspicious of our good emperor. He has many troubles, sorrows, worries, torments and concerns. I know that his hearts bleeds. If only this was just about us but he worries about other soldiers as well and that is the way it must be. He most certainly regrets that he must sacrifice you and me to death.  I respect greatly his decision and his orders, his resolve. We can be of use and accomplish much here. We will be in battles with the Turks. a few more times, weaken them further and Maximilian will gain more time to mobilize the rest of his army and thereby we will be of twofold benefit. My friend, be assured, that he is wise that thinks like this. He sacrifices to death a few thousand that he may protect millions.[3]

Scene 7

The previous, (one captain)

There is a Turkish official standing in front of the gate, waiting, as he says in the name of his emperor, to negotiate with you. He wishes to speak without any witnesses.

Should I let him enter?

It can't hurt. I am quite intrigued; I would like to hear what new he has to say.

Bring him to me. The rest of you stay in the antechamber and watch carefully over me. As for the New Town, I will think about it further but in the meantime give the order for the residents to move their goods. Prepare the torches so that the town can be set ablaze in seven places at the same time. When I give you the signal, enter.

Let the Turk enter.

(all exit, Zrinski remains)

Scene 8

Zrinski alone
(Goes to window, and looking down at the town)

Here it is, standing here, the weary town! Still some sweet quiet floats above its roofs, the cannons are silent, the long battle has exhausted friend and foe. Along the streets there is peace as if there had never been the fighting. Everyone carrying out their duties. Look, the people close their doors and do not think that tomorrow those houses will not be opened anymore. They do not think of the frightening storm that will soon destroy all that peace is already forming in the clear sky. They prepare, waiting for the sign from my hand that which will destroy it all.

Well is this my fate? I will bury this serenity? God has given me so many faithful citizens and I lose the town? Am I allowed to do that? Can I ask for another's life? I can ask for my own, my wife, my child, my friends - when the common good is in danger they joined me freely, willingly. They will share my fortune unto death. But these poor innocents? Do I have the right to ask that of them? Do I have the right to destroy that which I have not built? Are you allowed to do that Nikola? That causes me great anguish.

Why the tears old knight? Your Homeland now seeks from you your heart, your courage. Do not ask; do I have the right to?

Scene 9

Zrinski, a captain, and Mehmed

The Turkish official, sir!

Let him come; I'm alone.



How? It is you, Sokolović? Welcome. What kind of good news do you bring? The sultan must have something important to share when he sends his most distinguished official.

My lord Suleiman holds you in his highest imperial grace and invites you, with your brothers, to think about your weak army and surrender the Siget fortress. The sultan praises and honors your determined heart and it would be regrettable to him if he had to ever again view you as an enemy. He is prepared to give you everything that his imperial majesty can if today you surrender the fortress to him. If you don't he will take it anyways. That is what he promised.

You have nothing further to say to me? With that you could have stayed at home. What a waste of all that time you spent walking here for nothing. I am Prince Nikola Zrinski, that is my answer. If Suleiman, as you say honors me as a knight, how can he with a straight face seek from me treason?

If you were just a knight, then we would do something else, but you are both a husband and a father. Listen, Zrinski! The Sultan's wrath will not spare even the women. He swore that they would sacrifice them to his slaves if you do not surrender. In battle you can fall as a hero but think of your wife and daughter! Zrinski! Zrinski! I tremble when I just think about it. Those beautiful women's heads sacrificed to the brutal beasts.

Do you really think so?

Oh, accept my counsel, Zrinski!

Wicked "Half-Turk"[4]! You do not know my wife, you do not know the nobility[5] that spreads from her gentle heart. Say to your slaves they may rejoice in the offer but they should not have hope to receive your offer. My wife and my daughter, both of them, are virtuous and when the time comes they will know how to die.

Know that he does not ask for the fort for nothing. The fort is dear to him and he wants to have it, you can understand that from the high price he is willing to pay to you. Croatia, as a hereditary monarchy, you will receive and whatever treasure and wealth you desire. As a friend and ally he will call you, with certainty he and his descendants will honor you as such.

Disgusting! Are you truly allowed to make such a disgraceful offer? Tell your Suleiman that to Nikola Zrinski respect and honor are more precious than a crown and treasure. Tell him, tell him that he can kill me in front of my army but he can't destroy my honor. Go, tell him that!

Well then, you stubborn man, since that does not move you now listen to what I will tell you next before I leave. Listen and tremble! We are holding your son prisoner and if you do not surrender the sultan promised that he will torture him in such  horrifying ways that he will scream as if he was in hell. On your son your stubbornness and stupidity will be avenged.

My son, George? Ah, my son! My son!
God, your hand is heavy!

Decide! - The cruelties are already prepared.

With me, your imaginings[6] have no place. Nikola is Prince Zrinski and he is deaf to all you offer, do you understand me? Torture him, put him on the rack, cut him, burn him, pull his limbs from his body with hot pincers; George is my son, let him die a hero with honor.

 (at the door)
Wulf! Torch New Town! That is probably what I did want. Let him die, let him be worthy of his father. Now I welcome even that; it does not matter.  At least he knows that through your tortures[7] he dies for his homeland.

 (at the door)
Torch New Town - let it burn! Ask him in his suffering if he would want to be ransomed with his father's shame and you will hear him shout, "I do not!" and he will gladly die.

Indeed - I marvel[8] at the heights of your nobility.

Oh, Sokolović, do not think that only I am like this. Ask my people, from first to last, and all will say the same thing that I just clearly said.  All will say that they will gladly die for God, Emperor and Homeland. The women in my family will also say the same. From their mouths you will hear that testimony!

Eva! Helena! Lorenz! Kaspar!
All of you come here!

Scene 10

The previous, Eva, Helena, Lorenz,
Kaspar, Wulf, several captains.

Here we are, what do you want, dear Nikola?
You are completely transformed.

What is it, sire?
What makes your eyes shine like that?

(to Mehmed).

Now, Sokolović! Listen to them!

(to his people)
Tell this doubter here: did you not swear an oath for the Homeland to go into battle and to death if need be.

Yes we did, happily and voluntarily.

And the women? Tell him because he does not believe. Is your heart prepared to voluntarily await the sword when your honor is threatened?

I will follow you, my dear Nikola,
with joy, to death!

And this young heroine
will gladly die with her hero.

(spreads out his hands)
0h, come to me so that I can embrace you.
God! My dear God! Am I not fortunate?

(flames are seen through the windows.)

The torches have already been thrown
and New Town burns on seven sides.

Mehmed Sokolović, now you can leave. Go and tell him, your dear sultan, what kind of Nikola you found. Tell him how I think is the way my whole army thinks. Inform him that New Town already burns. Tell him that it is my dear wish to meet with him one more time - face to face.

Tell him that Prince Nikola Zrinski values more greatly honor than a crown. Tell him that his Homeland is more precious than the life of his own son. Tell him that I am prepared to die and that I eagerly awaits him and his army.

Come! We are here. Hit us with your assault but know this - you will not capture any of us. Siget’s walls will bury us.

(The curtain Falls.)

[1] or "I like you" or "You please me"
[2] "high-soul"
[3] Niccolo Machiavelli said, "Thus it is well to seem merciful, faithful, humane, sincere, religious, and also to be so; but you must have the mind so disposed that when it is needful to be otherwise you may be able to change to the opposite qualities."
Francesco Guicciardini said "Numberless are the secrets of princes and endless the matters they have to take into account ; wherefore it were rashness to judge hastily of their actions. For often it happens that what you suppose a prince to have done for one reason, has in fact been done for another ; and what seems to you done at random and imprudently, has been done designedly and with consummate wisdom."
[4] Poturica = Half a Turk. "To make onself a Turk." A term used in Bosnia from the 16th to 18th century to designate Slavic converts to the Muslim faith. Some were voluntary converts while many were forced converts especially through the devshirme (blood tax that had to be paid) in the Balkns forming the Janissary corps.
[5] Visokodušnost = High+Soul. Being of selfless consideration. Caring for greater good.
[6] or ingenuity, or to reflect upon
[7] or torments
[8] or admire


(Sulejmanov šator)

Prizor 1.

Sulejman (na stolici kano izvan sebe)
Levi (stoji za njim) Mehmed (dojde)

Kako je caru?

Zlo , verlo, zlo.

Odkad je tako jako bolestan?

Odkako ste u Siget odišli. — Čuvši, da je toliko hiljadah od naših palo, toga, uznemiru i obali. Evo ga, sad leži, blěd kano stěna. Pervo jutro, i nij, ga više.

