Saturday, April 22, 2017
Monday, April 17, 2017
July 31: Oath to defend Szigetvar
Oath to defend Szigetvar
In he last days of July one of Zrinski’s
spies came to the fortress with a report that the Sultan and his army are
building the bridge across the Drava River. Later another report arrives that
troops are crossing the bridge and moving towards Szigetvar. It is now definite, Szigetvar is the target
for the main Ottoman force.
31 (or thereabouts)
Zrinski writes a report to Emperor
Maximilian explaining the situation at the fort and what his plans are. He
tells Maximilian that he is confident that from what was learned in 1556 that
the fort can easily endure for three weeks during which time he will do his
best to wear down the Sultan’s army but that he hopes that a rescue army will
come, sooner rather than later, and save the day.
Zrinski meets with his wife Eva and son
Juraj and explains the situation. Nikola
gives the letter he wrote and tells Eva that she must go to the Emperor in
Vienna, give him this report and tell Maximilian what is happening. Nikola tells his son Juraj to go with his
mother but Juraj protests stating that he wants to stay and fight with his
father and earn his first honors against the Turks in this momentous battle
with the Sultan himself. Nikola reminds
him that he is only 17 and there will be time enough to win honor. Nikola himself was 21 when he helped in the
defense of Vienna in 1529. Juraj is not
happy but obeys his father.
Nikola calls for a meeting in the
afternoon. Everyone meets in the
courtyard of the Outer Castle. There are
2,300 and something soldiers (cavalry and infantry) and about 1,000 civilians,
residents and families of the soldiers.
Zrinski, wearing armor, with his sword by his side, looking strong
addresses that crowd.
First he asks for a roll call. Each of the unit commanders identifies
himself, where the unit is from and how many people. Zrinski thanks everyone for being here and
tells them that they will be a part of history.
It is confirmed that the Sultan is coming to Szigetvar. About 30,000 of
the Sultan’s army is going to Gyula and 100,000 led by the Sultan himself is
coming to Szigetvar than they should be here in a few days.
God has answered my prayers. Zrinski is happy that the Sultan is
All Christendom is looking to us, we will
set a proper example. Zrinski points to the Turkish flags captured at Siklos
(reminder of success). The Sultan is an
old man looking for one last glory – we will deny him like the knights in Malta
denied him a victory last year. When we
defeat “The Great”, our Scourge, we will end the tyranny.
He makes fun of the way Arslan fled from
the Christians in Palotta.
We beat the Turks in Eger in 1552. Szigetvar held out in 1556 when the beylerbeg
of Buda attacked and Szigetvar captain Marko Horvat Stancic and his troops held
out against 25,000 Ottomans until Zrinski came with a rescue army to harass and
distract them and eventually the Ottomans retreated. During that siege the
Ottomans lost half their soldiers while we lost only about 100. Since then the fort has been upgraded. New Town has been built and while New Town
might fall quickly Old Town can hold out for quite some time. Food for 40 days has been stocked.
We will not be fighting this battle alone. He tells the soldiers and civilians that the
Emperor is putting together an Army from the contributions of the Christian
nations of Europe. The people cheer - everyone’s
spirits are up and everyone feels courageous.
Zrinski knows
that there will be danger. He tells
everyone that if they choose, the women and children are free to leave and come
back when the battle is over. But few do. Everyone
is confident that Emperor Maximilian will come to their aid and they recall the
bravery of the “Women of Eger” and how they helped in the defeat of the
Ottomans during the Siege of Eger (1552).
Zrinski is impressed with everyone’s
courage and determination. Zrinski
promises to feed everyone. Under normal
circumstances soldiers paid for their own food from their monthly wages but
here in the fort Zrinski stocked supplies and will provide for everyone. Each soldier and family will receive food
meat, flour, vegetables. salt, vinegar and wine. Those soldiers that have a wife or a mother, they will cook for them and will bring food,
drink and whatever is necessary to their position. Those without a wife or a
mother the captain’s kitchen will cook and provide for you, your superiors and
sergeants will bring you food and drink. Each person will receive a serving of
wine every day. This impressed everyone
and increased their loyalty to Zrinski.
Zrinski gives a moving speech giving his
soldiers hope.
Brothers and sisters, good men and brave soldiers!
Those who serve our Imperial Majesty, surely now we all see that the Turkish
emperor is upon us.
