Sunday, May 7, 2017

Summary of Crusade on Sigetvar by Pecevi

As chronicled by Ibrahim Alajbegović Pečevija

In - Historija: 1520-1576

Sažetak o Pohodu na Sigetvar
Padišahov Odlazak na Pohod

9· ševva/937. (29-4.1566.).

Povod pohoda iz kojeg će se crpiti pouka, a koji je padišah poduzeo u posljednjim danima svoga života i za vrijeme ove sjajne vojne oprostio se s ovim svijetom je  slijedeći:
budimski beglerbeg Jahjali Arslan-paša više puta je pisao padišahovom divanu da su se povećali napadi Mađara sa granice na osmanske pokrajine u Mađarskoj, da otkako je podignuta ranije poduzeta opsada Egre, neprijatelj se iz dana u dan sve osionije ponaša i da se povećava razbojništva i smutnje. Osim toga Simon Janoš, sin erdeljskog gospodara, žalio se na napade bečkog kralja Ferdinanda te da je zauzimanjem erdeljskih tvrđava Sakmar i Tokaj stvorena osnova smutnji i spletki, i više puta je tražio pomoć.

Ova obraćanja su djelovala na padišahove osjećaje, iako je onemoćao od starosti i raznih bolesti koje su ga iscrpljivale. On je u skladu s osjećajem vladarske časti i ponosa sedmog dana mjeseca ševvala spomenute godine (27 .4.1566.) postavio drugog vezira Pertev-pašu za serdara i uputio ga ispred sebe. On sam je krenuo iz Istanbula u četvrtak, devetog dana spomenutog mjeseca, prema od ranije ustanovljenim običajima i zakonima. Kao i uvijek, u skladu sa osmanskim običajima, sa padišahom su na put krenuli od vezira: veliki vezir Mehmed-paša Dugi (Sokolović), drugi vezir Pertev-paša, treći vezir Ferhad-paša, četvrti vezir Ahmed-paša, peti vezir Kizil Ahmedli Hamid-efendi, rumelijski beglerbeg Šems Ahmed-paša, kazasker Hamid-efendi, nišandžija (nosilac carskog znaka) Egri Abdi- zađe Mehmed-čelebi, defterdari Murad-čelebi, Mehmed-čelebi i Hasan-čelebi, janjičarski aga Ali-aga i drugi velikani i prvaci. Tako su prolazili put konak po konak. Ali padišah se loše osjećao i nestalo mu je raspoloženja zbog starosti u njegovom tijelu, nemoći i pospanosti, i uz to zbog moždane kapi. Većinom je putovao sjedeći u konjskim zapregama ili nosiljkama, a samo pri prolasku kroz gradove i kasabe prolazio je jašući na konju.

Onoga dana kad su se ulogorili u Zemunskom polju Šems-paša je sa rumelijskim alajima napravio tako sjajnu paradu da nebo nije takvo nešto vidjelo do toga dana. Nakon toga je i karamanski beglerbeg Sulejman-paša s karamanskom vojskom napravio tako sjajnu paradu da je zadobio padišahove pohvale i naklonost. Poslije njih je sin erdeljskog vojvode koji je bio doveden za erdeljskog vojvodu u vrijeme osvojenja Budima, na isti način sa erdeljskom vojskom pozdravio pa je potom osjetio radost što je stekao padiša-hovu pohvalu. Nakon što se ovo završilo, naređeno je pobjedničkoj vojsci, na prijedlog sina erdeljskog bana, da ide na Egru, pa je izdana zapovijest da se postavi most u Varadinu.

Sinu erdeljskog bana je na njegovo traženje dato u zadatak da zajedno sa tatarskom vojskom, na čelu sa mirzama, ide na Sakmar i Tokaj. Ove dvije tvrđave je zauzeo prije godinu dana Ferdinand i pripojio ih svojoj državi. Sin erdeljskog bana je tražio da on ponovo njima vlada. U takvom je obliku napravljen ratni plan.