Možni gospodine, i care!

Kaži mi: „Siget je tvoj," i uz mi si Egipat za kraljestvo.

Sve badava, gospodine, sve! Kazao sam ja tebi, da ja u Sigetu s Nikolom Knezom Zrinjskim ništa opraviti neću moći. On se nedade na nijedan način ganuti. Sve sam mu predložio, štogod si mi izručio, ali samo badava reči prosipah; kako on misli, tako cěla njegova vojska misli, i ista ženskadia.

Dosta, nesmutljuj me dilje. Taki daj zapověd na juriš. Siget mora pasti, jesi li me ražumo. Idi, daj zapověd na juriš!


Prizor 2

Sulejman, Levi.

Evo me sad na sverhi mojih slavnih činjenjah u smrtnih mrěžah! Svet je derhtao, kad si je gnjev moj kroz najtverdje klisure pute otvarao, a sad ovdě na nesvěsti bolestan ležim , i razbljam zadnju krepost moju na ovih zidinah. — Moja će stražnja ura skoro udariti.


Što? Ti plačeš?

Tko nebi plakao, kada vidi zvězdu zalaziti, koja je sjajno kano žarko sunce světila? Оna je bila radost, veselje, utěha, i podpor starosti moje; — a sad š njom sva prolaze.

Dakle moram umrijeti? Moram li?

Utěšite se, možni Gospodne i care! Vi živite po sve věke. Slavu, koju ste za života, vašega zadobili, pripovědat će svikolici narodi, dok je světa.

Levi, moram li?

Ako Bog neće čudesah, onda znajte, da će vaši viš vas do zore plakati.

Što je danas. Kakvu je dan?

Dan godišnje uspoměne tvojega slavodičnoga predobija pod Muhačem.

Nikola ovi će bit i tvoje smrti.

Prizor 3.

Predjašnji, Mehmed, Ibrahim,
Mustafa, Ali-Portuk.

Gospodine! učinjeno je sve kakogod si zapovědio. — Ako još što zapovědati imaš, evo ovdě su ti vjerni vodje.

Ništa drugo, nego samo deržte se dobro. Na juriš udarite. Danas je dan slavnoga onoga predobija pod Muhačem. Udrite: Udrite! Danas mora i Siget pasti; Těrajte bojnike na zidine! Siget mora pasti! Mora pasti Udrite na juriš!

(odidu vodje)

Prizor 4.

Sulejmam, Mehmed, Levi.

(čuje se trubiti na juriš)

Derži me, Levi! Derži me, pasti ću! Allah, nedaj mi prě umrijeti, dok ne vidim konjske repove i moje zastave na Sigetu vějati se! Nedaj mi prě umrijeti!

Gospodine i care, zapovědaj tvojemu životu! narav te je naučna slušati.

O, usilila se je, kao i Nikola. — Ha, nečujete li vikati, bubnjeve zvoniti, svirale svirati, trublje trubiti Mehmede! to je moja najdražja pěsma bila; to mi je bila svetačna pěsma. Iz tisuću bojevah orila je i s predobiljem uši napunila. Još jedanput prě nego u hladni grob padem, moram ju čuti. Samo jos ovajput, srěćo, pokorna budi tvom, gospodaru!

Gospodine! nemojte mnogo govoriti; može bo vam škoditi. Pokoj vas može okrěpiti.

Što govoriš to? Zar ti misliš, da bi onaj, koi je ovako živio, kao ja htěо svoju stražuju snagu u snu gubiti? Živi ja samo onaj čin nazivam, koji oslabljene krěpkosti iza sna silovito hudi. Mir umara, - samo onaj koi posluje žive, i zato hoću, da živim, neću da prě smrti umrěm.

Prizor 5.

Predjašnji, Mustafa.

Gospodine i care! daj od juriša prestati. Badava samo žertvuješ smrti čete tvoje. Nikola je poběsnio kano razdraženi lav. Nemože se ni izbrojiti, koliko je naših već palo. Jedan od Zrinjaninah udara na naših hiljadu. Ta oni moraju vragovi biti, jer nije moguće, da ljudi takovu snagu imati mogu. Janitčari već nećedu niti da udaraju.

Daj ih kroz pse těrati. Bičem ih udaraj, nek se penju na bedeme. Nasadite za njimi topove, i ubite ih, ako neće da idu. Siget mora pasti, makar jamurine gradske sa visinom bedenskom glavami mojih jamitčarah oravnati morao, — Siget mora pasti! Udarajte, ja bo sam s jednom nogom već u grobu. Ja hoću da kano slavodobitnik medj germljavinom topovah s ovoga světa pojdem.


(Čuje se bubati, vikati, svirati, trubiti)

(za se.)
Evo ga, skoro će overšiti. Još se neće ni pomračiti, i neima ga više.

Negledajte, gospodine i care, tako tumno! Zar se i junak smrti boji?

A što je smrt, da bi je se boјао? Ima li štogod, što bi junaka preplašit moglo? Dobro bi mi došla, kad bi samo s dolazkom njezinim Siget porušen gledati mogao. Onda bi ju obgerlio i poljubio. Al ovako umrijeti? Ah, ovo mora i najhrabrenie serdce derati. – Kano slavodobitnik sam sedamdeset i šest putah proletje pozdravio, a sad na sverhi, da kano pridobjiveni s ovoga světe polazim? — Ah!

Ta još živiš. Nezdvoji! Još možeš poluměsec na Sigetu a Nikolinu glavu pod tvojima nogama videti.

Prizor 6.

Predjašnji, Ibrahim.

Ti si izgubio. Tvoje ćete beže. Pasa je egipatski pao, i mnogo tvojih bojnikah. Nemožemo ništa opraviti; Zrinjani su běsni.

I ti, prokleti spola tvoga! Siget mora pasti! Juriš ja hoću.

Al nije moguće.

(ustaje, i baca hanžar za njim.)
Idi bez traga! (pada na zemlju.)
Udrite na juriš! Na juriš! (umrе.)

Prizor 7.

Predjašnji, Ali-Portuk.

Što je to? Car mertav! Što smo sad čineći? Puk se je pokunio, i još ako što od njegove smrti čuje, svi smo, viruj ml izgubljeni. Daj, da ga kakogod za slěpimo, i prěvarimo, da žive.

Tako i mora biti. Nas trojica samo znademo, da je mertav, i to proglasiti nećemo. Onoga tamo židova Levia, ušutkati će ovaj hanžar. A njegovi su dvorani od mene već podmazani, ni se ništa bojati.

Nosite ga i prekrite!
Skoro sam i ja kod vas.

(odmesu ga)

U dobri čas sam u Carigrad poslao na Selima. On će sad vladati. — Tělo mertvoga našega sultana dati ćemo na prestol i sumračje će našu prevarku podperti. Bojnici će ga viděti, i misliti, da je živ. — Na novo ćemo na Siget udariti, i pasti će sěgurno. Po tom u Carigrad u divan.

Zar da smo s ovolkom vojskom badava došli, i da ništa nepredobljemo, nego samo Siget? Zar nećemo pod Beč ići, i ma Maksimilanovu vojsku navaliti?

Priatelju, mani se toga! Sad Zar da na Maksimilama udarimo što misliš? Zar nas nebi razbio? Zar neznaš još, koliko je naših palo? Pa kud bi sad? Da nam nije Siget tako jak, a još jači Nikola bio, već bi davno němačkom narodu zakone iz Beča davali; ali jer nam neizajde to prě za rukom, zato se natrag ići mora. Persianska se je ionako podigla; a Selim, znaš, da je vazda ovoj vojsci protivan bio.

Ja tvoje věće za dobro nahodim. Evo ti u zalog toga moja ruka. Ibrahim. Ja mislim, da Sokolović poznade svoje priatelje. I ja na tvoje veće pristajem, premda me verlo žalosti, da je odluku našega pokojnoga velikoga junaka, Nikola po sve uništožio.

Sad idjite na dvor, pa vičite da je car zdrav, i da će se skoro cěloj vojsci pokazati. A ja medjutim idem našu prevarku provizvadjati. – Ti Levi! pojdi za mnom. (odidu.)

Prizor 8.

(Podrum u Sigetu.)

(vodi) Evu i Jelicu.
(ро stupnjih dol u podrum.)

Hodite za mnom, milostivna knegino!
— Dajte mi ruku vašu, gospodične!

Evo je.

Stupaji su stermi. — Samo još dva imamo, i dole smo.

Što radi moj suprug, moj Nikola?

