Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Zrinski's speech - who can help me?

Can someone help me polish up this speech?
This is what Zrinski said (by one account) to his soldiers before the final charge into the Ottoman horde.

Forgač: Opis tvrđave Siget

Franja Forgač (Ferenc Forgách).

Nakon što je ranije sazvao skup vojnika kod glavnih vrata, kojima se preko mosta grad povezuje s tvrđavom (sve ostalo već je bilo u plamenu), primili smo da ih je odprilike na ovaj način ohrabrivao:

„Vojnici, svi vi skupa sa mnom shvaćate u kojem je položaju sve naše, pa ako doliči da u ovoj krajnjoj nevolji bar kratko spomenem junačka djela naših predaka, zasigurno da ne bi bilo pravedno da ni mi u ovoj vrlo gorkoj propasti naše domovine odstupimo od njihovih slavnih djela. Oni su i u miru i u ratu sigurno mnogo toga znamenito vodili. Često su se malom četom suprotstavljali velikim neprijateljskim vojnama i u malom su broju vodili ratove s vrlo moćnim kraljevima. Stoga je jasno da je njihova izvanredna vrlina poduzela znamenita djela. A budući da je današnji dan svima nama na isti način posljednji jer nas je nužda tako obkolila da čvrsto poginemo za domovinu svjesni kršćanskog imena i besmrtne slave, svjesni vjernosti koju smo dali caru, svjesni pobožnosti prema domovini i vojničkog uresa u kojem smo ne bez slave (ako se ne varam) do sada proveli sav naš život.

Zar ćemo radije vrlo nečasno i porugljivo dopasti u neprijateljske ruke, ili dopustiti da nas na posljedku proguta vatra, koja nas je, budući da je sve već zaposjela, štoviše došla je i do trga tabora, dovela u tjesnac? Ili na kraju, zar ćemo radije ishoditi život u bijednom sužanjstvu koje je gore i jadnije čak i od smrti.

Hrabrim vas, vojnici, da budete snažni i spremni. Ne stavljajte si pred oči to kolika gomila neprijatelja na nas navaljuje, i nemojte biti ni prestrašenog duha, nego mislite na ono što traže trenutno mjesto i čas. Jer ako nekoga ne budu štitili vrlina i oružje, ne će ga čuvati niti mjesto ni neprijatelj. Vidite isto što i ja, moji suborci, da nam sudbina nije ostavila ništa više osim oružja i duha. Zacijelo da su na to svedena sva naša dobra, niti se to više ikako može popraviti. Zato se ne ćemo boriti za pojedinačni ures, nego za spas domovine.

Morate misliti i na to, da ako će postojati ikakva snaga i vrlina nas samih, da će nakon ove konačne bitke takav biti i ugled naše domovine. Tako će uspomena na nas prijeći na Cara i naše potomke. Znajte da naš Car sada gleda naše čete i da Europa i domovina primaju našu snagu. Razmišljajte i o tome da nam ovdje nije toliko dana moć da pobijedimo, koliko i prilika da umremo slavnom smrću.

Ovdje nam je nužda postavila kraj svih naših napora. Jer nakon što svi izvjesnim beznađem budu slomljeni za vrijeme pobjede ili smrti, bit će slavnije da pobijedimo, ili da, ako nam to sudbina oduzme, radije poginemo u bitci nego u bijegu. Vi koji ćete ići u ovu bitku morate se sjetiti da u svojim rukama nosite besmrtni ures, vječnu slavu, slobodu koju nijedan dobar čovjek ne gubi osim sa životom, sjetite se da nosite svoju domovinu koja vas je rodila. Stoga nemojte mnogi izgubiti svoj duh. Nemojte da vam radije odrube glavu kao stoci, nego po junačkom običaju i primjerom naših starih učinite da se ustrajno borite tako da neprijateljima ostavite krvavu i bolnu pobjedu.

Zbog toga me vaš duh, vaša dob i snaga, koje sam u tolikim opasnostima iskusio, hrabre da se nadam da ćete svim silama pomoći meni svojem vođi, i domovini; a osim toga i nužda nekada plašljivce čini snažnima.“

Forgac: Story of the fortress at Siget

Franja Forgač (Ferenc Forgách).

After having earlier called for a gathering of soldiers by the main gate, by which a bridge connects the castle (every other place was already in flames), we received word that he encouraged (strengthend) them with these words:

"Soldiers, you all, together with me, understand the situation we are in. If I may, in this endless trouble, briefly mention the heroic works of our forefathers.  Surely it would not be proper that in this very bitter downfall (collapse, ruin, calamity) of our homeland that we do not continue their honorable (gorious) work.   In peace and in war they accomplished many great things.  Often, in a small group, they stood against large enemy armies and in those small numbers fought wars against very powerful kings. From this it is clear that their extraordinary virtue undertook great (famous, remarkable) accomplishments. Likewise, today for all of us, in the same way is our last because necessity (fate, need) has encircled us in such a way that we must certainly die for the homeland, aware (conscious) of our Christian name and immortal glory, aware of the fidelity we give to our emperor,  aware of our devotion to the homeland and the military honor in which we have without fame  (if I am not mistaken) till now lived our lives.

Would we prefer to fall into the hands of the enemy in a dishonorable and embarassing way or that we allow this fire to eventually swallow us, a fire which has already surrounded us, come to the main square and brought us to these dire straits .  Or in the end, shall we rather walk through life in miserable (forlorn, humiliating) slavery (submission) which is worse, more deplorable, than even death.

I encourage (strengthen) you soldiers, that you will be strong and ready. Don’t focus on the mass of enemies that rush towards us and do not be of frightened spirit but focus on what is needed here and now. If virtue and weapons will not protect someone, neither will he be protected by the place or enemy. You can see, the same as I, my comrades, that fate has left us nothing but our weapons and spirit.  Certainly, this is what all our efforts have been reduced to and there is no way we can fix that. Therefore we will not fight for individual honors but for the salvation of the homeland.

You must ponder this, if there remains any strength or virtue in ourselves, after this last battle, our actions will form the reputation of our homeland. The memory of our actions will represent (be transferred) to our emperor and to ous descendents. Know that our emperor is watching us and that Europe and our homeland receive our strength. Ponder the fact that here we do not have enough days of strength that we win as we have the opportunity to die a noble (celebrated) death.

Here, necessity has put the end of all our efforts.  Because, once all this certain hopelessness is ended either in victory or death, it would be more glorious that we win, but if fate takes that away from us, it is preferable that we die in battle than in flight (escape, retreat).  You who will go into this fight must remember that in your hands you carry immortal honor, eternal glory, freedom that no man loses except with his life. Remember that you carry (represent) your homeland that gave you birth. With that, don’t (many of you) lose your spirit. Don’t let them cut off your head like livestock, rather in a heroic custom, following the examples of our forefathers fight with perserverence so that you can leave the enemy a bloody and painful victory.

Because of this, your spirit, your effort, and strength, which I have many times, in many dangers witnessed, strengthens me to believe that you will help me, your leader,you’re your homeland; and moreover (in addition) sometimes necessity makes the scared strong.

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