Konjanicima je data dozvola da idu naprijed da prođu ćupriju i stignu do Bačke, gdje ima više pašnjaka i vode. Ali ovi planovi nisu bili u skladu sa sudbinom, posao se odvijao sasvim drugačije nego što je planirano. Kad se sandžakbeg koji je postavljen za muhafiza Pečuha ulogorio sa vojskom u blizini tvrđave Šikloš, spomenutom sandžakbegu je došao Iskender-beg, alajbeg Pečuha, koji se nalazio u Šiklošu i rekao mu da uđe u tvrđavu jer je ovdje opasno zakonačiti. Međutim, sandžakbeg nije uvažavao njegovo mišljenje jer "nije opasno jednu noć provesti napolju" i postavio je jake straže da čuvaju vojsku.

Ovaj postupak je izgleda i po Božijem određenju bio povod da se osvoji Sigetvar. Tih dana je zapovjednik Sigetvara Zrinski Mikloš poslao hiljadu hajduka i četiri stotine katana da spale i opljačkaju varoš Pečuha i da napadnu na tvrđavu. Od zarobljenika koje će uzeti trebali su saznati na koju stranu će se uputiti njegovo veličanstvo padišah. Kad su ovi prokletnici stigli između Sigetvara i Šikloša u Peštu dobili su vijest od raje koliko se vojske ulogorilo pred tvrđavom Šikloš. Na ovo su se odmah uputili prema Šiklošu s mišlju da će saznati šta je cilj islamskog padišaha, da najsigurnije vijesti imaju upravo ovi, a od njih će se svakako zadobiti i dosta plijena.

Te noći je po Božijoj odredbi pala tako velika kiša da su se svi stražari pečuhskog bega sklonili napuštajući stražu, misleći da nema opasnosti od neprijatelja. I sam je beg smatrao da je kiša i blato sigurna brana za njegovu sigurnost. Prokletnici su pred zoru opkolili spomenutog sandžakbega i njega i njegova sina učinili šehidima. Stradali su i vojnici, a blago i imeci su im razgrabljeni i uništeni.

Eto, kad je taj bolni događaj došao padišahu do uha, odustalo se od kretanja prema Egri i naređeno je vojsci da ponovo prijeđe u Srijem. Sandžakbeg sandžaka Karli ili i najbolji mornarički junak, najsposobniji u oblasti artiljerije i poznavanja tučenja tvrđava, kapudan po imenu Ali Portuk dobio je ranije zaduženje da u dvije lađe preveze ono što je potrebno vojsci za hranu, određen je za komandanta dunavskoj floti i zadužen za postavljanje mosta. Sada je poslano naređenje kapudanu Ali Portuku da tamo demontira most i naređeno mu je da postavi most preko rijeke Drave. I janjičarski aga Ali-aga je dobio zadatak da radi na postavljanju mosta i da prije islamske vojske pređe u Mohačko polje. Posao oko postavljanja mosta završen je za deset dana pa se sretni padišah spustio u Osiječko polje i odmah su počeli prelaziti preko ćuprije. Pred velikim brdom Aršan ulogorile se u polju i tu se konačilo dva dana.

Budimski beglerbeg Arslan-paša sin Mehmed-paše u to vrijeme je pogubljen pred padišahovim šatorom. Neka mu se Allah smiluje. Njegova krivica je bila neuspjeh doživljen pred tvrđavom Palata. Kad je Arslan-paša čuo da je padišah krenuo u vojni pohod, odmah je skupio krajišku budimsku vojsku i opsjeo tvrđavu Palata koja se nalazila u blizini Stolnog Biograda i koja je bila utočište odmetnika koji su preko svake mjere upadali u osmanske zemlje. Ali kako je i prokleti austrijski kralj Ferdinand saznao da je padišah krenuo u pohod, skupio je vojsku s kojom je raspolagao i poslao je na Arslan-pašu i tako ga prisilio da odustane od opsade tvrđave. Kako je Arslan-paša bio prisiljen povući se u Budim i braniti ga, nevjernici su zauzeli tvrđavu Vesprem i iza nje tvrđavu Tata, pripojili ih svojim prljavim zemljama i počeli iščekivati pokret islamske vojske.