Vidio sam ga baš malo prě na bedenu. Zrav je i krěpak. Na juriš čeka. I stotnika Juranića vidio sam zdrava na bedenu zahvaljujućega milostivnomu gospodin, da ga je od turske sulice oslobodilo. On vas, gospodično, daje lěpo pozdravljati.

Ta zar još nije mira? Zar već taj boj neće prestati?

Težko kad, mladjana gospodično! Turci neprestance na naše navaljuju; baklje hitaju u tverdju i pucaju. Baš su sad svoje topove prot vašoj sobi upravili, i zato sam vas - ovamo doveo, gde je sěgurnost. Ovde možete u miru biti, i malo odpočinuti. Hrane i pitjah imate premako malo, ništanemanje za vas će do izkupljenja dosti biti. Sad s Bogom, milostivna gospojo! i mislite na starca vašega Šerengovića. (ode)

Dobri starče! ufaj, sanjaj; ja vidim, da tudě spasenja neima.

Draga majko!- on misli kako mi se vidi od spasenja il věkovščnosti. (plače)

Šuti, drago děte! — Čini mi se da otac ide. Obriši si suze s plačnog lica da mu mokro oko žalost serdca tvojega neizdade.

Evo Knez ide.

Idji, kćeri, pred njega!

Prizor 9.

Predjašnji, Nikola, Juranić.

Draga Evo! Drago děte!

Eva i Јelica
Dobro došli! Dobro nam došli!

Juraniću! Dakle je srěčno izišlo?

Jeste li vi dobili? Je li već sverha juriša?

Ovajput, baš je ozbilja išlo. Toliko kervi još nijsam u nijednom boju vidio. — Lovri samo zahvaliti imam, da još živim.

I ja vami, čako! Vaša me je ruka očuvala, da nijsam onda pao, kad sam onoga janitčara, koi је nа me nišanio, stermoglavio.

Dakle su skoro na bedenu bili?

Nekoliko smělicah htelo je na zidinah naših konjskih rep usaditi, ali ja dozovem nekoliko svojih, i š njimi stupio medj te smělice, stermoglavim nebrojne skupa s jednim vodjom njihove čete. Ova, vidivši ostali, odběgnu kao zecevi, i tadá slavismo medj germljavilnom topovah i pušakah naše predobitje.

Tako je, predobitje je naše, ali smo ga skupo i platili. I naših hrabrenih junakah, dosta je palo.

Sinko! danas ili sjutra , umrijeti bi ipak morali. Nenavidi ih; žaliti bi ih grěh bio; za Boga su, za svoga cara, i za domovinu pali.

Najlěpsom sam smrtju umreti vidio Petra Potošića, Matu Sekčudića, Martina Bošnjaka, Blaža Dražkovića Gjuru Matjaša, a osobito Petra Bata, Stari ovaj bojnik biše kopjem turskim smrtno proboden; kerv lěvaše, osim da bi ju, stavit bivši kadar, stavit htěo. Tad ste vi ćako na novo spaziv ši nasertanje tursko nas pozvali, i kako na beden uzajdem, vidim nekoliko janitčarah s konjskim repom već na zidinah, hitim tamo, i stupiv bliže, vidim Bata po šakački š njimi boriti se, upade, i zajedno ih za sobom povuče, i stermoglavi.

To ce mu neumerlu slavu priskerbiti.

Nikola! dokle se još možeš Turkom protiviti?

Gorjega što, ženo! nijai me pitati mogla.

Kaži nam, ali samo pravo!

Do sjutra.

Bože! sjutra već? – O moj Juraniću!

Jelice! gdě ti je ona batrivost, gdě visokodušnost, koju si mi obećala?

Ja sam ovih danah mnoga izgubio. Samo još šest stotinah broji četa moja. Glad je već medj nami vladati počeo. Hrana je naša u nepriateljskih rukuh. Dva topa još imam, ne višje. Na zidine već se nije moći osloniti. Vatra je već stari grad sa svih stranah obkolila. Nepreterzljivo Ali-Portuk na njega udara; a ovdě nam na svemu manjka. Skoro će bit konac; jer se nemožemo više ni jednu uru braniti. Ako još jedanput na juriš udare, stari je u njihovih rukuh, a ovdě u grad tverdji najdulje se još dva dana i to, ako nam sreća služi, braniti možemo. A i sve, ako nepriatelj na nas i udarao nebi, morali bi od glada umrijeti, i izgoriti. Ne tako, - neću umrijeti, nego ću sjutra na vam izići i ogledat ću se š njimi po šakački.

A ja, i tvoja kći?

Dětco moja! za vas sam se već pobrinio. — Pristupite bliže k meni! — Starac Franjo iznašao je jedan otajni put. Izpod tverdje ima jedna hodnica pod kubom, koja vani iz tverdje tja tamo do šume vodi; i dok Turčin s nami ovdě boj bije, idljite u ime božje k carevoj vojsci, pa mu kažite, da je Nikola sa svojimi kano junak pao, i da su mu razrušene zidine Sigetske grob. Nebojte se ništa; běg će vas Juranića sprovoditi.

Ne ćako, to Juranić neće.

Kako sinko? Ti nebi htěo tvoju zaručnicu osloboditi?

Vi ste me odgojili: vi ste me naučili ćordu voditi; vi ste mi poštenje i dužnosti u serdce usadili; vi ste mi vašu najvrednim cěnu, koja vam je od svakoga bogatstva skuplja, vašu kćer, poklonili, pa me sad sramotiti hoćete, tražeć, da se na běg dadem? Zar nećete da ono, što je najlěpše na světu, junačku smrt, s vašim Lovrom, dělite? Ne čako, ne, to vi nemožete učiniti. To vi nesměte učiniti. Ja sam bojnik carev; ja sam stotnik i to pod zakletvom. Gdě vodja pade, onděja niti hoću, niti sněm živěti.

Hrabreni mladiću! ipak moraš š njimi. Pogledaj ju samo, kako tuži ona je tvoja zaručnica; ona smě od tebe život tražiti. Sinko! ti moraš živěti, da naplatiš onaj dug, kog si joj u zalog dao.

Najprě moran prečji dug naplatiti, ono moram naplatiti, što sam naplatiti sa zakletvom obećao. Moje serdce, moja ljubav, moj ćut i mišlenje, moja mila zaručniсе, to je tvoje, i biti će tvoje; ali, što se život zove, ono několiko pedljih vrěmena, koje na ovomu světu imam, to je svojstvo domovine. Moja je ljubav stalna, i vazdaterpna; onamo opet ću tvoj biti, gdě nam nepriatelji u ljubavi nikakove prepreke, stavljati neće moći. Za sada, oprosti mi! Život moj za domovinu žertvovati moram.

Оndě gor, ondě ću ja najti zaručnicu moju opet, ondě ću stoprav moć radosno pred nju stupiti, jer ovdě neću nijedan dug nenaplatjen ostaviti. Dati ću domovini, što joj kano bojnik, a ljubavi, što joj kano ljubovnik da ti moram. Běžite bez mene, i jeste li u sěgurnosti, onda spoměnite se iz vašega Juranića, koi vas je istinski i serdčano ljubio. – Vi plačete? Zar sam vas ganuo? - To nijsam htěo. Věruj mi. Jelice! kakogod ti ljubiš, tako isto i ja ljubim, i baš zato, to činim. Ja ti već rekoh, da sam se odonud od perve mladosti moje naučio svakom svoje davati, domovini što je njezino, a ljubavi, što je njezino. Oprosti mi dakle; pervi dug još nijsam naplatio.

Dobro dakle, ići ćemo zajedno. Sin na strani otca svoga, nek padne. - Šerengoviću budi pripravan, uzmi si dva od. mojih ljudih, i kako zora zabili, na beg se daj!

Gospodine! Ja sam svaka pripravan učiniti.

Ne, dragi Niko! Valjda nećeš suprugu tvoju zapustiti. Ja od tebe neidem nikuda, s tobom sam pripravna umrijeti. Moj je stan u tvom serdcu, i moje i tvoje neka janitčarsko zerno slobodno prostrěli. Nemoj misliti, da sam ja za to slaba. Daj mi ćordu i muza te ću kao junakinja pasti.

A Jelica?

Zar ona neljubi kao i ja? Zar ona neljubi ovoga hrabrenoga junaka? Zar ona nemože umreti? Zar ona nije moje, nije tvoje děte? Pa Nikola još pita: „A što će Jelica?"

Tako, tako, čako! Budite milostivi. Od onoga, što vi radostno čekate, možete li kćercu vašu odbiti?