The Sultan is not just our enemy but
the enemy of the whole Christian world. We must, with an indomitable spirit, on
behalf of ourselves and the whole Christian world, prepare for and be ready to
welcome the enemy with unwavering courage. The Sultan
has boundless arrogance and reckless audacity powered by his faith in his vast
numbers and paganism. We have faith
(hope and trust) in our Lord, who is greater than the Sultan and his force, to
help us little people in this great effort. We must wait calmly with
anticipation and without fear of the Sultan’s troops. We pray to God to protect
us believers.
I am happy to be in this battle with valiant
companions such as you. We will do what is required, to fight to the death, not
for any trivial reason but to protect
our beloved
beautiful Christian homeland, for our King, for our wives, for our children,
for our own honor and for our lives.
I am resolved, as I hope you are, that as a Christian
and free born, I will (by Gods Grace) end my days in the same faith and
freedom. While I can hold up this arm,
with my sword in my hand, the arrogant Turk will not have power to command over
me, or the ground upon which I stand.
Alternate speech from history book by
Richard Knolles
You see (said he) how we are on every side beset with
the Multitude of our Enemies,* wherein resteth their chief hope; but let not us
be thereof afraid or discouraged; for that Victory dependeth not on a confused
Multitude of heartless Men, but on the Power of our God, who hath by a few at
his pleasure many times overthrown the mighty Armies of the Proud; and will not
in the midst of these dangers now forsake us, if we putting our Trust and
Confidence in him, do what beseemeth valiant and couragious Men.
Besides that, our just Cause, with the strength of the
place we hold, our own Valour, and the help of our Friends, who I assure my
self will not fail us at our need, countervaileth their confused Multitude,
forced together by their imperious Commanders out of far Countries, and
whatsoever else the proud Tyrant hath brought with him into the Field.
Wherefore let us all as becometh valiant Men, for the truth of our Religion,
and for the honour of our Prince and Country, live and die together; knowing
whatsoever befals, that to a Life so lost, beside never dying Fame, belongeth a
most assured hope of Joy and Felicity.
As for my self, I am resolved, and so I hope are you
also, that as I am a Christian, and free born, so will I (by the Grace of God)
in the same Faith and Freedom end my days. Neither shall the proud Turk, so
long as I am able to hold up this hand, have ever power to command over me, or
the ground whereon I stand.
for if after this the help of the immortal God for the
scourge, which threatens the enemy, to be held, all we shall be instructive to
us courage, our wealth, our honor, our glory and praise of enough rain; the
above our freedom, our survival, peace, maintaining our country, with all the
holy places and our house, wives and our children, not just ours, but everyone
of all Hungarian names, and even Christians are called, are saved together with
our undying praise. (...). "
To bond everyone together, to ensure
commitment and dedications, Zrinski says;
must be united and have hope, be honest and sincere with one another. We can’t
let jealousy, enmity or hatred drive us against one another – we must work
together. We will have strength in unity.
We must live with honor and goodwill among us, in the greatest
consensus, for as long as the Almighty sees fit (as long as the will of God
Each person must be obedient to his commanding officer
and that no one opposes another but that we stand together. Therefore, my
brothers, it is necessary to swear an oath to our Lord God, then to our leader
a Christian soldier of light and to our (nevoljnom nasemu orsagu?). I will swear my oath to you first and then
you will swear yours. We must leave
nothing to chance. You will have no doubt in me and I will have none in you.
Now listen to my oath
Zrinski draws his sword and swears an oath
to his soldiers to defend his fort to the death:
“I, Nikola prince of Zrin, do solemnly swear, first of
all to Almighty God,
and then to his Majesty, our glorious king and our
suffering homeland
and to you, my
knights, that I shall never leave you, that I shall stand with you, suffer for
better or worse, to live and win or die with you. So help me God!”
I will be with you while I have my head,
I swear to the living god of hosts, I desire that you
do likewise,
Zrinski says:
“With two fingers raised, swear your
oath in front of me with a loud voice.
We will see who does not swear or who swears without raising his
fingers. If you do not properly swear your oath then you are not faithful, an
unbeliever, who will not stay with us to the end and we must take him from this
The soldiers, raised two fingers,
calling witnesses to God, swear the following oath, making a commitment and
pledging their loyalty to him.