Kao posljedica ovakvog razvoja, budimski ejalet je predat na upravu dotadašnjem sandžakbegu Bosne Mustafa-paši, bratu velikog vezira. Mustafa-paša najsposobniji od svih vezira koji su postavljeni za valije Budima, prije godinu dana osvojio je tvrđavu Krupu u Bosni i više od hiljadu njegovih ljudi pozdravilo je padišaha u blizini Volupara. Zbog toga se smatralo odgovarajućim da mu padišah ukaže milost pa je budimski beglerbegluk predat njemu. Kasnije je sa karamanskim beglerbegom postavljen kraj jezera u blizini Stolnog Biograda da se čuva Budim. Rumelijski beglerbeg Šems Ahmed-paša je na ovom konačištu određen da ide naprijed i da opsjedne tvrđavu, a poslati su Ali Portuk, jedan iskusan komandant i poznati junak Nasuh-beg, sandžakbeg Požege, da idu razgledati mjesta gdje će se kopati rovovi i zakloni.

Sutradan se pokrenuo i padišah i na drugo konačište stigao je pod Sigetvar. Veliki padišahov šator bio je postavljen kraj jezera s gornju stranu Sigetvara. Ali kako se ovo mjesto nalazilo na dometu topova s tvrđave, nije se smatralo umjesnim da se tamo boravi i prenesen je na mjesto gdje se danas nalazi njegovo blagoslovljeno turbe. Samo ovdje je sa svih strana bilo tijesno i teško prolazno zbog grmlja i šume koji su se tu nalazili. Ali sjekači miriahorovi i padišahove osobne sluge dali su se na posao i ovo očistili i poravnali kao dlan. Nakon toga postavljeni su drugi šatori, a šatori postavljeni ranije nisu se dizali dok nije tvrđava osvojena.

Njegovo veličanstvo padišah se ovdje smjestio dvadesetog dana muharrema devetsto sedamdeset četvrte ili petog kolovoza (7. augusta 1566.). Treći vezir Ferhad-paša i anadolski beglerbeg Mahmud-paša tukli su južnu i zapadnu stranu tvrđave, a peti vezir Mustafa-paša i njegov mlađi brat rumelijski beglerbeg Šems Ahmed-paša sjevernu stranu. Između Ferhad-paše i rumelijskog odreda u rovove su ušli janjičarski aga Ali-aga i njegovi janjičarski drugovi. Na zapadnu stranu od Ferhad-paše određeni su Ali Portuk-kapudan i požeški beg Nasuh-beg. Tako se počela tući tvrđava sa sve četiri strane, dannoć. Mehmed-han iz porodice Zulkadrije, koji je bio namjesnik ćustendilskog sandžaka, određen je za stražu i naređeno mu je da pređe s drugu stranu jezera i močvare koje tvori rijeka Riga. Šestog dana osvojena je varoš tvrđave i posječeno je više od šesto nevjerničkih konjanika.

Nakon toga su srušili branu kako bi otekla voda čije jezero okružuje unutrašnju tvrđavu i za nekoliko dana potpuno se ispraznila voda jezera. Pa ipak da bi se ušlo unutra bare i lokve bile su prepreke tolike da bi se u njima utopili i divovi. Za nekoliko dana su popunili vrećama sve lokve i bare i napravili širok put do zidova tvrđave.

Nakon toga rodila se ideja da se položi ruka na tvrđavsku palanku, neki su ulili ulje u podnožje palanke i zapalili vatru.