Nikola, nemoj biti perviput okrutnik! Neodbi nas od najslavniega predobija! Uzmi nas sa sobom gorěk preobraženju! Tako, čako! Dopusti nam umrijeti! Što nam hasni živeti, kad vas nebude Što vami smrt sladku čini, nas zar da nerazveseli, O, dopusti nam s tobom umrijeti! Ovako sdruženi selit ćemo se iz noći, u kojoj smo sad, i poněti s nami ljubav u věkověčnju domovinu.

Bože! koja visokodušnost! Koja serdca. Čako! tom se nemožeš protiviti. Dopusti nam zajedno umrijeti!

Eva i Jelica
Dopusti nam umrijeti!

Pristupite k meni na moje serdce! Pristupite, da vas obgerlim! — Vi ste dobili! Sve nek me zato svět odsudi, Bog me odsuditi neće. — Zajedno ćemo umrijeti.

(Zastor pade.)


(Suleiman's tent)

Scene 1

Suleiman (in the chair as if outside himself)
Levi (standing behind him) Mehmed (enters)

How is the sultan?

Bad, very bad.

When did he fall so sick?

Since your return from Siget. He heard about how many thousands of our soldiers fell and that troubled him and then he fell ill. There he now lies, pale as the wall. One more morning and he will be no more.

Mighty master and sultan!

Say to me, "Siget is yours,"
and take Egypt for your kingdom.

All for nothing, master, all! I told you that in Siget I would not be able to accomplish anything with Prince Nikola Zrinski. He does not allow himself to be moved in any way. I proposed to him everything that you told me but the words flowed for nothing. How he thinks his whole army thinks, as do the women also.

Enough, do not anger me further. Give the order for another attack. Siget must fall! Do you understand me? Go, give the order for the attack!


Scene 2

Suleiman, Levi.

Here am I at the culmination of my glorious deeds caught in death's web! The world trembled when my wrath struck to open a path through the most hostile lands and here I lie ill, almost unconscious destroying my last strength on these walls. My final hour will soon strike.


What? Why are you crying?

Who would not cry, when he sees the star, which shone as bright as the sun, setting? It was joy, merriment, comfort and support in my old age - and now all passes with it.

So I have to die? Do I have to?

Calm yourself, mighty lord and sultan! You will live for all time. The glory, which you earned in your life, will be spoken about by all people while the world exists.

Levi, must I?

If God does not provide a miracle, then soon, your people will mourn your passing in the morning.

What is today? What day is it?

Day of the anniversary of your glorious conquest of Mohacs.

Zrinski, this will also be the day of your death!

Scene 3.

The previous, Mehmed, Ibrahim,
Mustafa, Ali-Portuk.

Master! Everything you've ordered has been done. - If there is anything further you want done here are your faithful leaders.

Nothing else, just carry yourselves well. Go strike in the attack. Today is the day of my glorious conquest of Mohacs. Strike! Strike! Today Siget must fall! Push the soldiers onto the walls! Siget must fall! It must fall! Strike into the attack!

(leaders exit)

Scene 4

Suleiman, Mehmed, Levi.

(sound of the trumpet signaling the assault)

Hold me, Levi! Hold me so I do not fall! Allah, do not allow me to die before I see the horsetails and my flags waving above Siget! Please do not let me die before that!

Master and sultan, give the order to your life!
It is you nature to be obeyed.

Oh, but it mocks me, as does Nikola. Ha!, Do you hear the shouts, the drums pounding, the pipes piping, the horns calling, Mehmed! That is my favorite song, that was my sacred song. From a thousand battles, that sound resounded and before victory filled my ears. Once more, before I fall into the cold grave, I want to hear it. Just once more, fortune, be good to me!

Master! Do not talk much; it may harm you.
Rest will strengthen you.

What are you talking about? Do you think a person that has lived as I have would want to lose his last strength while he sleeps? I will live only in the way I choose, in a way that strongly wakens vitality and virtue from sleep. Peace tires me - only he who acts lives, and therefore I want to live and not die before my death.

Scene 5
August 29

The previous, Mustafa.

Master and sultan! Please pull back from the attack.  We are sacrificing your soldiers for nothing. Nikola struck like an enraged lion. We can't count how many of ours have fallen. One Zrinski-man attacks a thousand of ours. They must be devils because it is not possible that men can have such power. The Janissaries refuse to attack further.

Chase them with dogs. Strike them with whips, make the climb the bastions. Place the cannons behind them and kill them if they do not move forward. Siget must fall - even if I must fill the city moat to the top of the bastions with the heads of my Janissaries. Siget must fall! Attack! I am already with one foot in the grave. I want to, among the thunder of cannons, pass from this world as a victor.


(heard are the sounds of yelling,
drums, pipes and trumpets.)

(to self)
Here it is, soon he will pass.
It will not even be dark and he will be no more.

Do not look so sad, my master and sultan!
Does a hero fear death?

And what is death for me to fear it? Is there anything that can frighten a hero?  It would satisfy me, make me happy, if I could see Siget in ruins. Then I would embrace and kiss death. But, to die like this? Only the bravest heart can endure this. As a victor, I welcomed seventy-six springs and now at the culmination of my life this is how I must pass from this world? Ahhh!

You still live. Do not doubt! You still have time to see the crescent flying over Siget and Zrinski's head at your feet.

Scene 6

The previous, Ibrahim.

You have lost. Your troops flee. The Egyptian pasha has fallen along with many of your soldiers. We can not accomplish anything; Zrinski's men are enraged and ferocious.

And you, embarrassment of a man!
Siget must fall! I want another attack.

But it is not possible.

(he stands up and throws a dagger at him.)
Go without a trace!

 (falls to the ground.)

Strike on the attack! On the attack!!

Scene 7

The previous, Ali-Portuk.

What? The sultan is dead! What are we doing now? The army is tense about to revolt, and if they hear of his death, we are all lost, lost. Come on, let's take him and make it look like he is still alive.

Thus it has to be. The three of us are the only ones to know and we will not announce it. The Jewish doctor, over there, Levi will be silenced by this dagger. I have already bribed his servants. There is nothing to fear.

(to the servant)
Take him and cover him!
Soon I will come to you.

(carry Suleiman away)

At a good time I sent word to Selim in Constantinople. He will now rule.  The body of our dead sultan we will be placed on his chair and twilight will help in our deception. The soldiers will see him and think that he is alive. Anew we will attack Siget and it will surely fall. Following that we will return to Constantinople to the divan.

Did we come here with such a large army for nothing, that we do not take anything but only Siget? Will we not go to Vienna and attack Maximilian's army?

Friend be calm, think carefully! Do you think we should strike at Maximilian? Would ne not break us? If Siget was not so strong, and Zrinski even stronger, we would already have given our laws to the German nation from Vienna.  But because we grow weak here therefore we must return. The Persian army has already risen and Selim, you know he was opposed to this campaign.

I respect your wisdom. I pledge to you my hand. Ibrahim, I think that Sokolović knows who his friends are. To your will I submit, even though it saddens me greatly, that the plans of our great hero are destroyed by Zrinski.

Now go to the camp, and yell that the sultan is alive and that he will show himself soon to the entire army. In the meantime I will go and further enhance our deception. You Levi! Come with me.

(they exit)

Scene 8

(Cellar in Siget.)

(leads Eva and Helena.)
(descending stairs into the basement)

Follow me, gracious princess!
- Give me your hand, mistress!

Here we are.

The steps are steep.
We have only two more and we're there.

What is my husband, my Nikola, doing?

I saw him just a while ago on the bastion. He is healthy and strong. He waits for the assault. I saw captain Lorenz healthy on the bastion thanking our gracious lord for saving him from a Turkish spear. He sends to you, my lady, his warm greetings.

Is there no peace yet? Will this battle ever end?

Hardly ever, your lady! Without rest the Turks attack us; they throw torches on the fortress and they shoot. As we speak they are positioning their cannons to fire at your quarters and that is why I brought you here, where it is safer. Here you can rest in safety. Food and drink you have, I hope that it will be enough until this peril ends. Now, may God protect you, gracious lady.

Good old friend! Have faith and hope; even though I see that rescue by others there will not come.

My dear mother! - He thinks, as I see it, of the salvation of our eternal soul.

Quite, darling daughter! - I think your father approaches. Wipe away the tears from your sad face so that your wet eyes do not cause sorrow in his heart.

Here, the prince arrives.

Go, daughter, to meet him!

Scene 9

The previous, Zrinski, Lorenz.

Dear Eva! Dear daughter!

Eva and Helena
Welcome! Welcome!

Lorenz! How well did everything go?

Were you victorious?
Was that the last of the attacks?

