My summary in English of the speech - as best as I can understand what was said in old Latin and German.
Count Franjo Frankopan was a Franciscan
archbishop of Kalocsa, bishop of Eger and also served as diplomat on the court
of Janos Zapolya. In 1541, while Ferdinand's soldiers were besieging Buda[1]
and Suleiman's army was preparing for their third campaign into Hungary to lift the siege,
Count Frankopan made a speech at the Diet of Regensburg. On June 9, in the speech titled "Oratio
reverendissimi in Christo patris" Frankopan presented a grim picture of
the Turkish conquests in Hungary, was critical of the lack of support and asked
Emperor Ferdinand to do more to protect Hungary and Croatia from Ottoman
"Speech by the most reverend father,
Count Franjo Frankopan, Archbishop of Kalocsa and Bishop of Eger,
representative of the Kingdom of Hungary, before the emperor, the electors, and
the lords of Germany", 1541.
Summarizing the speech
By my nature I
am not a man of war but I am forced to move from my peaceful nature and beg the
merciful Emperor and the most illustrious Electors and Princes to prevent an impending
disaster. Hungary and Croatia are in a calamitous situation. The Turkish[2]
barbarians threaten the southern parts of Christianity and we need help.
Hungary is a
nation of plains and mountains stretching from Poland to Transylvania acting as
a bulwark protecting Europe. The Danube and Tisza were safe. The Sava and Drava
Rivers once protected Slavonia and Pannonia but then Belgrade, the door to
Europe, was lost and soon the rivers fell into the hands of the enemy. With pontoon bridges they crossed the rivers,
took the lands and then their soldiers fight back and forth, robbing and
burning. Where they go they destroy
Christian churches. Daily struggles devastate the land and we can't feed our
people. Hunger is everywhere and people flee but there is no place for shelter.
Through the attacks and starvation we continue to resist the enemy. We fight but that brings greater violence. Who they do not kill the plague kills.
The Turks have
taken Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia and now they move in Hungary and Croatia. The
Tisza, Drava, Sava and Danube protected us but no more. Now they move into
Slavonia and conquer everywhere. They come up the Danube to the Tisza, to
Osijek and Buda. They took Hungary
quickly and if they now take Buda Europe will be in great danger and from there
they will go into Germany, Italy and France. Now is the time to support the
bulwark that protect Christianity, now is the time to protect and save our
The barbarous
people might soon have all of Hungary but the Turks are a threat not to
individual nations but to all humanity.
Their prophet (lawmaker) ordered them to fight with arms for their faith
and then convert the defeated to their ungodliness. The barbarians fight with
great ferocity to destroy the Catholic Church and kill the people that believe
in Jesus Christ. They tempt and corrupt
the weak souls with gifts and honors that renegades embrace. Others they take into slavery and the rest
they oppress.
Prayers alone
will not protect us. We need steel that
will cut through the enemy like the people of Israel came to the Promised Land
and took it for themselves. When the first battle came against the Amalekites
while Moses raised his hands to the heavens and prayer Joshua and his army
fought and with steel cut through the enemy ranks. Remember Jehoshaphat, King
of Judah, when the Moabites and Ammonites came to attack him but Jehosaphat
prayed to God and said that his people do not have the might to withstand the
enemy army and he does not know what to do.
He said to God that no matter what calamity happens to them they will
stand in the presence of the temple that bears the Lord's name and the Lord
will hear them and save them.
But the Lord did
not want them to stay at home and only pray in temples. The Lord told them to
not be afraid nor discouraged. He told them to make preparations for battle and
go out to face the enemy and the Lord will be with them. So it will be with us,
we must stand up for ourselves and fight earnestly and the Lord will no doubt
be with us. But, if we become careless and lazy only praying for help then the
Lord will become disgusted, angry and abandon us.
We are ready to
fight. We have not forgotten the old ways, the glory of our ancestors, nor have
we forgotten the slaughter and ruin of Christians. We want to fight but we are a hungry nation.
We ask for nothing but the succor one ally owes to another. An angry enemy
attacks us but you do not prepare for war. Germany must wake up and stop the
Turks to save the Christian faith and freedom. If you are courageous and if
Germany is prepared for war there is no better opportunity than now. If you
save Hungary then you defend yourselves.
It is nonsense
that you set aside you sword and armor for only an old woman would believe that
peace with the Turks is possible. The conditions for peace will be heavy and
the Turks will not live by it because a long time ago they were given orders by
their lawmaker (prophet) to protect their faith by arms and conquer other
nations, plunder, take prisoners and carry out all sorts of wickedness.
The fortunes of
the Turks have changed over the last 50 years.
They have taken small nations and conquered valiant houses and all now
wear the Turkish yoke. This should be a
lesson for the rest of the nations, unconquered Christians, but no one learns.
For this reason we pray to God, and we pray to you that you held defend the
freedom of Hungary. We hold up our hands
to you in supplication asking that by the power of your hearts there may be
peace in our time. We cannot seek glory
in this fight alone.
Follow the
example of the Romans you succeeded who with virtue and magnanimity came to the
aid of their allies, friends and neighbors. We must set aside the discord that
divides us and as Christian brothers stand united; the defense of the Christian
Republics depends on this.
Like the kings
in the Bible protect your people. Take
your sword and armor and prepare for the campaign. Archduke Charles and Emperor
Ferdinand, you are men with great souls, come to our aid, prepare for service
to defend our lives. If you are a
political leader and the government is truly worthy of the Roman Senate it
follows you will make the choice for war.
Beyond any doubt, the Lord himself, in this cause, give his support
As leader of the
Christian world, with great foresight and goodness, having defeated the
barbarians and saved liberty, in Hungary your honor will be preserved and you
will reign forever. Your name will not
be forgotten.
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