U tvrđavi je bio još jedan buljuk bezvjernika. Ovi su uložili toliko truda, žrtvovali su se jedan za drugoga. Ukratko, na sve strane bilo je tako da je svaki direk i prut gorio, neki su presječeni, iza prepreke, međutim, opet se pojavljuje prepreka, u obliku zemljom ispunjenih zidova kojima ni topovi nisu nanijeli štetu niti je postojala mogućnost da se sruše. Nevjernici su na to dopunjavati zemljom zidove, sa unutrašnje strane su ih podupiranjem učvršćivali.

Nikakve prilike nije bilo da se topom ili puškom gađa neka šupljina. Kad su se, međutim, islamski borci odlučivali za napad neprijatelji su bacali bombe, a islamski borci su ranjavani okretali duga koplja na suprotnu stranu i vraćali se. I gazije su zabacile duge kuke, izvlačile nevjernike napolje i odsijecale im glave. Nije moguće objasniti i opisati sve ratne igre koje su primjenjivane u vrijeme ovih napada na tvrđavu.

Konačno dvadeset četvrtog dana mjeseca safera ili sedmi dan grčkog mjeseca agistosa (10 September) izdano je naređenje za opći napad. Svi vojnici su se, u skladu s onim što su obavezni kao muslimani, svom žestinom bacili i neprijatelju nisu dali oči otvoriti pa se s Allahovom pomoći uspjela osvojiti tvrđava. U ovom jurišu mnogi rumelijski timarnici, zaimi i junaci iz redova vojske kao šehidi su preselili sa ovog ispraznog svijeta i prispjeli u besmrtni život.

Kako se priča, Zrinski Mikloš, komandant tvrđave, nevjernik poznat po junaštvu, shvativši da mu je krqj, stavio je kapu na glavu, obukao lijepo odijelo, u džep stavio stotinu zlatnika kao nagradu za onoga gaziju koji mu odsiječe glavu. Ako se obrati pažnja na to šta pišu nevjernici, oni kažu da je imao jednu sablju koja mu je ostala od predaka, pripasao ju je i krenuo na islamske vojnike. S druge strane, jedan ga je gazija pogodio iz puške u prsa, a zatim ga je i strijela pogodila u glavu pa je njegova prljava duša otputovala džehenemskim zebanijama.

Nakon što se toga dana islamska vojska odmorila veziri i velikani su otišli obići tvrđavu i vidjeli neku opremu i sredstva koja se tamo nalazila. Tako je u kući Zrinskog, koja podsjeća na štalu za  svinje, bilo spremno skladište baruta. Ili su prokletnici postavili fitilj ili je neko od onih koji su skupljali ratni plijen bacio vatru, barut je planuo i nanio mnogim ljudima štetu, mnoge je čak odbacio do mjesta gdje je bilo spremište za strijele. Ipak, nikome od državnih velikana ova eksplozija nije naudila.

Tako je sigetvarska tvrđava ušla među islamske tvrđave, a mjesto sandžakbega je dato pečuhskom alajbegu Iskender-begu. Postavljeni su kadija, dizdar, muhafizi i učinjeno je sve što je potrebno za opremu i opskrbu. Dok je islamska vojska bila pred Sigetvarom, peti vezir Mustafa- paša, koji se nalazio u akinu, dvadesetdevetog dana istog mjeseca je sa bratom, rumelijskim beglerbegom Šems Ahmed-pašom, sa dvije hiljade janjičara i dvojicom aga buljuka iz konjaničke vojske, poslat na osvajanje tvrđave Bobovac. Kad su ovi došli preko puta tvrđave, prokletnici koji su se nalazili unutra, tu večer su napustili tvrđavu i pobjegli.

Dobrotom Uzvišenog Allaha i ova je tvrđava prešla u ruke muslimana i za četiri dana, nakon što su se upotpunile sve potrebe, pobjednička vojska se vratila i priključila padišahovoj ordiji. Nakon toga data je dozvola za akin. Veliki broj akindžija krenuo je u jagmu u okolinu Kaniže, Berzenca i Konora i sa bogatim plijenom živi i zdravi se vratili u padišahovu ordiju.