This time, it was truly difficult. There was so much blood that I have never before seen in battle. Thanks to Lorenz I am still alive.

My thanks to you also, father! Your hand saved me, so that I did not fall, when I killed the Janissary that was charging on me.

What? Where they almost on the bastion?

A few of the brave ones wanted to plant their horsetail on our walls but I called a few of my men and we charged into the midst of the bold Turks, killing many of them along with one of their captains. When the others saw this they fled like rabbits and then in the midst of the roar of our cannons and muskets we celebrated our victory.

That's right, victory is ours, but we paid a great price for it.
Many of our brave heroes fell.

Son! Today or tomorrow we must die. Envy them, for lamenting them would be a sin. They fell for God, their emperor and their homeland.

I saw the beautiful deaths of Peter Potošic, Mato Sečudić, Martin Bosnjak, Blaž Dražković, Gjura Matjaš, but the most beautiful was of Petar Bata. The old soldier was fatally pierced by a Turkish spear, blood spilling, and rather than lie down he stood. When you, father, called for a new attack on the Turks, as I got on the bastion I saw numerous Janissaries with a horsetail already on the walls, I rushed there and as I got close I saw Bata fighting them hand to hand and as he fell off the bastion he pulled them with him and they all fell and died.

This has won him eternal glory.

Nikola! How much longer
can you still hold off the Turks?

A more difficult question, my wife, you could not ask me.

Tell us, but only the truth!

Until tomorrow.

Oh God! Only tomorrow? - Oh, my Lorenz!

Helena! Where is the courage, the nobility, you promised me?

Over these last days I have lost much. There are only six hundred men left in the garrison. Hunger has already started to attack. Our food stores are now in the hands of the enemy. I have only two cannons left, no more. Onto the walls we cannot go anymore. Fire burns the outer citadel on all sides. Without ceasing Ali-Portuk fires on it and here everything is in short supply. Soon it will be the end because we can no longer, even for an hour, defend. If they attack one more time, this old man will be in their hands. Here in the inner citadel we can defend for two days if good fortune serves us. But, even if the enemy does not attack we will die of hunger and burn in the flames. I will not die like that! Tomorrow I will go out, look them in the eye and fight them hand to hand.

What about me, and your daughter?

My dears! I have already taken care of you. - Get close to me! - The old man Francis has found a secret path. Under the citadel there is a tunnel that goes out to the forest and while the Turks are here fighting me you go in my name to the emperor's army and tell him that Nikola Zrinski with his men fell as a hero and the toppled walls of Siget are his grave. Do not be afraid of anything, Lorenz will protect you during your escape.

No father, I will not do that.

Why not son?
Will you not save your betrothed?

You raised me up; you taught me to wield a sword; you planted honor and duty in my heart; you gave me your most precious daughter, worth more than any earthly treasure, and now you want to embarrass me, asking me to flee? Do you not want, that which is nicest in the world, to share a heroic death with your Lorenz? No father, you cannot send me away. You must not do that. I am the emperor's soldier, I am a captain and under oath. Where my leader falls, there I do not want nor am I allowed to live.

Brave young man! Regardless, you must go with them. Just look at her, how sad your fiancée is, she deserves to have a life with you. My son! You must live to repay me for the gift that I gave you.

First I must repay a greater debt. I must repay the debt I incurred when I swore the oath. My heart, my love, my feelings and my thoughts, those my dear fiancée are yours and will always be yours but what life demands of me in these last few moments of time, which I have in this world, that belongs to our Homeland. My love is eternal and unbreakable. On the other side I will be yours again, where there will be no enemies opposing our love. For now, forgive me! For the Homeland I must sacrifice my life.

Up there, that is where I will find my fiancée again, there I will with divine joy stand before her honorably because I will not have left any debts unpaid. I will give to the Homeland as a soldier and to you, my love, I will give you what a beloved must. Escape without me and when you are safe think of your Lorenz who truly with all his heart loves you. Believe me Helena, as deeply as you love, I love you in the same way and that is why I do this. I already told you that from my early childhood I learned to give to all what is due, to the Homeland what is hers, to my beloved what is hers. Forgive me but I have not repaid my first debt[1].

OK then, we shall go together! The son by the side of his father, may they fall together. Francis, find two of my men and be prepared. As dawn breaks make your escape!

Sire! I am prepared to do it.

No, dear Nikola! Surely you do not want to abandon your wife. I will not leave you, I will not go anywhere, I am ready to die with you. My home is in your heart, may a Janissary's bullet freely pierce both our hearts. Do not think that I am too weak for that. Give me a sword and beside my husband I will fight and fall like a heroine.

What about Helena?

Does she not love as I do? Does she not love her brave hero? Can she not die? Is she not mine, is she not your daughter? So Nikola can you still ask: "What about Helena?"

Like so, like so, father! Be merciful. For that which you gladly await can you refuse your daughter?

Nikola, do not for the first time be so cruel! Do not push us away from a most noble triumph. Take us with you to the hereafter! Like that, father! Let us die! What will this world, this life, be without you? What sweet good death gives you does not bring us happiness, oh please let us die with you! Like this, together, we will go from the night in which we are now and take with us the love into the eternal Homeland.

God! What high nobility! What hearts. Father!
You cannot oppose that. Allow us to die together!

Eva and Helena
Let us die together!

Come forward to me, to my heart! Come here so that I may embrace you. You have received by blessing! Let the world judge me for my actions but God will not need to judge me.
Together we will die.

(The curtain falls.)

[1] or "fulfilled my first obligation"



Prizor 1.

Nikola (u věšnjikastoj hoděći zlatom izvezenoj.)
Šerengović (pomaže mu oblačiti se. )

Požuri se malo, Franjo, požuri! – Ta ti plačeš? Što ti je? Fuj, starče! Zar tebe slava gospodara tvoga žalosti?

Ah! Oprostite mi, milostivni gospodine! Ja sam vas kano děte na mojih rukuh nosio; —ja sam nuz vas bio, kod pervoga vašega boja; – ja sam vam pod Bečom ostruge na čizme prikopčao. - Prě, nego ste na věnčanje s pokojnom knjeglnom Frankopanskom u cerkvu polazili, oblačio sam vas, kao i sada, i tada narod vikaše: „Gledajte onog junačkog mladića! Gledajte njegovu zaručnicu! Lěpsi par ljudih, jos nije nikad ovim putem prošao"! Sve – sve radostnim glasom vikaše: „Evo idje Nikola Knez Zrinjski sa svojom zaručnicom na věnčanje”!

Dobra moja Katarino!

Ja sam ovo, što sad činim, uvěk činio, kadgod ste kuda polazili, — kadgod ste koi god predobitja slavili, kadgod ste se kad u pohode podizali. – Moje je veliko veselje bilo, kad sam vas gde na ulici medj gospodom vidio; - kad sam vas na ponosnomu žeravu vašemu iz čijih podkovah, iskre vatrene fercaše, kad lěti, sěditi gledao; — kad sam čuo za vami vikati: „Eno jezdi veliki onaj junak Nikola! Eno jezdi bič turski, i ščit kerstjanski!". Mislio sam da sam u nebu, i da sam i ja koi děo na ovoj vašoj slavi imao. A sad!!!

A sad?

Ovom sam vas istom hodočom gizdao za vašega drugoga věačanja s milostivnom knjeginom Rosenbergskom. Ah, bio je lěp, verlo lěp dan, mislio sam, da će dugo, da će vazda tako ostati. — A sad Evo vas gizdam, i oboružavam za stražnji put, moravši vam po vašoj rěči hodeću ovu radostnu za pokrov pripraviti. Bože! to je meni težko! Jer nijsam ja prě umrijeti mogao?

Franjo! Dobra, vjerna dušo! Nemoj plakati. K večjoj slavi još nikad nijsam išao. Za bolji god i svetačnost, još me nikad nijsi oblačio. Danas je dan mojega tretjega věnčanja; zato sami se i htio ovako svetačno obući. Gdě je moja ćorda?

Gospodine! koju ćete?

Donesi ih sve ovamo, da izbiram.


Prizor 2.

Nikola sam.

Dakle sad sam na koncu života mojega? Perva ura, i neima me više. Ja něsto u unutarnjih mojih ćutim, koja mi kažu, da boj ovaj nebijem badava; po smrti, sinuti će mi vekovečnja zora. Moram ti ovdě kervju platiti, Bog će me gor věkověto nadariti.