"We, cavalry, infantry, Purgers
and all sorts of loyal soldiers of the Emperor, swear by the Almighty Lord God
first and our Homeland and to you Count Nikola Zrinski promise to be faithful, honest
and obedient. We devotedly carry out our
duties, accept all orders and to be obedient in all things. We swear to be
steadfast, we will not be conquered, we will suffer death rather than
surrender. We will live with you and die with you. So help us God.”
The Szigetvar Oath transformed the residents and defenders, of all ranks,
into one fighting body and one spirit in the life or death struggle. With the Szigetvar Oath all division between
noble and ordinary man vanished.
Everyone a soldier together.
martial law
The oath eliminated all aristocratic
privilege and peacetime law: the commander of the fortress during the siege was
the master of life and death in the castle grounds! Everyone will do what work is needed and
everyone will eat the same food.
Zrinski tells the people that the fort
needs a commander at all times. “If I am
unlucky and I fall I want you to follow Gašpar Alapić. He is my deputy listen and obey him as you
would me, what he orders you must do.”
Zrinski tells Alapic; “If I fall, you must keep fighting the enemy. Do not surrender.”
He explains that in a time of combat, when
the fort is in a life or death situation, strict control is required and
martial law needs to be established. Everyone must have absolute trust in
everyone else. Everyone must carry out
their duties without losing their courage (without panicking or
disobeying). If you are not trustworthy
then you are a potential danger.
The conditions of martial law include:
- Every person is responsible and will be held accountable. Every person must do the most that they can. We all depend on one another – we live together, we die together.
- Anyone who disobeys, ignores or opposes a command from a superior, from me, a superior or your sergeant, will lose his life.
- All soldiers must stay in their assigned positions and are forbidden to leave without permission. Anyone who disobeys this order, ordinary man or noble, will be “hanged without any trial".
- Those who spread fear (spread rumors or conspire in secret) both will be arrested and taken to the gallows. If anyone sees someone conspiring and does not report it, either from friendship or a bribe, and this is later discovered they too will go to the gallows.
- Anyone that takes/steals/robs even a single penny in value from their neighbor will be taken to the gallows.
- Never believe anything an Ottoman says; they are not to be trusted. Anyone who finds messages from the Ottomans, on arrows sent over the wall, will not read them but will immediately pass them on to their superior/commander who will burn them.
- Those that stay in the fortress are now all equals and we all eat the same food.
Outside the castle, in Old Town, was set up
a gallows.
There is a story that to prove his point and
resolve Zrinski had an unfortunate opportunity to set an immediate
example. There was a soldier that
unsheathed his sword (raised his sword) against his superior. At that time taking out your sword against a
fellow soldier, without permission, was a serious offense. The soldier was hung
in the Old Town market.
Turkish officer (aga) was captured before the Sultan arrived, Mehmet aga was
beheaded, because he committed atrocities during his marched toward Sigetvar. Zrinski did this to strike fear in the
soldiers so that they know he is serious in his orders. This is how he prepared the men for the
battle with the enemy.
Getting ready for the fight
All the soldiers return to their units,
with their commanders and prepare.
On the front of the castle gate in front of
a large wooden cross was set, as a symbol of their commitment. A note is posted
beside it;
“Inside this fort are faithful and valiant soldiers.
We are not afraid to die.
The snarling dog should not bully anyone”
Background info
of Eger (Siege of Eger 1552)
By October 11th, the Ottoman commanders had
had enough and they launched an all out assault on the castle. This lasted for
two days and the defenders reached breaking point. In desperation, the fabled
Women of Eger were called into action and poured hot water, bitumen and oil on
to the attackers desperately trying to scale the walls.
The battle went on for two, long days and
eventually the Turks had to concede defeat. They concluded they could not take
the castle before winter set in. A
Eger was an important stronghold and key to
the defense of the remainder of Hungarian soil. North of Eger lay the poorly
reinforced city of Kassa (present day Košice), the centre of an important
region of mines and associated mints, which provided the Hungarian Kingdom with
large amounts of quality silver and gold coinage.
It is estimated that the Turks lost 8000
men and the Hungarians just 300. Yet, the castle was as good as destroyed and
all knew that this was only a respite - the Ottomans had been defeated but not
After the victory Dobó and his officers
resigned, in order to protest King Ferdinand's refusal to contribute any material
help to the defense.