Summary of Crusade on Sigetvar
Sultan’s Departure on Crusade

9 · ševva/937. (29.4.1566).

The reasons why the Sultan went on the final campaign in the last days of his life – to a great war to say good by to his life are as follows:

Buda beylerbey Jahjali Arslan-pasha repeatedly wrote the Sultan’s divan about increased Hungarian attacks in the border and the Ottoman provinces in Hungary. After the siege of Eger was ended the enemy acts more aggressively day-to-day increasing banditry and confusion/chaos. Simon Janos, son of Transylvanian governor, complained of attacks by the Viennese King Ferdinand and that is by taking Transylvania fortress Sakmar and Tokaj create a basis for troubles and intrigue and several times he asked for help.

These appeals affected the Padishah feelings, although weak due to age and various illnesses. In accordance with a sense of royal honor and pride on the 27 of April, 1566, he appointed second vizier Pertev-pasha as “serdar” (general) and gave direction personally. The sultan left Istanbul two days later, in accordance with established customs and laws. As always, in accordance with Ottoman traditions, with the sultan travelled the minsters (viziers): Grand Vizier Mehmed-pasha (The Tall), second vizier Pertev-pasha, the third vizier Ferhad-pasha, the fourth Vizier Ahmed-pasha, the fifth vizier Kizil Ahmed Hamid Effendi, Rumelia beylerbey Shems Ahmed-pasha, Kazasker Hamid Effendi, “nišandžija” (holder of imperial standard) Egri Abdi- sets Mehmed Celebi, defterdars Murad Çelebi Mehmed Celebi and Hasan Celebi, the janissary-aga Ali-aga and other dignitaries and leaders. That is how they were organized, unit-by-unit. The sultan was not feeling well due to his age of his body, weakness and drowsiness, and migraines (or stroke?). For most of the way he travelled in a carriage or in the litter and only when going through towns and passing of the town is riding a horse.

That day arrived at the Zemun field Šem-pasha with the Rumelia “alaji” organized a wonderful parade that even heaven did not see something like that to that day. Next the Karaman beylerbey made a wonderful parade of his troops for the receiving the sultans praise and favor. After them the son of the Duke of Transylvania, who came to represent the Transylvanian Duke at the time of the conquest of Buda in the same way greeted/welcomed the sultan by parading the Transylvania army and the felt the happiness of the sultan and receiving praise. Once this was completed, the victorious army was ordered, on the proposal of the son of Transylvanian count, to go to Eger, and is ordered to build a bridge at Varadin.

The son of Transylvania ban count, on his request, given the task, working with the Tartar army, in the lead with “mirzama”, to go to Sakmar and Tokay. A year ago these two fortresses were taken by Ferdinand and annexed to his country. The son of Transylvanian count asked that he once again rule over them. In that way a plan for war was created.

The cavalry was given permission to go ahead, cross the bridge and go to the Backa, where there are more pastures and water. But these plans were not in compliance with destiny, events unfolded differently than planned. When the sanjakbey, protector of Pecs, camped with his army near the fort of Siklos, to him came Iskender-bey, the alaj-bey of Pecs, who was stationed at Siklos, and told him to come into the fort because it is dangerous to camp here. The sanjakbey did not respect his opinion because, as he said, “It is not dangerous to camp one night in the field” and he posted many guards to protect the army.

This act looked like a campaign ordered by God to take Sigetvar. In those days the commander Szigetvár, Nikola Zrinski, sent a thousand hajduks (cavalry, outlaws) and 400 soldiers to burn and look the town of Pecs and to attack the fort. From prisoners to be taken they needed to find out in which direction the sultan was heading. When these bastards arrived between Szigetvár and Siklos in Pecs they received news from locals (not Muslim) about how large and army camped by the fortress Siklos. On learning this they are immediately went to Siklós with the thought that they will learn the goal of the Islamic sultan, that this army has the best information, and they will be sure to get a lot of plunder.