Glas ovoga věka zamuknuti će, i narodi, koi me poznadu, umrijeti, ali ću u ustih potomakah njihovih, navěk živeti. Mnogi će ovamo dolaziti, mene se spoměnati, i govoriti: „Nikola Knez Zrinjski ovdě slavno za domovinu pade!" Tako je, neima većje slave, neima ništa sladjega na světu, nego za věru, cara i domovinu pasti.

Prizor З.

Nikola, Šerengović.
(s čordami.)

Evo su , gospodine , vaše ćorde! Izbirajte koju hoćete!

Ovu dobro poznam; u boju pod Peštom slavno sam ju posvetio. Malo je otežka za ovaj boj; morat ću laglju uzeti. — I ovu dobro poznam; s ovom sam pod Оsěkom baratao, i ljubav cara mojega zaslužio; jednostavna jes za stražnju svetačnost nije. – Stani malo, ova će dobra biti. Ovu mi je pokojni moj otac pod Bečom dao. Ova mi je pervu slavu donela nek im i poslednju donese. — Tebe, tebe, světlo moje nado, tebe ću voditi! s tobom ću baratati! Evo perste moje na te postavljam , i zaklinjam se, da se živa uhvatiti, neću dati, i za sperdnju po taborišću vodati! Ovu zakletvu deržat ću točno. Tako me Bog pomogao, i moja sveta věra!

A oklop, gospodine?

Neću ga, gole ću grude pred nepriatelja izmeti! Što će mi oklop, kad smrt tražim? Neću da si na njemu Turčin gvoždje tupi! Netrebam ga. Lahgan hoću da idem, kao u svatove. Na věnčanju ga nijsam trěbovao, pa neću ni sad; i ovo je moje věnčanje.

Evo ono sto cekinah, i gradski ključi!

Daj sve ovamo , nek psi turski nereknu, kad me svlačit, počnu, da kod mene ništa nijsu našli. — Ove ključe u ćemer. Ovako se vjernom vodji pristoji. Prie ih nitko nedobije, nego kad padem za moju věru, cara i domovinu.

Prizor 4.

Predjašnji, Eva, Jelica.

Vi ste pripravni? Je li istina? Vi ste pripravni?

Ja jesam. S Bogom sam se već namirila, i samo čekam na uru spasenja.

A ti, Jelice?

Sto mater krěpi, ono se takojer i po mojem serdcu širi. - I ja sam pripravna.

Poljubljena moja Evo, hvala ti na dobroti serdca tvoga! Ti si mi sve ure života moga něžno razsladjivala. Svetu onu zakletvu, koju si na žertveniku položila, vazda si vjerno deržala. Ti si se iz ljubavi prama meni višjeputah razkošja odrekla, i težko brěme moje nosit si mi pomogla. Nebo nek i zato plati!

Dragi moj Nikola! ti si mi sve štogod sam ja činila, stostruko vratio. O, koje dobrote tvoje, kad si mi malo prě dopustio, da mogu s tobom umrijeti! Nego, što je to? Ta ti si nagizdan, kano da bi u svatove išao?

Poznaš li ti ovu hoděću?

Verlo dobro. U njoj si me kano zaručnicu tvoju perviput pozdravio. U njoj si sa mnom na věnčanje išao.

U ovoj hoděči idjah jednoč u vedrom jutru k lěpoj svetačnosti, dobra, poljubljena Evo! U ovoj hoděći na sverhi života moga idjem takojer i k smrti. Evo, već nas k věnčanju smrt zove! Hodi ženo, i deržimo zakletvu vjerno.

Sladki Nikola, serdce se u meni razigrava, kad na tvoju visokodušnost pomislim. (gerle se.) Ja hoću, da tebe vrědna budem; i moje je odvaženje već zrělo. Poslědnjim poljubcem poznat ćeš, što slaba žena može.

A naša kći?

O, nebrinite, se za nju! Ja ću pred vas izići. — Ranie nego vi, moram ja u věkověčnosti biti. - Moj Lovro neće svojoj zaručnici stražnji cělov uskratiti.

Prizor 5.

Predjašnji, Alapić, Paprutović, Juranić
(bez oklopa.)

Na poslednji put oboružane gledate nas sad, onako, kako ste zapovědili, bez oklopa.

Vjerna četa naša već je na prostorišću gradskom sakupljena. — Samo čěka na vaš straznji pozdrav, onda radostno k smrti za věru, cara i domovinu.

Hajdemo dakle, i pokažimo světu, tko smo!

Za vami ćemo! Zakletvu ćemo točno deržati!

Još blagoslov vaš sverhu nas, ćako!

(blagoslivajuć im.)
I to blagoslov ne na smrt nego na život za slavu, poštenje, věru, cara i domovinu. — Věruj te, što se je ovdě ljubilo, gor će se opet sastat i ljubiti, ondě ljubiti, gdě ljubav nitko uništožiti nemože. Ondě ćemo se sastati, ondě ćemo se ljubiti. — (čuju se svirale i bubnjeri.)

Čujte, vaši vjerni zovu.

Nek bude? Hajdemo, oprostimo se s junaci!

(svi odidu osim Juranića i Jelice.)

Prizor 6.

Jelica, Juranić.
(jedno drugom u naručju.)

Još ovaj poljubac, i tad s Bogom!

Ne tako, Lovro , ne! Tako se neš děliti. Zar možeš zaručnicu tvoju ovoga strahovitoga okatrenutja ostaviti? Zar da od okrutnoga janitčara smrt prositi moram? Zar da kervoločna ruka u serdce moje hanžar utisne? Zar da Turčin něžno serdce moje ražadre, koje je samo za te kucalo? Zar se nesetjaš više onoga, što otac malo prě rěči: „Sto se je ovdě ljubilo, gor će se opet ljubiti?" Zar ćeš rěči njegove zabaciti? Ne Juraniću, ne! Ti mi utisni mač u serdce, i poljubi mi dušu na ustnicah, kad se bude od těla dělila.

Bože! što ti tražiš od mene? Ja tebe da umorim? Ne, ne, to ja učiniti nemogu. Smrt je višјеputah okol mene kosila. Brat moj pade u boju nuza me; – nuz mertvo tělo mojega otca stojao sam něgda, i nijsam derhtao, nego sam za osvětu uzeti, u srěd mojih nepriateljah s britkim mačem hitiо; — ali tebe umoriti, — to nemogu, — tudě derhtjem.

Ako me ljubiš; ako tvoju zakletvu deržat hoćeš; ako ti je na ovomu světu věra, nevinost, domovina i ljubav skupa, a ti me umori! Onamo gor preda te ću izići, i věnac ću ti predobitja na glavu staviti. Ljubis li me, a ti me umori, ja bo ionako umreti moram! Ili želiš, da me Sulejman sa sobom uzme, i svojim okrutnim bojnikom žertvuje? Zar ti moja smrt nije milia, nego sramota? –

Dosti je, dosti! Hoću, umoriti ću te.

(hoće da ju probode.)

Ne tako, poljubljeni, ne! Ne u serdžbi, nego lěpo razgovarajuć se utisni mi mač u serdce i tad ćes otvoriti duši mojoj željni put u věkověčju domovinu. Obgerli me! O kako sam srěćna u naručju tvojem! Na jedanput prosvětli mi se pred očima! Već vidim u serdcu mojem novu zornicu izlaziti! Umori me, i poljubi mi dušu na blědih usticah mojih.

Dakle onamo gor, opet ćemo se najti.

Tako, ondě ćemo se najti, gdě ću navěk tvoja biti.

Odonud češ na tvoga ljubavnika gledati?

Samo nedangubi; da na tebe zaručnica dugo nečeka!

Primi dakle ovaj poljubac, i moli Boga za milost!
(poljubi ju i probode)

Hvala ti na sladkoj ovoj smrti! Nepusti me dugo čekati! Još ovaj poljubac! S njim nek duša izidje!

(upade, i umre.)

S Bogom pošla, s Bogom, drara zaručnice!

(čuju se svirule, i bubnjevi.)

Mahom, Mahom! Razuměm ja taj pozov. Dojdi smrti, i vodi me prě k mojoj zaručnici!


Prizor 7.

(Prostorišće u Sigetu)

Nikola, Alapić, Paprutović, Eva,
(s gorućom bakljom u ruci)
Visje bojnika. (medj njimi věja se zastava)

Poslědnjiput još priatelji moji, poslušajte glas vodje vašega! - Najprě vam zahvaljujem na vašoj hrabrenosti i vjernosti, koju ste mi tja do ovoga časa u svakom boju ukazali. Věrujte mi; u radosti serdca mojega istinito izpověditi pred svim světom směm, da nijednoga izdajice nije bilo medj nami: svi smo vjerno zakletvu deržali. Većja je strana naših bez svakoga straha k smrti išla, i već jurve gor tamo na nas, kano na predobitnike čeka. Nijednoga neima medj nami, (to je moja ponosnost, ) koi nebi zadnju kapljicu kervi svoje za věru, cara i domovinu s veseljem žertvovati htěo.