More in Hungarian
Podsjedanje i Osvojenje
By Ferenac Crnko
Na to isto vrime slavni gospodin Mikloš
Zrinski učini red u gradu meju gospodičići. konjnjici i pišci i meju ostalimi
vitezi. Kada jur razumil biše istino da ide turski car pod Seget. i kada vidi
vojsku dohajajući. tako učini dozvati u grad nutrnji sve kapitane, Vojvode,
gospodičiće, konjnjike i pišce i purgare varoške i svake vrste ljudi ki su onda
bili u Segetu koliko u varoših toliko u gradu, i učini varoška vrata zatvoriti.
I kada su se bili svi skupili u grad nutrnji, dojde meju njih sam gospodin
Mikloš Zrinski i poče stavši meju njimi ove riči govoriti:
»Moja bratjo i cesarove svitlosti verne sluge i
vitezi! Ovo jur istino vidimo da turska vojska dohaja pod nas. Zato je potribno
da se pripravimo i da gotovo čekamo našega i svega kršćanstva neprijatelja ki
na nas ide kruto oholo ufajući se u svoju moć i množinu poganstva, a mi ufanje
imamo u gospodinu Bogu, ki je vekši od njega i od njega (njegove) sile i ki
more nas malim obraniti, a njega i njegovu moć za ništar učiniti. Zato potribno
je da ga veselo čekamo i da se njegove množije ne strašimo, nego listo od Boga
našu pomoć i obrambu prosimo, i potribno je da vemi i jedini budemo, i da meju
nami ljubezan i poštenje bude i da svaki bude pokoran svomu gospodinu i
kapitanu i vojvodam, i da jedan suprot drugomu ne stane, nego da svi s velikim
mirom i pokomostju i ljubeznostiju skupa budemo doklekodir bude volja Božja.
Zato. moja bratjo, potribno je najprvo da ovdi svi
sada prisežemo na vernost najprvo gospodinu Bogu, potom našemu poglavniku
kršćanskomu cesarovoj svitlosti i tomu nevoljnomu našemu orsagu, a ja oću svim
vam najprvo, potom svi vi oćete priseći da vi nimate u meni dvojnje ni ja u
vas. Zato poslušajte moju prisegu:
Ja Mikloš Zrinski prisežem najprvo gospodinu Bogu,
potom cesarovoj svitlosti, svih nas gospodinu premilostivomu, i vam vitezom ki
ste sada ovdi. Tako meni pomozi Otac, Sin i Duh sveti, sveto Trojstvo, jedini
Bog da vas ja neću ostaviti, nego da oću trpiti s vami zlo i dobro i da oću
ovdi s vami živiti i umriti.
Zato potribno je da i vi svi sada prisežete ovdi pred
manom (preda mnom) svaki dva prsta gori podvignuvši. Opet oće svaki svomu
vojvodi i handaju priseči na vratili, Zato svaki ove riči govori za dijakom
velikim glasom prsta dva gori podvignuvši, a oćemo učiniti gledati; ako bi ki
ne prisegal i ovih riči ne govoril za dijakom ali prstov ne podvigal, da ono ni
pravi človik nego nevernik i da on ne misli s nami do konca biti. i potribno je
da se k mestu uhiti. A to je vaša svih prisega:
Mi svi: konjnjici i pišci i purgari i svakojake vrste
vitezi i sluge cesarove svitlosti prisežemo najprvo gospodinu Bogu, potom
našemu gospodinu cesarovoj svitlosti i ovomu orsagu i našemu gospodinu knezu
Miklošu Zrinskomu da mi oćemo biti vemi, pravi i pokomi njih' milosti i da smo
polag njihovoj milosti gotovi živiti i umriti. Tako nam pomozi gospodin Bog!
Opet poslušajte! To vam dajem svim na znanje: ako bi
se meni smrt primirila, tako da ja ostavljam u momu kipu i na mojem mestu ovoga
moga braca kneza Gašpara Alapija, i zapovidam vam da ga tako imate poslušati i
poštovati kako mene; i čto komu reče i zapovi, onako da ima učiniti.
Opet i ove artikule poslušajte: ako bi ki gospodičić
ili katana ili pišac ne bil pokoran svomu kapitanu ili vojvodi ili svomu
desetinjaku, da se k mestu posiče, ali ako bi na koga oružje potrgal.