That night, by God's order/will, it started to rain heavily and the Pecs-bey guards left their positions to find shelter from the rain, thinking that there is no danger from the enemy. The sanjakbey himself believed that the rain and mud are a shield (protection) for his safety. The bastards attacked before dawn surrounded the sanjakbey and made martyrs of him and his son. Also lost were the soldiers while the goods and possessions were either taken or destroyed.

When news of this painful event came to the sultan’s ear, he stopped moving towards Eger and ordered the army to go towards Srijem (region). The sanjakbey of the sanjak of Karli, also the greatest naval hero, most capable in artillery ans expert in besieging fortresses, a commander by the name Ali Portuk, earlier received the responsibility to transport by two boats all that is required by the army for food and was designated as commander of the Danube fleet and in charge of building a bridge. Now orders were sent to commander Ali Portuk to dismantle the bridge (across Danube) and build a bridge across the Drava River. The janissary aga Ali-aga received the task of helping build the bridge then go to the Mohacs fields. The work on the bridge was built in ten days and the happy sultan crossed the Osijek fields and cross the bridge. Arsan camped in fields by a large hill and waited for two days.

Buda beylerbey Arslan-pasha, son of Mehmed-pasha, was executed in front of the sultan’s tent. May Allah bless him. His mistake (guilt) was his failure in front of the fortress at Palotta. When Arslan-pasha heard that the sultan had begun his military campaign he mobilized the Buda regional army and besieged the fortress at Palota which is located near Stolni Biograd are was a refuge for outlaws who beyond all reason attack into the Ottoman lands. But, when the cursed Austrian king Ferdinand learned that the sultan had started his campaign mobilized an army that he commanded and sent to attack Arslan-pasha and forced him to abandon the siege of the fort. As Arslan-pasha was forced to retreat to Buda and defend it the infidels occupied the fort at Vesprem and then the fort at Tata and joined them to their dirty lands and began to wait for the Islamic army.

As a result of this development, administration of Buda Eyalet was handed over to the sanjakbey of Bosnia Mustafa-pasha, brother of the grand vizier. Mustafa-pasha, the most capable of all viziers appointed as “valija” of Buda, a year ago won the fortress Krupa in Bosnia and more than a thousand of his men saluted the sultan near Volupara. Therefore, it was considered appropriate to for the sultan to reward him by making him the beylerbeyluk of Buda. Later, with the Karaman beylerbey, he was stationed by the lake near Biograd Stolni to defend Buda. The Rumelian beylerbey Šems Ahmed-pasha at this camp was ordered to go forward and take the fort. Also sent was Ali Portuk, and experienced commander and famous hero Nasuh-bey, the sanjakbey of Pozega to go assess where the trenches and shelters should be dug.

The next day the sultan moved to the next camp and arrived at Sigetvar. The sultan’s tent was set up by the lake at the north side of Sigetvar. But, as this place was within range of the cannons in the fort it was deemed unwise to stay there and so the tent was moved to the place where today is found his sacred tomb. But in this place it was very tight from all sides and it was difficult to walk because of the bush and the forest found there. The loggers and the sultan’s personal servants got to work and cleaned and straightened the area making it smooth. After that more tents were set up but the previously set up tents were not taken down until the fortress what taken.

His majesty the sultan set himself up here on 7 August 1566. The third vizier Ferhad-pasha and the Anatolian beylerbey Mahmud-pasha attacked the southern and western sides of the fortress, while the fifth Vizier Mustafa-pasha and his younger brother, the Rumelia beylerbey Šems Ahmed-pasha, attacked the north side. In between Ferhad-pasha and the Rumelian units in trenches entered the janissary Ali-aga and his janissary soldiers. On the west side of Ferhad-pasha were stationed commander Ali Portuk and the Pozega-bey Nasuh bey. Thus began the attack on the fort on all four sides, day and night. Mehmed-han of the family Zulkadrije, who was the governor of the “ćustendil” sanjak, was given guard duty and ordered to go to the other side of the lake and swap formed by the river Riga. On the sixth day New Town was conquered the town fortress and more than 600 infidel horsemen were killed.