Hvala vam zato, bratjo moja! Bog će vam već na nebu platiti! Umrijeti se mora! Nepriateljsku silu, koja našu četu daleko nadhodi, dosti smo dugo razbijali. Okol dvadeset hiljadah najboljih svojih bojnikah s mnogimi vodjami, izgubi Sulejman pod tverdjom ovom našom; al sad veće, buduć da drugi nepriatelj prot nami vojuje, odoliti se nemože. Bedeni su podkopani i prete nas zagerniti. A vatra se je već sa svih stranah poživila. Svud okol nas gori. Věndar je najgorje, što na nas udara, glad, zahire bo nikakve neimamo. Ja moram umrijeti, (jer na prědanje Nikola niti nemisli) skupa s vami, koji vašeg cara i poštenje cěniti znadete. Na van dakle! Na van, gdě bubnjevi zvone! Ili - zar da izgorimo, il od glada poginemo? — Ne! Umrimo, kakono se junakon pristoji! Izidjimo na dvor i borimo se. Past ćemo to znajmo, ali ćemo i po sve věke živěti, ovdě u ustih puka dok je světa, a ondě na nebesih po sve věke.

Vodite nas dakle, gospodine! Mi smo pripravni!

Prizor 8.

Predjašnji, Juranić.

Gdě je Jelica?

U věkověčnosti. Věnce s angjeli plete s kojimi će nas izišav pred nas, okruniti. Čako! nepuštjajte ju dugo na nas čekati. Ovo joj je bila poslednja reč: „Samo berzo za mnom!" — Na dvor dakle, da ju skoro pozdravimo!


Evo, poljubi me još stražnji put! Što misliš! Kako ćeš se ti od ovoga světa děliti?

Ja ću se gor na barutanu uspeti, gdě ću si žertvu pripraviti, i vidim li tebe pasti, onda ću ovu baklju u barutanu baciti; razoren, i razrušen samo Siget, nek predan bude.

Tako umri, junakinjo! Takova smrt toliko znamenuje, koliko navěk živěti.

 (Turci navale na tverdnju medj vikom, zvonenjem bubnjeva, i grmljavinom topovah.)

Čuj, kako urlaju! Dobro došla, smrti, dobro došla! Poznam ja tvoj pozov! Bratjo, sad na dvor! Evo, Lovro! ti uzmi zastavu, pa naprěd idji! Ti moraš pervi biti; zaručnica na te čeka! Onda idjem ja; – za mnom ti, Paprutoviću! — a za njim tl, Alapiću!

– Kako? Što ja to vidim suze, stari moj prilatelju?

Ovo su radostnice suze, gospodine! jer s takovim junakom umiran. Vrědniu krunu, skuplju slavu netražim!

(dižuć zastavu.)
Zastava se vělja!

Na predobitje! Lahka noć světu!
(Evi.) S Bogom!
(Alupiću i Paprutoviču.) S Bogom ostajte, bratjo! Pružite mi još vaše ruke. Bubnjevi, navěstite juriš!

(bubnjevi udaraju.)
Za mnom, za mnom! Gor ćemo se opet viděti!
Umri, hrabreni puče, za věru, cara i domovinu!

Evo nas za vami ! Za věru, cara i domovinu!
(odidu svi)

Prizor 9.

Pozorišće pretvori se u goreći grad. Čuju se bubnjevi, pucljavinu i urlanje. Grad se otvori; dva hitca pušćenu učine se na vratih i kroz dim navale Zrinjani na Turke. Juranić sa zastavom naprěd, tad Nikola i ostali njegovi bojnici. Dugačku bitva.

Eva se vidi s bakljum na barutami. Juranić pade pervi. Nikola prejde preko njega, i bori se hrabreno, najposlě pade i on i svi njegovi. Eva hiti baklju u barutunu, grad se razruši, u Zastor pade.


(Siget citadel)

Scene 1

Zrinski (wearing a gold-embroidered wedding suit)
Francis (helps to get dressed.)

Hurry up, Franjo, hurry up! - Are you crying? What's the matter? No, old man! Does your lord’s lory bring you sorrow?

Ah! Forgive me, merciful sire! I was the one who carried you in his arms when you were a child; I was with you when you went into your first battle; - I was the one who at Vienna put the spurs on your boots. Before you went to church for your wedding with the late countess Frankopan I dressed you as I do now and the people shouted “Look at that heroic young man! Look at his bride! A more beautiful couple has not walk through these parts!” All shoulded happily, “Here come Prince Nikola Zrinski with his bride going to their wedding!”

My good Catherine!

I did this, what I am doing now, always done when you went somewhere – whenever you went into a campaign, whenever you celebrated a victory. It was my great joy when I saw you on the street among other gentlemen and when I saw you on your horse, from whose shoes sparks flew when he ran, when I heard people shout, “There goes a great hero Nikola! The scourge of Turks and the shield of Christendom!” I thought I was in heaven, and I shared in a small way in your glory. But now!!!

And now?

In this suit I also dressed you for your second wedding to the gracious countess Rosenberg. Oh, it was a very beautiful day, I thought it would remain like that for a long time. And now, I dress you and arm you for your final march, by your desire dressing you in this joyful clothing for your funeral. Oh God! This is difficult for me! I wish I had died earlier.

Francis! Good, faithful soul! Do not cry. To a greater glory I have never gone. For a more sacred festival you have never dressed me. Today I go to my third wedding and for that reason I wanted to dress in such beautiful clothes. Where is my sabre?

Sire, which one you do you want?

Bring them all, let me choose.


Scene 2

Zrinski alone

Thus, am I now at the end of my life? So now I'm at the end of my life? One more hour and I am no more. I feel something inside that tells me that I do not go into this battle for nothing; by my death will come an eternal dawn. Here I must pay with blood and God above will reward me.

The voice of this life will be silent, and the people that know me will die, but through their descendents I will live forever. Many will come here, in remembrance and say “Prince Nikola Zrinski fell heroically here for the Homeland!” There is no greater glory nor anything sweeter in this world than to fall for God, the emperor and Homeland.

Scene 3

Zrinski, Francis.
(with sabres.)

Here you are, sire, your sabres!
Choose the one you want!

I know this one well; in the battle at Pešt I fought with it. It is a bit too heavy for this fight I need something lighter. And I know this one well; with this I fought at Osijek and won the admiration of the emperor – it is too plain for my moment of final glory. Wait, this one is ideal. This one my father gave me at Vienna. This one brought me my first glory and may it bring me my last. You, you, the light of my hope, you I will carry and with you fight! Here I take you in my hand and I swear that I will not be taken alive, I will not surrender, and as an insult through their camp! This oath will I keep truly. May God and my holy faith help me!

How about armor, sire?

I do not want it. I will go with a bare chest to meet the enemy! What do I need armor when I seek death? I do not want the Turks to dull their blades! I do not need it. I want to be light and agile in battle as at my wedding celebration. At my wedding I did not need it and I do not need it here either – this is my wedding.

Here are the hundred dukats and
the keys to the city, as you requested.

Give me everything, so that the Turkish dogs, when they take off my clothes, will not say that they did not find anything of value on me. These keys into my girdle. This is how an honorable leader presents himself. No one will get these keys before I fall for my God, my emperor and my Homeland.

Scene 4

The previous, Eva, Helena.

Are you ready? Is it true? Are you ready?

I am. I have already made my peace with God, and I am now waiting for salvation.

And you, Jelice?

What strengthens mother’s heart strengthens my heart also. I am ready.

My beloved Eva, thank you for the goodness of your heart! You shared all the hours of my life with joy. The sacred oath you swore at the altar of our weeding you held to faithfully Through your love for me you renounced many luxiries and through difficult times you helped me. May Heaven reward you for that.

My dear Nikola! Whatever I did you returned to me one hundredfold. Oh, what goodness when a little while ago you let me stay with you so that we can die together! Now look at you. Dressed like you are going to a wedding feast.

Do you recognize these clothes?

Very well. In those clothes you greeted and embraced me as your betrothed. In them, with me, you were married.

In thiese clothes I celebrated a wonderful morning of my life, good, beloved Eva. In these clothes at the evening of my life I go likewise to death. Already, to our wedding with death I hear the call. Come my wife, let us together honor our oath faithfully.