I ako bi ki list turski uzel i proštal. da se k mestu
posiče. I ako ki jednu reč proti Turčinu progovori, da se k mestu posiče. Nego
ako ki kada ili kadi list turski najde na streli postavljen, da ga donese
handaju kapitanu a pišac vojvodi, i da ga on (kapitan ili vojvoda) prenese pred
gospodina, tako da se on čas u oganj vrže.
Potom kada se mesta razdile kadi ima ki stati i mesto
držati: kapitani, Vojvode i gospodičići, pišci i svake vrste ljudi, ako bi ki s
onoga svoga mesta pošal prez
dopušćenja svoga kapitana ili Vojvode ili desetinjaka,
da se k mestu posiče prez svake pravde. Nego ki ima ženu ili mater, da mu
donese onamo na mesto kadi mu je mesto dano, jisti i piti i drugo čto mu je
potribno. a sam da oncli mirom bude i misto drži; a oni ki nimaju žene ali
matere, ki bi jim ča donesal, onim mi oćemo činiti kuhati našimi sokači na
našoj kuhinji, i da njih desetinjaci dojdu i da jim odnesu piti i jesti. A vina
se oće davat svakomu ki ga nima jedan mecalj na dan, i octa, soli, kruha; oće
se davati melje, i ki nima žene, i takajše kruha; oće se dati melje i slanin, i
da sami učine kruh peći.
Opet, ako bi ki otajno kadi skupa dva govorila ili
šaptala, da se k mistu povedu kapitanu i da se oba dva obisita. I ako bi ki
našal tr bi je našadši zatajal za prijateljstvo ali za mito i posle bi se
izvidil, da se on i š njimi kupno obisi.
Ako li bi ki jedan dmgomu za jedan novac vridnosti ča
ukral. tr ako se najde, da se k mestu prez svake pravde obisi.«
I biše učinil gospodin Zrinski zboga
vekšega straha načiniti galge u velikom gradu Segetu blizu gradskih vrat na
I opet učini gospodin Mikloš Zrinski
jednoga pišca posići u velikom varošu na pijacu zboga vekšega straha, ki je
pišac bil na svoga vojvodu sablju potrgnul.
I onda isto gospodin Zrinski Mahmut-aga
Viliću učini glavu odsići za niku neveru ku je bil na puti idući u Seget
učinil. A to je učinil najveće da strah bude u gradu.
l učini gospodin Mikloš Zrinski da svaki
gospodičic' u velikom varošu svoju hižu raskrije i da se slama van varoša vozi
i važge, a u novom varošu da se slama s krovov uzme i u hiže nosi da more bolje
pogoriti varoš ki je listor jednim plotom bil ograjen.
Onda kada priseže gospodin Zrinski i svi
segetski vitezi, bilo jih je za oružje svih raz žen i dice dvi tisući i tristo
i nekoliko više.
In Hungarian
Szerecz Miklós: Vitézség tükrei. Zrínyitől
Rákócziig. – kézirat
’Testvéreim, derék férfiak és bátor
vitézek! Akik a császári felségnek szolgáltok, most mindannyian biztosan
látjuk, hogy a török császár a nyakunkon van. Ezért a szükség parancsolja, hogy
készüljünk fel, rendíthetetlen bátorsággal várjuk be ellenségünket és az egész
keresztény világ ellenségét, aki határtalan gőggel, meggondolatlan
vakmerőséggel, saját erejében és emberei sokaságában bízva fogott fegyvert
Mi pedig reménységünket és bizodalmunkat az
Istenbe helyezzük, aki minket biztosan meg tud segíteni, őket pedig
legkönnyebben vissza tudja szorítani és el tudja pusztítani. Ezért nekünk a
török császár idejövetelét nyugodt szívvel kell várnunk, nem riaszthat meg
bennünket ellenségünk ereje, csapatainak nagy száma. Egyáltalán nem kételkedünk
abban, hogy a legfelségesebb Istenünket buzgó imáinkkal segítségül hívjuk, ő
kegyesen mellénk áll, és segítséget fog nyújtani. Mindenekelőtt arra kell
törekednünk, hogy egyetértők, egymáshoz hívek legyünk. Ne legyen közöttünk
féltékenység, ellenségeskedés vagy gyűlölet, egyikünk a másik ellen ne
támadjon, hanem minden erőnkkel azon legyünk, hogy közöttünk becsület lakozzék
és a legnagyobb egyetértésbe jóakarattal éljünk, ameddig a Mindenható jónak
látja. Ezért testvéreim, semmiképpen sem felesleges most, sőt a legfontosabb
dolognak azt tartom, hogy először és mindenekfelett esküvel kötelezzük el
magunkat: elsősorban tegyünk hűségesküt az Istennek, a mi legfőbb elöljárónknak
és ennek a meggyötört hazának, hogy hűségesek és kitartók leszünk. Elsőként én
esküszöm, utána pedig ti, hogy nyilvánvaló legyen: köztem és köztetek nem
hagytunk semmi lehetőséget bizalmatlanságra.