After that, the dike/dam was torn down so that the waters creating the lake that surrounds the inner fort would drain. After a few days the lake emptied. But it was not safe to enter the ponds and puddles which were such obstacles in which even camels could drown. In a few days the ponds and puddles were filled with bags and made a wide path to the walls of the fort.

After that, the idea was born to attack the fortress palisades by pouring oil at the base of the palisade and then set on fire. In the fortress there was still one more group of unbelievers. This group committed much effort and they sacrificed one for the other. Soon, on all sides posts and beams were burning. Some broke behind the obstacles (walls?), meanwhile, more obstacles appear in the form of earth-filled walls which no guns could damage, nor was there a possibility they could be demolished. The unbelievers were repairing (filling) the walls with earth and from the inside through support strengthened them.

There was no opportunity to create a breach through cannon or musket fire. When, however, the Islamic soldiers were planning an attack the enemy were throwing bombs while the injured Islamic soldiers turned their long spears to the enemy and advanced. The janissaries threw long hooks, pulled out the unbelievers into the fields and cut off their heads. It is not possible to document and explain all the battle tactics used during the attack on the fortress.

Finally, on the 7th day of Greek month Agistosa (10 September???) and order was issued for a full scale attack. All soldiers, in accordance with their obligations as Muslims, threw their fury and didn’t give the enemy an opportunity to open their eyes and with Allah’s help we succeeded in taking the fortress. In this charge many Rumalian timariots, “zaimi” and heroes from the ranks of the army, as martyrs moved from this empty world and arrived in the immortal life.

As it is told, Nikola Zrinski, the commander of the fort, an unbeliever known for heroism, realizing that his end is near, put a hat on his head, put on a nice suit, pocketed a hundred gold coins as a reward for the janissary who cuts off his head. If you pay attention to what the infidels write, they say he had a sword passed down from his ancestors, unsheathed it and turned on the Islamic soldiers. From the other side a janissary hit him in the chest with a musket ball and then an arrow hit him in the head and then his dirty (corrupt) soul travelled to hellfire and damnation (demons of hell?)

After the Islamic army rested that day, the viziers and superiors went to inspect the fortress to see what sort of facilities and equipment are located there. In Zrinski’s house, which is reminiscent of a pig-sty, a gunpowder magazine was set up. Either one of the cursed put a slow fuse or one of the soldiers collecting war booty threw (dropped) fire, the gunpowder exploded causing damage to many people, many of whom were thrown so far to the bunker where arrows were stored. However, none of the state's senior officials were hurt by the explosion.

That is how the fortress on Sigetvar became an Islamic fortress with Iskender bay, the alaj-bey of Pecs, being given the duty of sanjak-bey. Positioned were a kadija (Muslim judge), dizdar (castle commander) and muhafiz (guardian, warden) and provided with all that is required for equipment and supplies. While the Islamic army was in from of Sigetvar fifth vizier Mustafa--pasha, who was in Akin, the twenty-ninth day of the same month with his brother, beylerbey of Rumelia Šems Ahmed-pasha, with two thousand Janissaries and two aga units of cavalry army were sent to conquer Bobovac fortress. When they came to the fortress, the bastards (cursed) who were inside, that evening abandoned the castle and fled.

By the goodness of Allah this fortress also passed into the hands of Muslims and in four days, after which they fulfilled all requirements returned and joined the sultan’s horde. After that permission was given to go on raids. A large number of raiders launched into a frenzy around Nagykanizsa, Berzence and Konora and the rich loot (spoils), alive and well returned to the sultan’s horde.

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