Sweet Nikola, my heart beats faster when I think of you nobility. (they embrace) I want to be worthy of you and my resolve is strong. With this next kiss you will know what a weak woman can do.

And our daughter?

Oh, do not worry about me! I will go before you I must go to the the eternal Homeland. My Lorenz will not deny his betrothed a final kiss.

Scene 5

The previous, Kaspar, Wulf, Lorenz
(without armor.)

For our last fight behold how we are armed, as you ordered, without armor.

Our faithful company has already assembled in the city courtyard (square). They wait for your last speech (greeting) and then gladly go into death for God, emperor and Homeland.

Let's go and show the world who we are!

We are behind you!
We will be true to our oath!

Your final blessing to us, father!

(blessing them)
And this blessing is not to death but to life for glory, honor, God, emperor and Homeland. - Believe, what was loved here, above will once again be met and loved, there were love can’t be destroyed. There we will meet and there we will love one another again.

(The drums and pipes are heard)

Hear, your faithful call.

Let it be!
Let's go, let's forgive one another, heroes!

(all except Lorenz and Helena)

Scene 6

Helena, Lorenz.
(emracing, in each other’s arms.)

One more kiss, and then with God!

Not so, Lorenz, no! We do not part like this. Can you truly abandon your betrothed in this horrible cruelty? Will I have to beg for death from a cruel Janissary? That his bloody hand plunges a dagger into my heart? Will a Turk gently plunge his dagger into the heart that beat only for you? Do you not remember what your father said just a while ago? “What is loved here, above will be loved again.” Will you mock his words? No Lovor, no! You plunge the dagger into my heart and kiss my soul on my lips as it departs my body.

My God! What do you ask of me? You want me to kill you? No, no, I can not do that. Death has flown around me many times. My brother fell in battle beside me, I calmly stood beside the dead body of my father and I did not tremble but I avenged his death charging into the midst of my enemy with my sword – but – to kill you? That I can’t to – I tremble. No, no, I cannot do it!

If you love me; if you are true to your oath, if in this world faith, innocence, homeland and love are sacred to you then you must kill me! To the hereafter I will go before you and wait for you with a crown of victory which I will place on your head. If you love me then kill me because I must die one way or another. Or do you wish that Suleiman takes me with him and sacrifices me to his cruel soldiers? Is my death not more dear to you than my shame?

Enough, enough! I will kill you.

 (wanting to stab her.)

Not like that, my beloved, no! Not violently, we are not in a battle but slowly plunge dagger intomy heart and there you will open a path for my soul to the blessed eternal homeland. Embrace me! How fortunate I am to be in your arms. At once everything is clear before my eyes. I can already see in my heart a new dawn rising. Kill me and kiss my soul as it passes past my pale lips.

There on high, again we will find one another again.

On high, there we will find one another again where I will be forever yours.

From there you will look down on your beloved?

Just don’t take too long, so that you bride does not have to wait long.

Receive now this kiss, and pray to God for mercy!
(kisses her and pierces her heart)

Thank you for this sweet death! Do not make me wait long! Just one more this kiss! With it let my soul escape!

(collapses and dies.)

Go with God, with God my dear betrothed!

 (the sounds of pipes and drums are heard.)

Listen, listen[1]! I know that call. Come to me death and lead me to my fiancée!


Scene 7

(Courtyard in Siget)

Zrinski, Kaspar, Wulf, Eva,
(Eva has a burning torch in her hand)
Many soldiers. (in their midst a flags waves)

For the last time, my friends, listen to the words of your commander. First I thank you for your bravery and faithfulness, which you proved to me until now in every battle. Believe me, with true joy in my heart, I can honestly state in front of the whole world, that there was not one traitor among us. We all faithfully honored our oath. Almost all went boldly, without any fear, to meet their death and now they wait above for their partners in victory! I am proud that there is not a single person among us who would not joyfully sacrifice his last drop of blood for our faith, the emperor and Homeland.

I thank you for that, my brother! God will reward you in heaven! We all must die![2] The enemy force, which greatly outnumbers our garisson, for a long time we successfully repelled. Suleiman lost about twenty thousand of their best soldiers along with many leaders below our walls[3] But now another enemy that we can not escape threatens us. The bastions are undermined and they threaten to topple. The fire now burns on all sides – everything around us is burning. Truly the worst enemy is the hunger that spreads among us because we have no food. I must die, because I do not even consider surrender, together with you who know how value your emperor and your honor. Out of here, therefore! Out of here to where the drums beat! Or should we burn in here or die of hunger? No! We will die as a befits a hero! Let us charge out of this place and fight! We will fall, we know that, but we will live for all ages on the lips of our people for as long as the world exists and then in the Heavens for eternity.

Lead us onwards, sire! We are ready!

Scene 8

The former, Lorenz.

Where is Helena?

In Heaven. With the angels tiwing wreathes with which she will come before us and crown us. Father, do not make her wait long. This was her parting word: “Follow quickly after me!”. Out of here therefore so that we can soon greet her!


(to Eva)

Eva, kiss me one last time! What do you think! How will you depart from this world?

I will go to the top of the powder tower, where I will prepare my sacrifice and when I see you fall then I will throw this torch into the powder magazine and then let the destroyed ruins of Siget be taken.

Die like that, my heroine! Such a death will be meaningful, you will be rememberd forever.

(The Turks attack the citadel with screams,
drums and the thunder of cannons)

Hear how they scream! Welcome, dear death, welcome! I recognize your call! Brothers, now we leave this place. Here, Lorenz, take this flag and go in front! You must be the first because your betrothed waits for you! Then I will go and following me will be Kaspar!

What? Do I see tears, my old friend?

These are tears of joy, sire! Because I die with a great hero! A more precious crown or greater fame I do not need.

(raising the flag.)
The flag waves!

To victory! Good night world!

(to Eva) Go with God!

(to Alupić and Paprutovič.) Stay with God, my brothers! Give me your hands once more.

Drums, sound the charge!

(drums hit.)

Follow me, follow me! Up above we shall see one another again! Die, my brave people, for our faith, the emperor and our Homeland!

Here we are with you!
For our faith, emperor and homeland!

(all exit)

Scene 9

The scene transforms into a burning city. Drums are heard, shooting and screaming. The city gates open and two cannons fire outwards. Through the smoke Zrinski and his men charge on the Turks. Lorenz with the flag in front, followed by Zrinski and then the rest of the soldiers. There is a long battle.

Eva is seen with a torch on the powder tower. Lorenz falls first. Nikola steps over him and fights bravely but then falls, he and all of his men.

Eva throws the torch into the power tower and the citadel explodes.

(The curtain falls for the last time).

[1] or “Hark, Hark!”
[2] add “What we die for an how is what gives us meaning and nobility”
[3] How many of the volunteers and forced laborers died is not known. How many died of sickness?

[1] no clue what the word sperdnje means
[2] kaurin = infidel, unbeliver, non-Mulsim, Christian
[3] Similar to quote by Thomas Paine, "The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly; it is dearness only that gives everything its value. I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress and grow brave by reflection. 'Tis the business of little minds to shrink; but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death."  -  US patriot & political philosopher, [The Crisis. No. I. 1776.]
[4] or embarassed, shy, ashamed of something
[5] Your color returns
[6] About Carpe Diem
[7] It was actually the vanguard of the eastern horde that approaches first that set the villages on fire.
[8] or "until our death", "up to our death"
[9] or "I like you" or "You please me"
[10] Niccolo Machiavelli sais"Thus it is well to seem merciful, faithful, humane, sincere, religious, and also to be so; but you must have the mind so disposed that when it is needful to be otherwise you may be able to change to the opposite qualities."
Francesco Guicciardini said "Numberless are the secrets of princes and endless the matters they have to take into account ; wherefore it were rashness to judge hastily of their actions.  For often it happens  that what you suppose a prince to have done  for one reason, has in fact been done for another ;  and what seems to you done at random and  imprudently, has been done designedly and with consummate wisdom."
[11] Poturica = Half a Turk.  "To make onself a Turk." A term used in Bosnia from the 16th to 18th century to designate Slavic converts to the Muslim faith.  Some were voluntary converts while many were forced converts especially through the devshirme (blood tax that had to be paid) in the Balkns forming the Janissary corps.
[12] Visokodušnost = High+Soul.  Being of selfless consideration. Caring for greater good.
[13] or "fulfilled my first obligation"
[14] or “Hark, Hark!”
[15] add “What we die for an how is what gives us meaning and nobility”
[16] How many of the volunteers and forced laborers died is not known.  How many died of sickness?

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