Halljátok esküvésemet:
Én, Zrínyi Miklós először a Mindenható
Úristennek esküszöm, aztán a császári Felségnek, a mi legfőbb urunknak és
parancsolónknak és ennek a szegény hazának, továbbá nektek, katonák és vitéz
férfiak, akik itt egybegyűltetek; úgy segítsen engem az Atya, Fiú és Szentlélek
Isten, hogy én titeket soha el nem foglak hagyni, veletek élek és halok, és
mindent ami csak történik, legyen jó vagy rossz, veletek együtt fogok
elviselni. Ezért most szükséges, hogy ti is ugyanígy esküdjetek két ujjatokat
felemelve, tanúul hívva az Istent, esküt tegyetek, majd mindenki a saját kapitányának
is tegye le az hűségesküt a kapunál. (…)
A ti esküvésetek pedig a következő legyen:
’Mi mindnyájan, polgárok, lovasok és a
császári Felség katonái esküszünk először a Mindenható Úristennek, azután a
keresztény egyházunknak, ennek a hazának és a mi urunknak, Zrínyi Miklós
grófnak! Szentül megfogadjuk, hogy – amint az becsületes és engedelmes emberhez
illik – neki mindenben engedelmeskedünk. Erősen megfogadjuk, hogy vele együtt
akarunk élni és halni!’
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Miklós Szerecz: Thoughts of Vitism. From Zríny to Rákóczi. - manuscript'My brothers, good men and brave soldiers! Those who serve the Imperial Empire now all know for sure that the Turkish sultan is on our neck. Therefore, the need for us to prepare ourselves, we are waiting for our enemy and the enemy of the entire Christian world with unshakeable courage, who with a boundless steal, unmistakable recklessness, in his own power and in the multitude of his men, has caught us against us.And we place our hope and trust in God, who can surely help us, and can easily restrain them and destroy them. Therefore, we must wait for the arrival of the Turkish Emperor with a relaxed heart, and the strength of our enemy, the great number of our troops, can not deny us. We have no doubt at all that we are calling on our godly worship with our zealous prayers, he is graciously with us and will help. First and foremost, we must strive to be in agreement with each other. Do not be jealousy, enmity or hatred between us, to attack one against the other; but with all our strength, let us dwell in honor, and let us live with the utmost consolation as far as the Almighty sees fit. Therefore, my brethren, it is by no means superfluous now, and even most importantly, I believe that we must first and foremost commit ourselves to swear allegiance to God, our supreme ruler and this troubled home, to be faithful and persevering. Firstly, I swear, and then you will be obvious: between us and you, we have not left any possibility of distrust.Listen to my vow:I, Miklós Zrínyi, first swear by the Almighty Lord, then the Imperial Majesty, our supreme Lord and Commander, and this poor country, and you, soldiers and valiant men who gathered here; So help me the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, that I will never leave you, I will live and die with you, and all that is done, whether good or bad, will endure with you. Therefore it is now necessary that you too swear by lifting up two fingers, inviting God to call, and swear an oath, and then everyone should put their loyalty to the captain of the loyalty at the gate. (...)And your curse is as follows:'We are all citizens, riders and soldiers of the Imperial Sovereign, for the first time we swear to the Almighty God, then to our Christian Church, our country and our Lord, Countess Miklós Zrínyi! We worship the Holy Father, as he obeys the honest and obedient man, we are obeyed in all things. We strongly admit that we want to live with him and die! "
Miklós Szerecz: Thoughts of Vitism. From Zríny to Rákóczi. - manuscript'My brothers, good men and brave soldiers! Those who serve the Imperial Empire now all know for sure that the Turkish sultan is on our neck. Therefore, the need for us to prepare ourselves, we are waiting for our enemy and the enemy of the entire Christian world with unshakeable courage, who with a boundless steal, unmistakable recklessness, in his own power and in the multitude of his men, has caught us against us.And we place our hope and trust in God, who can surely help us, and can easily restrain them and destroy them. Therefore, we must wait for the arrival of the Turkish Emperor with a relaxed heart, and the strength of our enemy, the great number of our troops, can not deny us. We have no doubt at all that we are calling on our godly worship with our zealous prayers, he is graciously with us and will help. First and foremost, we must strive to be in agreement with each other. Do not be jealousy, enmity or hatred between us, to attack one against the other; but with all our strength, let us dwell in honor, and let us live with the utmost consolation as far as the Almighty sees fit. Therefore, my brethren, it is by no means superfluous now, and even most importantly, I believe that we must first and foremost commit ourselves to swear allegiance to God, our supreme ruler and this troubled home, to be faithful and persevering. Firstly, I swear, and then you will be obvious: between us and you, we have not left any possibility of distrust.Listen to my vow:I, Miklós Zrínyi, first swear by the Almighty Lord, then the Imperial Majesty, our supreme Lord and Commander, and this poor country, and you, soldiers and valiant men who gathered here; So help me the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, that I will never leave you, I will live and die with you, and all that is done, whether good or bad, will endure with you. Therefore it is now necessary that you too swear by lifting up two fingers, inviting God to call, and swear an oath, and then everyone should put their loyalty to the captain of the loyalty at the gate. (...)And your curse is as follows:'We are all citizens, riders and soldiers of the Imperial Sovereign, for the first time we swear to the Almighty God, then to our Christian Church, our country and our Lord, Countess Miklós Zrínyi! We worship the Holy Father, as he obeys the honest and obedient man, we are obeyed in all things. We strongly admit that we want to live with him and die! "
By Matija Mesić, 1866
Deli Vid Žarković", Golemi Štipan,
Radivoj, Hasanović,
Abram Penezić, Grdin, Slamenović, Miloš Badanković,
Svilojević, Klisurić, Hrvojić, Palikuća,
Matija Badanković, nadalje Pavao Joza,
Fabijan Šaš, Šar,
Mate Nagy, Huszar, Mate Hajdu, Benedikt
S takovom četom, malom na broju, ali jakom
ljenjem i srčanošću, mogaše se Zrinjski s
pouzdanjem primiti
svoga velikoga posla. I za-nj imaše obrana
Sigeta kao i za
njegove junake dvojaku važnost; nu njegovo
veliko požrtvovanje
nikada neće imati pravoga smisla i
tumačenja, ako
neuzmeš, da je on vojevao i pao za veliku
misao. Sada
bješe naclošlo ono vrieme, koje je on već
odavna izgledao:
s Turci valjaše započeti odlučni bojak! On bješe
od svoje strane, da uzdrži prvu
neprijateljsku navalu ; po
znavajući pako i tvrdo svoje mjesto i još
tvrdju vjeru i
hrabrenost svojih vitezovah, pouzdano
očekivaše, da će ne
prijatelj zlo proći pod Sigetom: na njega
pako tako oslab
ljena i ponižena oborit će se liepa
kršćanska vojska,
koja se je zbirala oko cara Maximilijana, —
na to će ju
barem voditi sličan primjer g. 1556! i tada
će biti pro
slavljeno kršćansko oružje, nad kojim je
Turčin tako dugo
pobjede slavio, i ponižena domovina, nad
koje je nesrećom
mnogo tugovao, opet će se dići jaka i
neprijatelju strašna.
Njegovim je vitezovom već prije polovice
srpnja jasno
bilo, da jih čeka u Sigetu slavna pobjeda
ol junačka smrt;
te buduć da su to bili ponajvećom stranom
sve sami posjed
nici što većih što manjih baštinah i ljudi
oženjeni, imajući
obitelji svoje: to je valjalo, da učine kao
čestiti ljudi zadnje
odredbe ob imanju svojem i za porodice
svoje '). Tada učini
i Zrinjski zadnju svoju oporuku, iz koje
žalibože samo
ne samo velika svoja imanja, nego i
otčinsku svoju
opomenu: da vierni budu Krstovoj vjeri i da
ljube kralja i
Kada je Zrinjski već za stalno znao, da se
vojska približaje samu Sigetu, skupi u
nutarnjem gradu oko
sebe kapitane i vojvode, konjanike i
pješake i Sigetske gradjane,
te jih pozdravi u malo kriepkih riečih, kao
što obično
čine pravi vojevode. Eto na nas sultana
Sulejmana, tako jim
mogaše po prilici reći, da nam otme grad,
koji smo uzeli
braniti kralju i domovini. On se uzda u
silnu svoju vojsku;
naše je uzdanje pako u Boga, koji nas neće
ostaviti, ako
ga budemo od srdca molili. Zato dočekajmo
našega i svega
kršćanstva dušmanina s hrabrenim srdcem.
Svaki nas čini
svoju dužnost. Sloga i ljubav budi medju
nami 2)!
Rekavši tako njekoliko riećih za ohrabrenje
svojih, pristupi k tomu, da ponajprije sam
položi prisegu,
zatim da tako isto učine njegovi vitezovi.
On reče ovakovu prisegu:
Ja Nikola knez Zrinjski, obećajem najprije Bogu Veli
komu, zatim Njegovu Veličanstvu, našemu sjajnomu vladaru,
i našoj ubogoj domovini i vam napokon vitezovom: da vas
neću nikada ostaviti, nego da ću s vami življeti i umrieti,
dobro i zlo podnositi. Tako mi Bog pomozi!
Na to prisegoše ovako njegovi vitezovi :
Mi svi, gradjani, konjanici, pješaci i plaćenici Njegova
Veličanstva, zaklinjemo se Bogu živomu, zatim kršćanskomu
našemu vladaru, domovini i našemu gospodinu knezu Nikoli
Zrinjskomu : da ćemo mu u svem biti poslušni ; da ćemo
š njim življeti i umrieti!
Bivši i ta prisega položena, proglasi
Zrinjski nećaka
svoga Gašu Alapića svojim nasljednikom za
onaj slučaj,
kada bi njega smrt snašla, te pozva svoje
vitezove, da tada
budu Alapiću onako poslušni, kao da jim je
on na čelu.
Neima vojske bez strogih zakonah, niti u
njoj neima
reda bez bojne stege: zato morade i Zrinjski
tom prilikom
svojoj četi proglasiti bojne zakone, koji
su imali za
trajanja boja punu i jednaku valjanost za
sve vitezove bez
obzira na njihov povlašteni oli
nepovlašteni stališ.
Ti su bojni članci ovako glasili :
- Tko se nepokori svojemu pogla varu, nego se ogluši njegovoj zapoviedi i suprotstavi mu se: ima se pogubiti.
- Tko bude primio ili čitao list od neprijatelja: odmah se ima ubiti.
- Tko nadje list neprijateljski, na streljici u grad hićen, odmah ga ima predati svojemu po glavaru, koji će ga udilj sažgati.
- Tko ostavi svoje mjesto bez dopuštenja svoga kapitana ili vojvode, odmah se ima objesiti.
- Tko se nadje u tajnu dogovaranju s drugom svojim, ima se š njim ujedno objesiti ; tako budi i onomu, koji bude opazio takovo dogovaranje, a nebude ga hotio prijaviti. Tko ukrade drugu svomu samo jedan dinar: odmah se ima objesiti.
Istom bjehu proglašeni ti strogi članci, i
već se Zrinjskomu skoro posije toga dade neugodna prilika, te je morao
pokazati, da će u istinu držati, što je proglasio. Jedan pješak bješe mač trgao
na svoga vojvodu : i zato mu Zrinjski dade glavu odsjeći. —
Još dade on pogubiti njekoga agu, koji je
idućprama Sigetu medju ubogim narodom strašno biesnio, te je poslje bio
ulovljen od Sigetskih vojnikah ').
Tako se dakle pripravi Zrinjski, da dočeka
Od strane vojske Maximilijanove nemogaše se
medjutim ništa učiniti, da bude stavljena kakova zapreka dalje napredujućim
Turkom: jer niti je ona već bila sva sakupljena, niti je znala za vremena za
pravo kretanje četah Sulejmanovih,
Thursday, April 6, 2017
Miklos Zrinyi ve Szigeti Veszdelem
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